Episode 31: Who’s Your Guide Along Your Hero’s Journey?
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Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter and even Marlin from Finding Nemo were all heroes in their respective stories, but they didn’t do it alone; each of them had a guide.
In today’s episode, we’ll discuss your role as the hero in your wealth building story and why you should have guides along the way to ensure that you not only maximize your investing potential, but also minimize your time horizon through coaching and mentorship. The Canadian Wealth Secretss also dig into the importance of recognizing where you are well-positioned to mentor others around you while continuing to leverage the mentorship of others who can keep you moving forward.
What you’ll learn:
- Why great coaching is like a cheat code;
- How you can maximize your role as the Hero in your wealth building journey by identifying your guide(s);
- How coaching creates an environment of accountability and support;
- How coaching allows you to move from learning to action;
- Why so many people are reluctant to invest in a coach, mentor or mastermind; and,
- What you should be looking for when choosing a coach, mentor or mastermind.
- The Canadian Wealth Secrets Wealth Building Booklist
- I Won’t Wish You Good Luck – Chief Justice, John Roberts Commencement Address
- Hero’s Journey Wikipedia
- How Teaching Math Through a Hero’s Journey Changed Our Teaching Careers [Blog Post]
- The Real Group Windsor Real Estate Team
- Canadian Wealth Secrets Ontario Mortgages
- Download our Wealth Building Blueprint
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Reach out to Jon if you’re looking for an Ontario Mortgage or an Ontario Mortgage Refinance!
Check out the work Jon and Kyle do assisting mathematics educators and district leaders.
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00:00:00:09 – 00:00:18:06
Matt Biggley
Now. I started in a group coaching program, so a lower cost and lower commitment. And then from the group coaching, I then went into the one on one coaching. When I heard once upon a time that Tiger Woods, who at the time was the best golfer in the world, that he had a swing coach, I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second.
00:00:18:12 – 00:00:40:16
Matt Biggley
The best golfer in the world has a coach. Why the hell do I have a coach? Olympic athletes, they have coaches, so why don’t I have a coach? And so I think it was going from that sort of comfort seeking teacher mindset that I had. It was pretty comfortable in my role to embracing this exciting, but ultimately kind of freaky world as well.
00:00:40:23 – 00:00:54:18
Matt Biggley
And knowing that I needed somebody who was an absolute expert to be able to guide me through that.
00:00:59:10 – 00:01:03:06
Jon Orr
Welcome to the Investing Teacher podcast with Cal Pierce, Matt Begley and John.
00:01:03:14 – 00:01:15:09
Kyle Pearce
I get ready to be taught as we share our successes and our failures encountered during our real life lessons. Learning how to build generational wealth from the ground up.
00:01:15:17 – 00:01:21:11
Matt Biggley
Income Invest in students to another episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast.
00:01:21:15 – 00:01:42:04
Jon Orr
Welcome, everybody. Welcome. We are excited again, as always. I think we always say that, guys, we’re excited too. Are you really do So, hey, another great topic, another great topic for sure, but just to give everyone a heads up, we’re recording this super early in the morning and it’s all somewhat groggy or some of us like Kyle, he’s like still groggy a little bit.
00:01:42:04 – 00:02:06:07
Jon Orr
He’s late, but he’s going to be on his A-game for you because this is what we do. We want to bring you lessons that you can apply to your life and your investing life in building your wealth. So today we’re talking all about why we need a coach and where our coaches in our lives come from and what they do to help us and why we need coaches for certain aspects of our life, like our investing life, like our wealth building life.
00:02:06:15 – 00:02:28:17
Jon Orr
It’s possible that you even may think that we don’t need a coach to be there beside us. Why We might think we need to go this alone. So we’re going to go down this pathway and talk about coaching in general and why we need one. And we’re going to share some stories about coaches that we have, coaches that we pay for, coaches that have been in our lives, that have taken us from one level to the next.
00:02:28:17 – 00:02:42:23
Jon Orr
And that’s what we hope for you to gain out of this episode, is that by youth knowing and realizing you need a coach in certain aspects of your life that you’re going to take from wherever you are on that platform and that you’re going to raise that platform just because you have someone to talk to you about it.
00:02:43:08 – 00:03:03:16
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. This topic came up in a discussion, actually, John, you failed to mention one of the reasons we’re groggy today is because you and I both flew in from Atlanta last night into a Detroit metro airport. We did a couple of keynote speeches at a math conference. Now, some of you were thinking, wait a second, okay, I know these are the Canadian Wealth Secretss.
00:03:04:00 – 00:03:42:14
Kyle Pearce
However, what the heck are you guys doing speaking at a math conference? And both you and I have been essentially coaching and mentoring teachers and districts all across North America and beyond in helping them to raise the bar on their math programs. And the whole thought there. Some people might be wondering, do you really need a coach? And maybe only certain people need coaches or certain industries need coaches and the reality is in education, a coach, math coach, an instructional coach, Matt was an instructional coach when he was teaching for part of his career.
00:03:42:14 – 00:04:06:18
Kyle Pearce
This whole idea, it’s less about trying to suggest that the coach knows more or knows all the moves, but more or less being able to help you figure out where you are. And yesterday, when we were speaking, one of our topics that we talked to math teachers about is what we call the hero’s journey. And we discuss this from a lens with math teachers.
00:04:06:18 – 00:04:28:09
Kyle Pearce
That’s really interesting, where we try to help teachers recognize that when you’re teaching students in a math class, you are not the hero. You shouldn’t be the center of your math lesson. It actually should be the students, and you need to act as the guide. You need to act as the coach. However, something that we were discussing, the car was like, What about the invested students?
00:04:28:09 – 00:04:58:01
Kyle Pearce
So when we think about the people in the podcast, like picture this, you’re listening to this podcast and you are invested students, you are trying to get further along your wealth building journey and that means you are the hero. So the message is a little bit different for you. I’m wondering, before we dig in here, Matt, I want to go to Matt and I want to ask you tell us a little bit about your experience being a coach, but then also, where are you now in your career now that you’re in real estate?
00:04:58:01 – 00:05:07:04
Kyle Pearce
What does coaching mean to you and what are your thoughts about people who are listening, whether it’s to be in real estate as a realtor or as an investor?
00:05:07:10 – 00:05:35:02
Matt Biggley
Thanks. Thanks. I love coaches and I love coaching as a teacher. It looks really different now as a realtor than it did as a teacher. As a teacher, I was an instructional coach and the part that I loved probably I mean, it was twofold. One was all the learning you got to do, you were exposed to all kinds of world class coaches and learning and really understanding and unpacking the power of instructional strategies and the impact that could have on classrooms.
00:05:35:13 – 00:05:56:04
Matt Biggley
And I think the second part that was exciting was working with teachers who were open minded to that, because to me great coaching is like a cheat code. It can ramp up your success so much faster than we can ever do on our own. Now, the challenge in teaching, of course, is that the accountability looks a lot different.
00:05:56:04 – 00:06:18:09
Matt Biggley
The motivation around coaching looks a lot different. And so in my now real true life, I have taken on a coach, a world class coach name is Marion Gillespie. Shout out to her. She is incredible. She has taken real estate for me from a side hustle to a career where I’m at the top of my game and in the top percentages of local realtors in.
00:06:18:09 – 00:06:40:13
Matt Biggley
It’ll be three years in August since I got my real estate license. And I can say to Marion, while she’s pricey, I say, You are not charging enough money because I really attribute her as being almost know God overwhelmingly responsible for my success. And I think it really comes down to coaching. There’s this great cycle of accountability and support, and I think that’s something all of us need.
00:06:40:13 – 00:07:00:02
Matt Biggley
It’s like we have this New Year’s resolution mindset when we create a goal for ourselves that we’re going to do it. We come out of the gate with a lot of enthusiasm, but what we then lack, I think, is that accountability coupled with the support in order to ensure that when you fall off the train or fall off the wagon, you get right back up and get right back on with Marianne.
00:07:00:02 – 00:07:27:15
Matt Biggley
I’ve got once a week, calls it up, and then she’s accessible throughout the week. And one of the things I love is I save up my questions and my wonders throughout the week and there’s an expert in the room that can track my problems and allow me to shortcut to solutions. Otherwise, I might tend to precipitate a lot on how do I deal with this challenge or how do I overcome this, or where do I need to learn so the expertise can cut right through that and the exposure to ideas that, like once learned feel so common sense.
00:07:27:21 – 00:07:51:15
Matt Biggley
But when I’m struggling with something, feel almost impossible to navigate at this point in time. We’ve just gone through the second quarter of the fiscal year and so now we’re doing some reflecting on the first half of the year and goal setting. So I love coaching for that. It really makes you reflect deliberately on your prior performance and then set goals and reset your goals moving forward.
00:07:51:15 – 00:08:10:00
Matt Biggley
So that’s been a big part as well. And then I think as a teacher and I think teachers really love to learn. As I said, I loved learning as an instructional coach. Coaching helps you go from learning to action because I could read books about real estate and about investing all day long. And this is something we see a ton of in the investing world.
00:08:10:06 – 00:08:29:01
Matt Biggley
We have friends, acquaintances who have for years said they want to start investing, but they’re still very much stuck in the learning and they can’t move beyond to the actual kids. So coaching is a huge, huge part of helping you move from that. Learning almost. He calls it mental masturbation. You just want to learn, learn.
00:08:29:01 – 00:08:30:04
Kyle Pearce
Learn and learn, learn, learn.
00:08:30:12 – 00:08:37:22
Matt Biggley
You don’t want to do anything, though. Great. And so coaching is really help to move to action, which is such an important part of moving yourself forward.
00:08:38:06 – 00:09:10:02
Jon Orr
Yeah, those are some great kind of big takeaways you had with your coach in some lessons that we should all kind of take away. Matt, I am wondering if you can share maybe something specific for the listener here in thinking about that interaction you’ve had with Marianne and think maybe something recent, something specific that she helped you clarify or helped you kind of gain some perspective on so that you did take action, would you be able to kind of dig in here and share like exactly this situation for us and for the listener?
00:09:10:08 – 00:09:14:09
Jon Orr
I think it can clarify for me and the listener, this was a huge benefit for you.
00:09:14:11 – 00:09:44:10
Matt Biggley
Yeah, I think we have our weekly conversations Thursday, 730 in the morning. It’s so early. Oh God is slightly lesser than what we’re starting at. Starting today. And so over the week, as I encounter my new learning challenges in real estate, I’m always kind of documenting and coming up with questions when so I think most recently for her, I’m coming off a period of time where my real estate partner was away for an extended vacation and I was really feeling overwhelmed at times in dealing with a good problem in real estate.
00:09:44:10 – 00:10:07:12
Matt Biggley
We just having too much business. 20 plus listings, lots of buyers, lots of lots of people who need help. And here I am sort of saying to Marianne, I’m overwhelmed. I’m tired out of working around the clock, what do I need to do? And she’s a very direct person as well, which I think I really value. She just because that’s the same problem you’ve had for the last 12 months, you don’t have enough help.
00:10:07:18 – 00:10:24:09
Matt Biggley
You need to go out there and get a buyer’s agent. You need to go out there and get some admin help and you need to do this immediately. So then she turns the tables around. I mean, what are you going to do or what have you done to find Buyer’s agents? What have you done to find some operations help?
00:10:24:12 – 00:10:54:01
Matt Biggley
And I said, Huh, here I am complaining about something. That’s a challenge in my business right now, a good challenge to have. And then I realize I haven’t had a plan of action in order to institute a solution to this challenge. And so the light bulb goes off and I get out of it day mode and I start to think, okay, I need to move into that solution mindset versus staying stuck in that problem, which I think it’s human nature for us just to participate and go over and over again.
00:10:54:01 – 00:11:11:17
Matt Biggley
On why is this happening? How can I find the right people when really the solution lies within me? I’ve got to just get out there and actually start to take action. And what I love about coaching something Marion reminds me all the time is that it’s not necessarily going to be straightforward. It’s not going to be a-to-b, it’s not going to be a straight line.
00:11:11:24 – 00:11:37:01
Matt Biggley
She said, Yeah, you’re going to hire some people that aren’t going to work out. Guess what? That’s part of being an entrepreneur, right? And I think back to the difference between being an entrepreneur, maybe being a teacher, like in teaching a lot of times staff, myself included, you get stuck on certain things literally every single year. You can almost follow the calendar year and say like, okay, we’re going to be complaining about this in September, then this in October, and then this in November.
00:11:37:09 – 00:11:57:15
Matt Biggley
Right? And so being an entrepreneur has made me incredibly uncomfortable, but in ways that have pushed me to grow. And I think the big takeaway was having this coach in place is that you’re not only learning about how to be better at business, but you’re learning about how to be better yourself. And that part’s been really, really cool.
00:11:57:15 – 00:12:12:00
Matt Biggley
So that’s kind of the inadvertent side effect of coaching. But yeah, you can’t stay a victim for very long when you have a coach because they’re going to force you into solution based thinking and going to take you out of that sort of complaint and victimhood mode.
00:12:12:00 – 00:12:14:14
Jon Orr
Yeah, They’re your accountability partner. Yeah.
00:12:14:14 – 00:12:15:15
Matt Biggley
Yes. Yeah, sure.
00:12:15:15 – 00:12:39:06
Kyle Pearce
And as you described it there, Matt, we’ve referenced the book, The Coaching Habit a number of times. It’s on our book list over on the website Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash books and in the coaching habit one of the quotes that we love so much is this idea. It says when you are coaching to stay curious just a little bit longer and hold off on advice and action giving just a little bit longer as well.
00:12:39:06 – 00:13:03:17
Kyle Pearce
And it sounds like that’s exactly how your relationship works with Marianne, where she’s not necessarily coming up with answers. She’s helping you land on the answer and then she’s putting it back to you, which is essentially perfect. It’s helping you to recognize that I have all of the answers in here somewhere. I just need someone to help me get to them or to find them.
00:13:03:17 – 00:13:32:08
Kyle Pearce
It’s like you’re in a room and there’s just stuff scattered all over the place. That’s your inside your brain and you’re trying to find the socks or find whatever it is you’re looking for. And this person is just asking you questions in order to get you closer and closer to that place. And I just think it’s so great, too, because, Matt, you having been a coach, I’ve been in a coaching role where John and I are both currently in a coach and mentorship role through both in math and in this investor space.
00:13:32:21 – 00:13:57:16
Kyle Pearce
And the reality is that everyone needs a coach. But interestingly enough, you can also be the coach for someone. It just depends what that thing is. So Matt, while you were coaching in the classroom and helping other teachers with their instruction, helping them land on some best practices through your questioning, you’re now over here and you’re being coached in this other aspect.
00:13:57:16 – 00:14:21:24
Kyle Pearce
Meanwhile, you’re also a coach in the real estate space, helping others to buy homes. So even though it’s still real estate, it’s like, wait a second, I thought you were getting coached in real estate where you are, but you’re getting coached in terms of building your business, being an entrepreneur, entering this world, which was new when you entered it, and now you’re still with your coach because you see there’s still so much value.
00:14:21:24 – 00:14:46:10
Kyle Pearce
And I think something that’s really important for those who are listening is that maybe Marianne may not be your coach for life. There may be a point where both of you sort of come to this place where she goes, You know what, Matt? I think you’re ready for a different coach because now your focus is shifting over here and I can recommend so-and-so in order to point you in that direction.
00:14:46:10 – 00:15:08:08
Kyle Pearce
Right? So I think the dynamic, it’s so important. And you can also look at our relationship, the three of us, as a coaching mentor mentee sort of relationship through some might call this like a mastermind, right? We’ve all partnered up not because Matt has all the answers over there and John has all the answers over there for these other things.
00:15:08:08 – 00:15:44:06
Kyle Pearce
We are working through it together and the thing I love most about the partnership that we have is that we are often times acting in both roles, sometimes in the same conversation, right? So when I’m stuck on something, Matt, you’re asking me interesting or important questions to help me dig through that when you’re contemplating something. John I’m trying to help you land on those things so some of you might be listening and maybe you have that immediate circle, like maybe you already have coaching support and you didn’t realize that that’s what’s actually happening or that’s what’s actually taking place.
00:15:44:06 – 00:16:09:11
Kyle Pearce
So pause for a moment and think about that. Do you have access to that group? However, I would argue that even though we have this group, Matt has his coach over here. John, you and I were interviewing different coaches for our math mentorship business that we were working with districts and we were looking for very specific coaching around and how we can scale the business online using certain metrics.
00:16:09:11 – 00:16:42:02
Kyle Pearce
So finding what it is that can help you get over your current hurdle can be really important. And I think this conversation is one of those things where if you’re listening and you haven’t taken action and you’re wondering, you’re like, What do I do next? What do I need to learn about next? I’m going to argue probably this exactly what we’re talking about might be enough, as Matt said, just to nudge you across that first hurdle so that you can start taking action and start actually doing the real learning, which is the doing right.
00:16:42:03 – 00:16:49:23
Kyle Pearce
You’re going to learn the most through doing instead of being over here doing the mental masturbation, as Alex Hermosa would call it.
00:16:50:15 – 00:17:15:20
Jon Orr
Yeah, totally. And when we talk about this, I’m reminded about it was a commencement speech that it’s not that it wasn’t my commencement speech, but I had heard about this commencement speech. John Roberts, chief justice for the Supreme Court, United States had one of his family members who was graduating, I think it was high school. He gave a speech called where he was basically themed that he’s not wishing The Graduate in class good luck.
00:17:16:05 – 00:17:31:20
Jon Orr
And that goes against the way you think what you should do for a graduating class. Kids are graduating high school or college. We’re like, Hey, we want to wish you good luck to go off into the workforce or at your next step, Godspeed, all of those things this one was all about. Like, I don’t want to wish you good luck.
00:17:31:20 – 00:18:12:06
Jon Orr
And the reason he’s not wishing those graduates good luck is because we have to kind of go through the muck. We have to go through hardship so that we learn things about ourselves and we have to kind of go through this struggle that gives you actual skills. But I think in this Kyle goes back to the beginning where you mentioned that when we speak to math educators and oftentimes we use the hero’s journey as a framework, and if you’re not sure what the hero’s journey is, the hero’s journey is based off Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero of a Thousand Faces, which basically says all of our classic adventure stories, hero driven stories like Star Wars,
00:18:12:17 – 00:18:35:21
Jon Orr
Lord of the Rings is the perfect example. You in Finding Nemo follows this storyline. So many stories that kind of have become classic. Follow the exact same story. This is why they call it the Here with a Thousand Faces. Basically. Just to give you a quick summary, is that the hero in all of these stories and all these adventure travels, the hero’s always kind of introduced and the heroes set off on a journey they do not want to go on.
00:18:36:06 – 00:18:53:08
Jon Orr
They’re not supposed to go on this. They’re forced into this journey along the journey. They have to battle the forces of evil. And it’s through the battling the forces of evil. This muck that they have to go through, this struggle that they learn all their powers, they learn about themselves. They learn about what skills they need to overcome the climax.
00:18:53:08 – 00:19:15:13
Jon Orr
And along this way, every one of these stories, the hero is introduced to another character. Everyone. That other character is a guide. It’s someone who’s been through this and they’re there to come in and step in and show them not the way exactly, but show them hold a measure up to themselves and go like, This is where you are, this is what you can do.
00:19:15:13 – 00:19:30:10
Jon Orr
But this is not only what you can do in Star Wars, obviously Obi-Wan Kenobi is that guide. And when you think about The Hunger Games, I think I forget the guy’s name, but it was Woody Harrelson’s character in the movie. He was the guy that had been through this already. He’s there to kind of guide them along the way.
00:19:30:23 – 00:19:51:15
Jon Orr
And Finding Nemo, like you said, Kyle Dory is the guy that steps in and kind of points Marlin in the right way of what he needs to be able to do to actually rescue his son. All of these stories have that guide character, and it’s that guy that you get to lean on. It’s the guy that’s actually which Matt, I think has just articulated his exact example with his coach.
00:19:51:15 – 00:20:08:04
Jon Orr
It’s like pointing you or holding that mirror up saying, this is where you are, but this is not where you’re going to go. And being very like, this is what we need to do. And I think it’s such a important role that a lot of us don’t consider. I don’t need a coach or that coach. It costs too much.
00:20:08:12 – 00:20:34:03
Jon Orr
If I have to pay for a coach, why should I pay for a coach? Kyle, you said that Matt’s a coach because he’s a realtor. Matt You’re getting paid to be a person’s coach. It’s part of our society that we pay for advice. We pay for some of that. So it reminded me of that story in that commencement speech that we have to go through this struggle, this mock, so that we actually learn about who we are and we attach value to these experiences.
00:20:34:03 – 00:20:41:07
Jon Orr
But we need to do that with a trusted advisor. It can help in like what Matt said, it takes you from here to here a lot quicker.
00:20:41:13 – 00:21:03:03
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. Now. I think it’s really interesting. It’s nice to give people a bit of a maybe context to hang on to an analogy that they can use. And again, in this investor journey, we want you picturing like you can be and you are the hero. But remember, we don’t want you to try to be a hero who goes it alone, right?
00:21:03:09 – 00:21:25:16
Kyle Pearce
Like in the end, if you are successful in this journey, right, which you can and will be you will require that support. And we would argue that starting with a coach or connecting and figuring out what that coach role or who’s going to take on that coach role can be really important. So I want to flip to Matt here.
00:21:25:16 – 00:21:46:15
Kyle Pearce
I’m wondering I want to kind of know two things. I’m wondering at what point did you recognize when you were first entering real estate? So you’re entering into a new world. You understood real estate from an investor side. You were already an active real estate investor. I’m going to argue you understood how deals work because we’ve written deals.
00:21:46:15 – 00:22:14:01
Kyle Pearce
We had even some of our own private deals that we’ve done before. So we’ve written contracts, we’ve done that, we’ve opened course, we’ve done all of those things. But then you went from a safe sort of teaching experience and Right, guaranteed paycheck, pension benefits, all those things. And then you went over here into this world of real estate to be a real ter selling real estate or transacting in real estate.
00:22:14:14 – 00:22:43:13
Kyle Pearce
At what point did you recognize that a coach would be so helpful? Because I’m going to argue that if everyone had experience with a coach like you’ve had, then everyone would do it right. It would be an obvious thing to do. So what helped kind of push you across the line And then I guess what was holding you back and like what might be holding maybe some of the other people who are listening to this podcast in getting the coaching they need along the journey they’re on now.
00:22:43:13 – 00:23:03:24
Matt Biggley
And I’ve really always valued expertise. Kyle And I think when starting in this new world of real estate, it’s pretty intimidating at the beginning to make a career change. Midlife was a pretty wild adventure, so I knew I needed some support right off the get go. I think that one of the big reasons people don’t get a coach is because they see it as a cost and not as an investment.
00:23:03:24 – 00:23:23:01
Matt Biggley
And I think that’s such a wrong way to see my coach coaches expensive. If she charged me double, I would happily pay it. Hopefully she doesn’t listen to this because it has been the greatest investment. In fact, I would probably say to new Realtors one of the biggest mistakes they make is not getting a coach. And teachers are like this too.
00:23:23:01 – 00:23:47:19
Matt Biggley
Like teachers I think are very comfort seeking people in that we want to get the contract and then we want a teaching or subject area. Then we want to get our classroom. Then we want to teach the same thing year after year. And that’s just human nature. And I think realtors are the same way. So when I talk to newer realtors and they say, I don’t really want to be told how to do something, or I really want to just focus on my website and my logo, what I learned from a team I joined right away.
00:23:47:19 – 00:24:05:20
Matt Biggley
They talked so much about this world class, amazing coach they had. I was able to kind of test drive her a little bit by accessing some of her content, and that’s what I advise to anyone when trying to pick a coach. Try them on like a nice pair of pants, interview them, access to free content, speak to others in that area.
00:24:05:20 – 00:24:32:17
Matt Biggley
And so by doing that, I was able to recognize right away and this has really, I think, been the key to my success, is it really was just embracing that. Now, I started in a group coaching program, so a lower cost and lower commitment. And then from the group coaching, I then went into the one on one coaching when I heard once upon a time that Tiger Woods, who at the time was the best golfer in the world, that he had a swing coach, I was like, Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second.
00:24:32:23 – 00:24:55:02
Matt Biggley
The best golfer in the world has a coach. Well, why the hell do I ever coach Olympic athletes? They have coaches, so why don’t I have a coach? And so I think it was going from that sort of comfort seeking teacher mindset that I had. It was pretty comfortable in my role to embracing this exciting but ultimately kind of freaky world as well.
00:24:55:09 – 00:25:21:15
Matt Biggley
And knowing that I needed somebody who was an absolute expert to be able to guide me through that. And I think some of our conversation today is talk to actually about maybe what a partner coach looks like to me. I wanted someone who was the absolute best in the industry right from the get go. I had a two year runway to figure out if real estate was going to be a career or if it was just going to be a hobby or side hustle.
00:25:21:15 – 00:25:43:18
Matt Biggley
So I wanted to shortcut that runway as quickly as possible to really help me make that decision. I had a two year leave of absence to play with there, and so I was on the clock right from the beginning. So there was certainly a sense of urgency for me. Most definitely. And I think that the other thing that we get ourselves into is this New Year’s Eve resolution mindset.
00:25:43:18 – 00:26:03:13
Matt Biggley
It’s almost like an irrational confidence that we can do this on our own. It’s the reason why gyms fill up in January, right? And then in February, they’re ghost towns. So I think that it was a matter of swallowing your own ego. And again, I love we talk about her, Moses, so much, but he talks about her having an ego is completely useless and no matter what you do.
00:26:03:19 – 00:26:22:07
Matt Biggley
And so I think this was also a little bit of humble pie in saying like, All right, I’m a successful teacher, I’m a successful real estate investor, I’m trying something new on. And I have to be able to recognize that despite people saying, you’re going to be really good at this, you need some help to actually realize your potential.
00:26:22:14 – 00:26:46:09
Matt Biggley
And that’s what I think a coach can catalyze. We’ve all got massive potential. We see this in students all the time. I used to say to kids like, there’s a point at which the potential is past tense if you don’t catalyze that potential into actual reality. And so I think rather than having like you guys are great partners and yes, we kind of coach one another through challenges and offer different perspectives.
00:26:46:21 – 00:27:11:01
Matt Biggley
In this case, I wanted top of the league best in the world because I knew if I was going to be my best version of myself, I didn’t just need a supporter. I needed someone who actually wasn’t going to necessarily be my friend. There’s times I get off my coaching calls with Marianne and I’m like, like upset, not offended, but I’m just like, Oh God, she really gave it to me this morning because.
00:27:11:01 – 00:27:11:09
Kyle Pearce
And I.
00:27:11:11 – 00:27:12:02
Matt Biggley
Hate I was.
00:27:12:19 – 00:27:13:21
Kyle Pearce
Like, it was maybe.
00:27:13:24 – 00:27:35:21
Matt Biggley
Pullups that morning. I was feeling sorry for myself or there was a challenge that I wasn’t thinking about in the right way. So I’ll rehash or reflect with my wife afterwards. And I just noticed myself unlocking what she said to me and realizing as the day goes on why that was such a brilliant piece of advice or correctives, suggestion or questioning.
00:27:36:09 – 00:28:00:08
Matt Biggley
And yeah, my world has been just blown up by coaching and I think we’re excited as investment coaches, as guides, as advisors. Real estate to talk about is a sales job and there’s certainly an element of that, but it’s really about guiding and advising and coaching to bring people through their path to help them overcome their reluctance and their hurdles.
00:28:00:14 – 00:28:15:15
Matt Biggley
And we have a couple of close friends who, for five, six, seven years, every time we see them, I really want to start investing and they haven’t been able to move themselves forward. That is in part because they have this irrational self-belief that they could do it on their own.
00:28:16:01 – 00:28:32:10
Kyle Pearce
I love it. And you said something that I think is really key and maybe worth kind of teasing out here just a little bit. It’s this idea that you mentioned when you came into the transacting in real estate, becoming a realtor, that people said, like, you’re going to do great, right? And they just sort of blindly say that.
00:28:32:10 – 00:28:52:02
Kyle Pearce
And the reality is, is that it is possible that you would have done great on your own. But here’s the crazy part is like, what does great mean to them? What does it mean to you? Does great mean. Just replacing your teacher salary doesn’t mean doubling it doesn’t mean terrible. What you did is you’re trying to maximize that impact as quickly as possible.
00:28:52:02 – 00:29:14:06
Kyle Pearce
Right. And I would argue people listening, there might be someone listening saying, no, I’m determined to do this wealth building thing 100% on my own. And yeah, you will get there, right? I remember a guy named Kyle who did the same thing when I was first getting into real estate as well. It took me about five years of digging and learning and doing all of those things before I took my first action.
00:29:14:15 – 00:29:34:22
Kyle Pearce
Then I took a very quick second action and then it was five more years before you and I, Matt sort of went, okay, let’s part. Like that was sort of an epiphany for us where we started down this journey. So I guess when people are thinking about this and they’re thinking about themselves and where they are in their journey, it really comes down to I guess, how badly you want it.
00:29:35:05 – 00:29:52:21
Kyle Pearce
And when you want something really badly, you usually want it sooner than later, right? You also want it to be as effective or as helpful as it could potentially be, rather than again, sort of flailing around and figuring it out. So I would argue it’s like, Yeah, Matt, I know that you would have become a successful realtor, right?
00:29:52:21 – 00:30:09:24
Kyle Pearce
But again, that success can be measured in so many different ways. However, like you had said earlier, I’m going to use the cheat code and the crazy part is it’s just like, I’m not going to feel bad about it. Right? When you play Nintendo, you use the cheat code and you’d feel bad about it. That wasn’t really me.
00:30:10:03 – 00:30:43:20
Kyle Pearce
No, no, this is still effort. It still requires an investment of your time and your money in order to do something about it. But on the other end, you’re able to leap over so many of those barriers, so much more smoothly. Not that the removed completely, but it’s just like, you know how to handle those barriers so that you can overcome them and start tackling the next one versus staying up at night thinking about it, tossing and turning, not knowing or not feeling confident that the decision you’re making is a wise decision, given the time and situation.
00:30:44:03 – 00:30:47:22
Kyle Pearce
So to me, that’s huge. John, what are you thinking at this point?
00:30:48:02 – 00:31:06:15
Jon Orr
A few thoughts to kind of, I think, wrap things up here. I’m so on board with this fast track cheat code because I don’t think I would have taken any first step without you and Matt say by my side into getting into investing in wealth building along that way. A long time ago it was like we’re reading books.
00:31:06:15 – 00:31:23:13
Jon Orr
I was reading books kind of learning about what to do, but it was like I didn’t want to take that step. It wasn’t like I said it out loud. I don’t want to. I was saying I want to take this step, but I never did. And it wasn’t until joining up with you in you guys being right there with me to go like, I’m going to take that step.
00:31:23:13 – 00:31:48:19
Jon Orr
And we did it kind of together. Like that was huge for me to build my confidence because I don’t think I would have ever done it without, say, that guide Yeah. Coach by my side, you two being my coaches. And I think I liked how you said it is an investment. And you’re right, we quote her mosey a lot in one of the podcasts that I listened to recently from Alex Formosa is that he said if he could go back in time, she was like earlier herself.
00:31:48:19 – 00:32:16:06
Jon Orr
He would spend as much money as he could on building his education level in where the areas that he needed to. It’s like he would have spent every dollar back into speeding up his learning process so that it builds in compounds over time and so that when he got to where he is today, he’s like, I already have all of this knowledge and it’s like, I wish that I could have spent all that money back then so that we have it now.
00:32:16:06 – 00:32:37:08
Jon Orr
I wish to imagine we could go back in time and pay for a coach to be by our side or just have a coach by our side a long time ago that how much farther we would be right now in the future. It’s so awesome to think about that. But also disappointing that I wish I had learned about this kind of helpful hand along my side a lot earlier than I did.
00:32:37:08 – 00:32:54:02
Jon Orr
And and it’s kind of funny. I actually kind of seem silly because it’s like we’re going to become investors when we get into the investing game. I’m just going to blindly we talked about this a couple episodes ago. We’re going to go to the bank. We’re going to hey Bank, here’s all whole whack of my money. I’m going to give you all of this money.
00:32:54:09 – 00:33:16:04
Jon Orr
And it’s like, I don’t know or like or trust you. I feel like you got a sense of this, but you’re not learning anything. It’s like we’re going to take it and do something with it and it’s supposed to kick back to you return over time. It’s kind of like you’re investing blindly in that way. We talked about that a while ago, but it’s like, imagine that you could have changed that and said, Look, I have someone who knows me.
00:33:16:12 – 00:33:35:18
Jon Orr
Trust me right there. The whole time. And then they’re kind of been through it and they’re guiding me on the right pathway to be like, You should do this. You should try that. What do you think about here? We your goals? That would be so much more helpful on your investing journey than, say, just kind of blindly trusting where to put a wacky your money for your future.
00:33:36:00 – 00:33:53:16
Matt Biggley
Love that, John. I love that. I think if the very best in the world have coaches and we certainly can too. And if I could have a wealth coach, a physical health coach, a mental health coach, I would take them all. I would take them all. So the best in the world need coaches and I certainly need one too.
00:33:53:16 – 00:33:54:18
Matt Biggley
I love that. I love that.
00:33:54:18 – 00:34:21:05
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. And something that I just envisioned is this waterfall method as well, where literally, Matt, you can be a super helpful coach to someone in who’s starting out in the real estate world who requires what you can offer them at this time. And you could be on the other end getting and receiving coaching from someone in the same industry, doing the same stuff, but you’re just in a different place along that journey.
00:34:21:05 – 00:34:45:11
Kyle Pearce
So my big takeaway here, and maybe what I’d like everyone who’s listening to reflect on is where are you? Think about where you are in your world. Where are you able to offer coaching? Right? Where are you in that journey? Who might be someone that you might be able to assist in something that you’re doing well, and maybe they’re not at that same place yet as you.
00:34:45:11 – 00:35:08:13
Kyle Pearce
And then where do you need or where could you benefit from some coaching on the other side? And again, it might be in the same area, it might be in the same if it’s wealth building, if it’s your career, whatever it might be. However, just think about where are you the coach and where are you, the one being coached and where could that be most beneficial for those who have been listening?
00:35:08:13 – 00:35:33:17
Kyle Pearce
We’ve had some people reaching out asking about coaching opportunities and we’ve had some calls with some friends to allow them to sort of try on the Canadian Wealth Secretss as different coaching guides along this journey where you are going to be set up to be the hero in this wealth building journey. So if that’s you head over to our website at Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com and head over to the contact button, just let us know.
00:35:33:17 – 00:35:52:04
Kyle Pearce
Hey, I’m interested in learning a little bit more. We’ll set up a time, we’ll chat, we’ll see if it’s a good fit for you. Or maybe it’s not a good fit for you based on what we can offer you at this time, we will do our best to try to point you in a direction to help you find the coaching that you need at this specific time.
00:35:52:12 – 00:36:23:23
Jon Orr
Hey, we want to thank you for joining us here today to listen to us talk about all about coaching. And if you could, all we ask in return is for you to go right now in your podcast app and leave a five star review and take maybe a little message about what you had. What were your biggest takeaway was that would help the show, that would help other people who are looking for investment advice or investment ideas to kind of get them started on their wealth building journey.
00:36:23:23 – 00:36:29:08
Jon Orr
So Again, head to your podcast app. Great and review this show that. Thanks so much.
00:36:29:21 – 00:36:43:23
Matt Biggley
We share all of this material, all of our links we’ve discussed in the show, all the resources, all the transcripts over on our website that’s Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash episode 31 again that is Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash Episode 31.
00:36:44:01 – 00:37:07:19
Kyle Pearce
Invested students head over to invest in teacher dot com forward slash books so you can check out the coaching habit which is one of many books. We have many on the list and we continue to add more and more as we continue this journey with you alongside you in this wealth building journey that you are on. So head on over to invest the teacher dot com forward slash books.
00:37:08:01 – 00:37:23:01
Kyle Pearce
You can check out some of the books right from the web or if you click the little button and grab the PDF, you’ll get some additional books which do not appear on the website. So a little bit of goodies there for opting in to our newsletter.
00:37:23:10 – 00:37:41:11
Jon Orr
All right, Investors, students, class dismissed.
00:37:41:11 – 00:37:50:11
Matt Biggley
This podcast content is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice.
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