Episode 140: Your Financial Goals Are Lying to You… Here’s Why

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Are you sure your financial goals here in Canada are on track?

If you’ve been feeling stuck, it’s not because your financial goals are too big—it’s because you may not have the right system in place to achieve them. Imagine creating unstoppable momentum with your money, where each move strengthens the next. This is exactly what happens when you adopt a “flywheel” approach to your financial goals: you build a sustainable framework that drives constant progress instead of relying on willpower or guesswork.

When you shift your focus from wishful thinking to a clear, step-by-step process, you experience tangible results. Picture freeing up extra cash to invest, automatically reducing debt, and watching your savings compound over time—all because you designed a system that works for you. Once your financial goal flywheel is spinning, it sustains itself so you can spend less time worrying about money and more time enjoying what truly matters.

What you’ll learn: 

  • Discover how to align each financial action so it naturally fuels the next, creating unstoppable momentum.
  • Learn how to shift from a one-time solution mindset to a continuous, compounding system.
  • Find out how to reduce stress and guesswork by focusing on the simple inputs that guarantee progress.

Press play now to learn how you can build your own financial flywheel and finally see your goals become reality!


  • Ready to take a deep dive and learn how to generate personal tax free cash flow from your corporation? Enroll in our FREE masterclass here
  • Book a Discovery Call with Kyle to review your corporate (or personal) wealth strategy to help you overcome your current struggle and take the next step in your Canadian Wealth Building Journey!
  • Discover which phase of wealth creation you are in. Take our quick assessment and you’ll receive a custom wealth-building pathway that matches your phase and learn our CRA compliant tax optimized strategies. Take that assessment here.
  • Dig into our Ultimate Investment Book List
  • Follow/Connect with us on social media for daily posts and conversations about business, finance, and investment on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook [Kyle’s Profile, Our Business Page], TikTok and TwitterX.  

Calling All Canadian Incorporated Business Owners & Investors:

Consider reaching out to Kyle if you’ve been…


  • …taking a salary with a goal of stuffing RRSPs;
  • …investing inside your corporation without a passive income tax minimization strategy;
  • …letting a large sum of liquid assets sit in low interest earning savings accounts;
  • …investing corporate dollars into GICs, dividend stocks/funds, or other investments attracting cordporate passive income taxes at greater than 50%; or,
  • …wondering whether your current corporate wealth management strategy is optimal for your specific situation.

Struggling to reach your financial goals? The problem isn’t your ambition—it’s your system. In this episode, we reveal how to create a financial flywheel that builds unstoppable momentum, turning your wealth-building efforts into an automated, self-sustaining machine. Learn how to align your actions, compound your money, and finally gain financial freedom without constant stress. Press play now and start building a system that works for you!


How close are you to reaching your financial goals? Do you know how many years, days, months? You know, I often, when I think about financial goals, I’m constantly haunted or reminded of the quote from James Clear’s Atomic Habits. And he says, you do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the levels of your, you,


You fall to the level of your systems. And when I think about goals and I think about financial goals and what we’re trying to do, trying to retire early, or we’re trying to build a safety net, or we’re trying to make sure that we don’t have to worry about money. We want to be financially free. We need a system and we need a system for our financial goals. And I want you to take a moment right now and I want you to think about your system. Can you see it? Can you draw it?


Could you share it with someone else, like a loved one or a friend? Does it make sense to them? Now, ask yourself this. Is it built to sustain itself? Because I think that’s what we’re after when we’re thinking about financial freedom, right? Is it built to sustain itself? And we believe every sustainable system, financial system, financial plans, structures, should be built using a flywheel model.


We talked about flywheels a number of episodes ago, probably a couple of years ago when we first started this podcast when it was called actually the Invested Teacher podcast. But the flywheel strategy we first learned from Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great. And it refers to a business approach that focuses on building and harnessing momentum to drive sustained growth success. And I often think about it when I think about financial goals. And we’re going to share our financial


flywheel system with you in just a moment because it is essential to have a financial flywheel so that you know where you’re going and you know when you hit it. But the flywheel metaphor comes from, you know, this image of heavy mechanical wheel that takes significant effort to set in motion. However, once the wheel starts rotating, it rotates and builds momentum, making it easier to keep.


It made it easier to keep it spinning and less effort over time. As you push that wheel, it gets easier and easier. And finally, you know, the wheel is spinning without very much effort at all. And that’s what we want in our financial systems. That’s what we want in our financial planning is that we built this system and the system is moving without a lot of effort to work on. But it’s moving in the right ways and it’s spinning so fast that it will actually strengthen.


our financial position and hit the goals when we want. So when we think about goals, have to immediately think, what’s my flywheel? So we want you to think about that. Think about goals, flywheel. Goals, flywheel has to be synonymous when we think about those two things. So there’s some key parts of a flywheel. We have to identify key drivers. Like what drives?


the work that we’re doing, what drives say my financial position? I like to think about inputs, think about inputs and outputs, like the wheel moving and the goals are the output, but don’t focus on outputs, focus on the inputs. What are the key drivers that we can put in? Is it consistently focusing on inputting and putting money into an account? Or I’m going to look at 10 real estate deals each month.


Like think about the inputs that help drive the machine. Once you have some inputs, you gotta think about building that flywheel. Like which pieces go together? How does one piece flow into the next? Because what you need in order for you to create momentum, each component of your flywheel, because it’s made up of components, has to push the next component of the flywheel. Otherwise you do not have a sustainable model. You don’t have this compounding machine that’s going to grow for you over time.


because it has to do that. It has to maintain consistency. So when you think about, here’s a famous flywheel, like Amazon. The flywheel for Amazon, basically, if you think about where they are now, like this is maybe not the flywheel they started with, but where they are now is like Amazon’s name brand is exceptional, right? So Amazon itself starts the name of saying, being on the platform,


is part of the start of the flywheel because what it does is it encourages and demands a low cost structure for products. We’re going to sell it at a low cost, which will drive prices lower, which then drives customer experience. So thinking about the flywheel, like there’s arrows here, like one drives the next piece, like Amazon’s name brand drives the lower cost structure, which drives lower prices for products, which then drives a better


customer experience for customers because they’re blocking to this, which is traffic, right? So the customer experience, a better customer experience drives traffic to the site. We can use the fact that traffic on the site can help sellers on the site go, hey, there’s a lot of traffic on the site. I want my product to be on the site, which then spirals into selection, right? We have better selection because we’ve


driven traffic, the customers to traffic, traffic to sellers have been, you know, are choosing Amazon and, and then now we have more selection and then that drives a better customer experience. And then that drives traffic and then that drives more sellers to the platform. And then that drives better selection and so on. You can see that each component of the flywheel drives the next component. That’s a flywheel effect. That’s what you want in your business. If you don’t have a flywheel in terms of your business, but


I often think about flywheels not only in just business, but I think about in personal side too. And that’s partly why you need to have a flywheel effect for your financial situation. in your business, do you have a new personal situation, your personal financial situations? Do we have a flywheel? I’m going to share my screen. If you’re over on YouTube right now, you can jump over there right now and you can have a look. But if you’re on YouTube, you’re going to see our flywheel for the Canadian wealth secrets.


business, business model. But also you’re going to see the the the flywheel for our financial planning strategy. We’re going to share that with you because it is essential to have a financial plan and it has to be a flywheel approach. Otherwise, you are not compounding. So I’m going to zoom in here. So here is our our our flywheel for our in order like this podcast itself is a component of the Canadian wealth secrets flywheel.


the way that our flywheel is really based off success stories and key learning, like education and learning and success. So when we think about, we consolidate success stories, we consolidate key learnings that we’ve had with meetings. And then what we do is that drives the next component of our business flywheel, which says we share educational stories. After we’ve consolidated them, we share them here on the podcast, we share them on YouTube, we share them on email, we share them.


In social media, like we share stories and get the education into your ears and your eyes. Sharing for us is a way for us to meet qualified people like yourself, contacts who are looking to solve the same problems we’re looking to solve for you and provide say education. We meet with qualified people because of the sharing that’s happening here.


and we provide education, we provide value, and eventually what we do is we provide a structure for your financial acceleration. That structure allows us to create lifelong clients. We’ve got lifelong clients because of the structures we’ve provided them to allow them to cashflow in their business when they maybe not have. We’ve allowed them to utilize tax-free efficient strategies that they may have missed out on.


we’ve created lifelong clients, which then allows us, again, drives the next component in the flywheel, which is we can consolidate those stories and those key learnings that we’ve had from our clients so that we can then share them back to the podcast here and share them on YouTube and share them in our email. And then we can meet new people to do the same thing with. And that drives this podcast itself, a component, but that drives what we’re doing here at Canadian.


Well, secrets. Now, if you’re still watching over on YouTube, there’s a spinoff here that is the financial component that we want to share with you. This is our financial plan. And we do this personally, but we also do this inside the corporation, inside the business. So we want to have, say, that flywheel effect happening to grow our assets, grow our income, so that we don’t have to a, you know, rely on, say, the machine to keep building it. Once one flywheel is…


moving very quickly and moving with momentum, it adds to the second flywheel. And when the second flywheel is moving, we could even turn the first flywheel off and the second flywheel keeps moving. So if you think about, because we do the first flywheel here, we provide the financial acceleration, you know, we earn business income. That business income moves to the next structure. Every time we get a dollar, that dollar goes into what we call our pass-through structure.


Our pass-through structure, if you listen to many episodes before, is our high cash value whole life insurance policy. We call this our financial ground floor. In a previous episode, I think it was an episode right before this, we talked about why we choose that structure. There isn’t another structure that allows us to have the safety and the growth balance that we’re looking for. It allows us to have liquidity when we need it for the next stage in the flywheel. And it allows us to have flexibility for that next stage in the flywheel.


If you haven’t listened to why, say, we choose the high-cosh value insurance policy for this financial ground floor, then go back and listen to the previous episode or go listen to a couple of episodes backwards. If there was another structure that wasn’t insurance, we would choose that as long as it allowed us to have the balance between the safety and the growth so that we could then fuel the next stage of the flywheel.


So the next stage of the flywheel is every dollar that goes into that structure comes out of that structure in form of leverage. We use that leverage to buy income producing assets. That’s the next stage of the flywheel. We look for the three silver bullets. Real estate allows us to have the three silver bullets. So when we’re looking for real estate deals, we’re looking for, can we get appreciation? Can we get cashflow? Can we get equity? We get all of those with real estate when we find the right deal.


it’s important for us to find income producing assets. So every dollar that goes into this machine goes through the pass-through structure, which allows us to basically create two uses for the same dollar. It’s inside the pass-through structure growing safely and it grows. It never goes backwards. And then we use that same dollar or leveraged against that same dollar to buy income producing assets like real estate. then, but we also split that between real estate and equities.


You have an ETF strategy that’s risk managed, provide some cash flow and some appreciation in the form of the stocks going up or the ETFs going up in value over time. So that’s the second, you know, that next stage of the flywheel. The dollar comes into the business, goes into the past through structure so that we can have two uses to the same dollar, goes into the income producing asset. Since it produces income in that asset, that income we first, that’s not the next move, it’s all of a sudden that goes in our pocket. That next move,


puts, we use that income from those income producing assets to lower the leverage or reduce the leverage from the leverage amount from the pass-through structure. So basically we pay back the leveraged amount, which then now basically gives us a free asset once that leverage just paid off. That in itself puts more business income in our pocket. And all of a sudden we’ve got a flywheel approach, right? Bit dollar comes in, goes into the pass-through structure,


uses the same dollar, buy an income producing asset, that income producing asset, use the income to reduce the leverage, the extra income goes into your pocket in the form of business income, and boom, you can then put it in the pass-through structure and then buy another income producing asset and so on and so on and so on. That is our flywheel. That’s our flywheel on our personal side too, because once business income comes to the personal side, we put it into a pass-through structure.


which then we can buy other assets on the personal side and then pay off those leveraged amounts. That then puts more money in our pocket. That’s our flywheel approach. Flywheel approaches are the key for velocity of money. The velocity of money is defined at the speed at which money flows or is exchanged in an economy. And when you have high speed or high change of money, that economy is booming. We want to speed up the velocity of our money.


That’s why we use a flywheel approach. It’s an exponential growth approach. It’s a compounding approach. It’s also, it speeds up the value of our money. So we’re going to end here because I want you to think about, we started with like your financial goals. Like what are your financial goals? Do you, do we have our financial goals? But then we quickly turned our attention to saying what’s our system because we don’t rise to our goals. We fall to our systems. Do we have a system in place that


will help catch us when we fall. Do we have a flywheel approach system? Do we have a sustainable system? So when we think about your, when you think about your financial goals, I want you to think about your flywheel. Do you have a flywheel? I want you to define your flywheel. Draw it out. Grab a piece of paper. Draw that flywheel. Share the flywheel with say your people, you know, your friends, your family members.


But then most importantly is follow the flywheel. Focus on the inputs. What are the inputs that drive the flywheel? And just focus on those. Don’t worry so much about the outputs because, you know, I think there’s a famous quote from a football coach that says, you know, like every focus on every play, every down and the score will take care itself. Don’t worry about the score. Focus on that specific.


play that specific down and don’t worry about the score because the score will take care of itself. Focus on the inputs that move the flywheel and the score will take care of itself. I’d love to see your flywheel. Share with us. Take care.

Canadian Wealth Secrets is an informative podcast that digs into the intricacies of building a robust portfolio, maximizing dividend returns, the nuances of real estate investment, and the complexities of business finance, while offering expert advice on wealth management, navigating capital gains tax, and understanding the role of financial institutions in personal finance.

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”

—Malcolm X

Design Your Wealth Management Plan

Crafting a robust corporate wealth management plan for your Canadian incorporated business is not just about today—it's about securing your financial future during the years that you are still excited to be working in the business as well as after you are ready to step away. The earlier you invest the time and energy into designing a corporate wealth management plan that begins by focusing on income tax planning to minimize income taxes and maximize the capital available for investment, the more time you have for your net worth to grow and compound over the years to create generational wealth and a legacy that lasts.

Don't wait until tomorrow—lay the foundation for a successful corporate wealth management plan with a focus on tax planning and including a robust estate plan today.

Insure & Protect

Protecting Canadian incorporated business owners, entrepreneurs and investors with support regarding corporate structuring, legal documents, insurance and related protections.


Unique, efficient and compliant  Canadian income tax planning strategy that incorporated business owners and investors would be using if they could, but have never had access to.


Grow your net worth into a legacy that lasts generations with a Canadian corporate tax planning strategy that leverages tax-efficient structures now with a robust estate plan for later.

We believe that anyone can build generational wealth with the proper understanding, tools and support.


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