Episode 40: How to Work With Your Instincts and Not Against Them

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We all know there are certain tasks that we gravitate towards and others that we tend to shy away from. However, what if we told you that there are many activities that you are doing on a daily basis that give you energy, while many others that are draining you of that energy? 

In this episode, Kyle Pearce and Jon Orr will take a deep dive into learning what drives you and what drains you through Kathy Kolbe’s Instinct Test called the Kolbe-A Test. Learn why Kyle’s perfect Kolbe Number of 8-3-7-3 is a great match for Jon’s perfect Kolbe Number of 4-8-2-6, and why you should spend time determining your own Perfect Kolbe Number. 

What you’ll learn:

  • What are your instinctive strengths and how can you put them to use?
  • Why knowing what drives you leads you to do your best work.
  • How to help yourself in getting unstuck by working with your instinctive strengths rather than against them.
  • Why your instinctive strengths make you a perfect fit for building a business, investing, and designing your long term wealth plan.



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00:00:00:09 – 00:00:19:21
Kyle Pearce
And that’s where that opposite on the team can be very helpful to kind of come in and go, Whoa, this is where I’m strong. Where you were preparing for the past six months. I got your back on 5 minutes notice when I could come in and try to help you out in that regard. So the beauty is, is that you can take this and you can learn about yourself.

00:00:19:23 – 00:00:43:21
Kyle Pearce
And again, I feel like it’s extremely empowering, like this sentence. Listen to this. It says, You have an uncanny talent for coming up with unique strategies. I would agree. Prioritize thing opportunities. Yes. And dealing with the unknowns in complex problems. I’m all over that. I love that stuff. You thrive when quantifying an opportunity and prospecting for ways to enhance it.

00:00:43:23 – 00:01:04:03
Kyle Pearce
That right there. That paragraph is why I am now a licensed insurance advisor and a wealth advisor.

00:01:04:05 – 00:01:10:16
Kyle Pearce
Welcome to the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast with Kyle Pearce, Matt Biggley and Jon Orr.

00:01:10:16 – 00:01:19:23
Jon Orr
Get ready to be thought as we share our successes and failures encountered during our real life lessons. Learning how to build generational wealth from the ground up.

00:01:20:03 – 00:01:41:12
Kyle Pearce
Welcome invested students to yet another episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast. With all three of us, I’m what shoot No it’s just to Matt right now is in negotiations back and forth on a deal. And you know what? I think it’s hilarious. I almost want him to hop on here just so we could watch him in action.

00:01:41:12 – 00:01:42:11
Jon Orr
Ooh, that’s a good idea.

00:01:42:11 – 00:01:58:11
Kyle Pearce
But you know what? This episode topic, I think it’s going to be too good for us to pass up on. So good luck to Matt and his clients, and he’ll be back with us, I’m sure, on the next episode. John, what are we digging into here with our invested student friends?

00:01:58:15 – 00:02:33:11
Jon Orr
Yeah. So in this episode we are going to give you some insight on how to think about how you work best or how you know how you function and a little bit of insight into your thinking and how to maximize your efficiency in any tasks you’re looking to get into or any project that you want to explore. We’re going to talk about how the two of us have understood a little bit more about ourselves that actually have allowed us to enter in more deals have gone farther than we could have without knowing this information.

00:02:33:11 – 00:03:01:23
Jon Orr
And I think I think it’s done wonders for us. It’s done wonders for our partnership. Kyle, between you and me and just knowing some of these facts about us that we’re going to share with you and how you can also know about these facts about yourself and where you can go, it’s going to open up your eyes to not only helping you on your investment journey, but I think it’s going to open your eyes and give you new possibilities for any interaction you have with others and also just getting worked on yourself.

00:03:02:00 – 00:03:21:22
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, absolutely. The one thing that I think really helped first of all, I want to say that I think you and I were really I’m going to say lucky in a lot of ways because early in our journey we were doing a lot of the same things back when we were teaching in the math classroom and we’ve talked about that before, how we sort of were in a similar place in the journey.

00:03:21:22 – 00:03:41:01
Kyle Pearce
So we sort of collaborated and kind of built that team. We talk about team all the time on the podcast, and for us it was just the universe had us both at the same place in the journey and we came together. We were just looking at really trying to save ourselves some time, help each other out. And from there it developed into something much greater than that.

00:03:41:01 – 00:03:52:12
Kyle Pearce
Of course, our make Moments business that we’ve had a tremendous amount of success with. But over the years we started to recognize that our personalities were very different and we.

00:03:52:12 – 00:03:53:13
Jon Orr
Talked about it here to.

00:03:53:19 – 00:04:14:17
Kyle Pearce
Exactly, exactly. We’ve talked about how oftentimes we refer to you as the implementer or the integrator, I should say, and we would call myself the visionary, the guy who’s always a little bit in the air thinking maybe a little further down the road. And there was a specific book that actually got us down that path. It was by Geno Wickman.

00:04:14:17 – 00:04:41:24
Kyle Pearce
It’s called Rocket Fuel. And Geno’s got many great books. Actually, Rocket Fuel is on our book list over at invested TerraCom forward slash books and going down that road, we’re really trying to figure out how do we make our business more efficient, more effective and really more successful and that was, I would say, one of the books that I don’t know if it was the beginning of that journey, but it’s the one that really clicked something for us, right?

00:04:41:24 – 00:05:05:03
Kyle Pearce
And I think because there’s two of us, there were two partners, it was really easy to identify, summarized it in two ways. Almost right away you’re like, Oh yeah, for sure. You are definitely the integrator. I’m definitely the visionary. And that makes a ton of sense. But actually, as we’ve gone down this path, we start to recognize some other characteristics about each other in terms of what makes us tick.

00:05:05:05 – 00:05:31:06
Kyle Pearce
And we’ve done so through, I guess, just through experimentation, through experience. And ultimately as of more recently, we’ve actually dug quite a bit deeper into this area and we think this could be super helpful for anyone in their journey, be it entrepreneurial, be it investing, or just be it getting to know yourself and what you enjoy doing. As we always talk about what is it that you’re doing all of this work for down the road?

00:05:31:08 – 00:05:52:21
Jon Orr
Yeah, I think that book Rocket Fuel, as you said, and I said there just a minute ago, that I think is the first instance where we realized that in when you have a partnership, when you have coworkers, when you are working together for a common goal, that to the people who are on the team have different roles and can play different roles.

00:05:52:21 – 00:06:17:07
Jon Orr
And I think that book talks about having every successful great business had two leaders, they had the visionary, and you also had the integrator because the visionary needs to be freed up to think about New ideas, new ways to generate revenue, maybe the forward facing contract that talks to the public, but also to partnerships. But the integrator is that person that says, okay, let’s take what we want to do and let’s make sure it gets done.

00:06:17:07 – 00:06:37:16
Jon Orr
So there’s the CEO or the CEO. So there’s always these two dynamics that they say is at the root of every successful business. And I think that book spoke to us so highly because maybe we played into those roles or we somewhat identified with each of those roles, you being that visionary, that always wants to kind of keep pushing us forward and move on to the next thing.

00:06:37:20 – 00:06:58:12
Jon Orr
Sometimes you’re like, We’re ready to move on to the next thing before we’re done the first thing. And then I get to try to play ground. Let’s make sure that we achieve the goals that we set we wanted to achieve. I think it was just a great book in general for any business or say anyone who is interested in partnerships or just pursuing any sort of business to help you with what’s really important, it’s okay.

00:06:58:12 – 00:07:13:12
Jon Orr
I think it gave us permission to to say like I think maybe you gave me specifically permission, called to think like, I don’t have to think like you. I think we both need to be visionary, so we both have to, like, keep moving the business for. But I think it really took a weight off my shoulders to go.

00:07:13:14 – 00:07:39:15
Jon Orr
I’m going to let you do that on the business side, and I will focus over here on this. And actually, I think because we read that book, it actually allowed us to strengthen those two personalities, those two roles where you got to strengthen being the visionary, and I got to strengthen being that integrator and working on systems. So I think if you have not read that book, I think it’s a must read for anyone who’s into business itself, but also team aspect.

00:07:39:15 – 00:08:11:04
Jon Orr
And also when we’re investing in real estate, you do need that team and you do need those folks beside you. And having a visionary, having an integrator is a really important role. Now, you said we got some new ideas as well that have helped kind of solidify some of those things. Tell the listener, I know the story, Carl, but tell the listener right now about where you stumbled across something else that helped kind of give you some new insight into your personality in how it jelled with my personality and why knowing those things can be so important for our listeners.

00:08:11:07 – 00:08:39:09
Kyle Pearce
Well, I think what’s really interesting about and how this whole thing happened is that even though I think the visionary integrator roles really, like you said, helped us to better understand ourselves, but not as clearly or at least I felt like there was still some parts of what I did on a daily basis that I almost felt like I was kind of fighting myself a little bit in terms of what I was wanting to do and what I felt I was supposed to do and so on and so forth.

00:08:39:09 – 00:08:57:20
Kyle Pearce
Even though I would try to remind myself like, Hey, I’m going to wear that hat and you’re going to wear this other hat. And I am the type of person that when there’s ideas out, there are opportunities to learn something. I like jump all over them, right? And that means I’m constantly putting things in our calendar and we have a shared calendar.

00:08:57:22 – 00:09:20:14
Kyle Pearce
We may or may not have mentioned this on past episodes, but you can see pretty much everything in my calendar. I can see everything in your calendar. And oftentimes we sync up on a lot of things. And you’d often note that like, Wow, Kyle, why do you have that meeting at 2:00 with so-and-so from whatever? And I’m like, Well, there’s this idea it’s about ads or it’s about this or it’s about marketing, or it’s about something.

00:09:20:16 – 00:09:42:00
Kyle Pearce
And I’m constantly I’m doing something, doing something new, and you’re always invited to it. And I always just sort of assume I John’s probably going to be integrating something. So you’ll probably not be on the call, but sometimes you are. And recently we were hopping on a call and it was actually with a tax strategist for higher net worth clients, corporations.

00:09:42:00 – 00:09:59:13
Kyle Pearce
It really spoke to where we were and I put this thing in the calendar. They had a great pitch. It was a cold email not called like mine or anything, just like out of the blue cold call out of LinkedIn. It spoke to me. I’m like, Wow, they have some good copywriting. I respect it. I’m like, okay, I’m curious here.

00:09:59:15 – 00:10:15:17
Kyle Pearce
And for me, it’s almost like we have a really good structure, what we believe is a great structure in terms of our corporate structure and tax minimization and all the things that we’ve set up, all the learning that I’ve done. But I took this call and I think immediately your thought was like, Why are we going on this call?

00:10:15:17 – 00:10:17:19
Kyle Pearce
We actually got it figured out, right?

00:10:17:19 – 00:10:35:02
Jon Orr
I liked the idea of this particular call because one of my roles, I think being the integrator, is also to try to help you be freed up, to be the visionary. And so when you go down little missions and go, I’m going to explore, I’m an explorer, I’m going to explore, I’m going to learn, I’m going to learn, I’m going to learn it.

00:10:35:03 – 00:10:57:16
Jon Orr
I had done a lot of that digging to put us in a position to try to figure out what is the best tax advantaged ways for us to save money or maximize the use of our money in our business. And I know that you’d spent so much time thinking about it. And then I think when we jumped on this call, I went into the call with a mindset of like, Perfect, we’re going to find someone.

00:10:57:18 – 00:10:58:23
Kyle Pearce
To pass.

00:10:59:00 – 00:11:02:23
Jon Orr
This thinking that you’ve been doing over to someone else.

00:11:03:00 – 00:11:03:18
Kyle Pearce
And they love.

00:11:03:20 – 00:11:20:20
Jon Orr
Right? So I was like, This is going be great because we’re going to get on this call if this works. So this guy can do all the thinking on tax savings and whatever business, corporations structure, all of that stuff that we’ve been, you know, you’ve been digging on. I’ve been listening. I was like, he’s going to take it off our hands.

00:11:20:20 – 00:11:36:23
Jon Orr
He’s going to take it off Kyle’s hands and Kyle’s going to be freed up to do some more thinking on some new area for us. Still even pushed further. And I remember we got on the call and he was saying all the things that you’d already done. I’m like, Oh, my God, this is a waste of time. We’re here.

00:11:37:00 – 00:11:56:01
Jon Orr
I’m hoping we’re going to pass it off. And the guy is pretty much saying, I don’t really can’t help you, Kyle. You’ve done such a great job thinking about this. I don’t think I can help you. And I’m like, Oh, man. Now, this did not take the weight off the shoulders. The crazy thing we talked after the call is you had a completely different mindset on that call.

00:11:56:01 – 00:11:57:00
Jon Orr
Tell him about your mom. Yeah.

00:11:57:00 – 00:12:08:12
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, for sure. I felt like at the end we hung up and I remember we’re on Slack, I think, and did a little hang out on Slack and you were sort of like, Oh, you just had that sort of like, Wow, that was pointless. We didn’t learn anything.

00:12:08:14 – 00:12:09:15
Jon Orr
We didn’t get what we wanted.

00:12:09:15 – 00:12:27:19
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile, I was all amped up and I was excited. I’m like, That’s great validation that the work we’re doing that you’re on the right path, right? So it’s just interesting that your perspective was different because you had a different kind of goal in mind. Whereas for me, I was looking more for the validation. Maybe there was a tip or whatever.

00:12:28:00 – 00:12:45:02
Kyle Pearce
But one thing it did lead to, which is great, is that I guess two things. First of all, we got connected to someone else on the team is that you’re going to get along with this guy. Great. So I hop on the next call and John, you hop on this call, and right away me and this gentleman are hitting it off is definitely many years.

00:12:45:02 – 00:13:07:00
Kyle Pearce
My senior, the storyteller. You’re a storyteller. We’re just chumming it back and forth. And, you know, I can kind of see John’s already on to probably doing something on the back end of the website, trying to fix something and make something work, integrating. And ultimately within 20 minutes of that call this person looks and says, We are so alike, you are a fact finder.

00:13:07:00 – 00:13:24:21
Kyle Pearce
And I was like, What? Yeah, that kind of makes sense. But I’m like, What does that even mean? What does it mean to be a fact finder? And he really let us down this path and he started describing me based on this way I was interacting with him. And obviously he’s been watching for this for many years now that I’m aware of it too.

00:13:24:21 – 00:13:43:03
Kyle Pearce
I try to look for it in people’s conversations, their personalities, but right away he’s like, I think you and I are really an awful lot alike. And he goes, John’s actually an awful lot like my business partner. He said, Steve, like Steve’s a lot like John. And I’m like, Well, that’s really interesting. And then he just started telling.

00:13:43:03 – 00:14:09:16
Kyle Pearce
I’m like, What are we talking about right now? What is this thing you’re describing? Like a fact finder goes, Yeah. Kyle you’re a high fact finder and a high quick start. I’m like, Actually, those would be two ways that I would probably argue are a whole lot about me. And then he started to kind of go down this path of this idea, this cold B test he talked about, which is kind of like you hear about these different like the disk test and there’s all these different personality tests.

00:14:09:18 – 00:14:37:07
Kyle Pearce
But the thing that’s really interesting about this one that got us kind of going is immediately I was, oh, he’s talking about the visionary integrator thing. He’s talking the same language as Rocketfuel, except I would argue it’s like going even deeper. He was going even further down. And he made a comment that I thought was hilarious. He goes, Kyle, I’m just going to let you know before I leave the call that you should probably hang up some photos of your family in your office.

00:14:37:09 – 00:14:54:23
Kyle Pearce
And I’m like, What? What are you talking about? And he’s like, Yeah, someone needed to remind me to do that too, because he’s like, I bet there’s nothing hanging on the walls in your office. And I’m like, Are you in the office with me right now? Because literally that is me. I have nothing on the walls. I have a whiteboard and that’s it.

00:14:54:24 – 00:15:13:18
Kyle Pearce
I have no pictures of anything. And right there I was like, I got to go do this thing. Look at you. See, you’re different than me. So we went straight down the rabbit hole. And because I’m a quick start, you know that immediately after that call, what I did, I went straight to this Colby site. We’re going to have all the links in the show notes here.

00:15:13:20 – 00:15:33:14
Kyle Pearce
And honestly, it feels like from doing this, the assessment it’s a 36 question assessment doesn’t take that long. And it actually it has you answer two things on each one, there’s four options. What feels most right? What do you feel more driven to do? And then what’s the thing that you dislike the most from this?

00:15:33:14 – 00:15:34:15
Jon Orr
Most Mostly.

00:15:34:17 – 00:15:59:12
Kyle Pearce
Mostly. So you do these 36 questions and then out spits four numbers that are called your Kolbe number. And I’m telling you, I don’t know about you, John, when you did it, but I’m going through this thing. I’m like, Oh my God, this is me. And I’m going to say one thing. Anyone who knows me out there, anyone who’s listening, who knows me well, know it says if you’re tired of asking, this is for me, for my Colby number.

00:15:59:12 – 00:16:18:23
Kyle Pearce
It says, if you’re tired of asking questions like, Why do you put off making repairs? Or Why don’t you take better care of your equipment? Right? My wife was dying laughing because Chantelle’s is like, That’s totally you. An oil change for me cost $750 because everything on your car needs to be replaced. Basically because I don’t go and fix things.

00:16:19:00 – 00:16:48:22
Kyle Pearce
And my Colby number actually says that about me. And to me it took us from this visionary integrator land and it actually gave us a new depth to better understand what actually drives us and what actually makes us do more procrastinating. So when you think about procrastinating, oftentimes procrastination is your brain’s kind of way of going like, I don’t want to do that thing over there, and you got to figure out a way to deal with it.

00:16:48:22 – 00:17:05:22
Kyle Pearce
And for me, it was like almost gave me permission to go, Oh, like all those times I go down the rabbit hole learning all these new things. Oftentimes I feel like I come up and there’s nothing tangible to show for it. I learned a bunch, but I didn’t really make anything. I didn’t make us any money, let’s say.

00:17:05:24 – 00:17:24:08
Kyle Pearce
But at the end of the day, I now feel like so much better prepared to do tomorrow’s work, let’s say, and that Colby number for me to satisfy it. Yeah, it totally made me go, holy smokes, I need to start rethinking how I do things because some of the things I do every day are because I’m driven to do them.

00:17:24:08 – 00:17:34:14
Kyle Pearce
And then there’s other things I do them because I think I’m supposed to. But I wonder if I’m actually wasting more time by trying to do those things instead of trying to figure out who can I give those to?

00:17:34:20 – 00:17:51:03
Jon Orr
Yeah, I did the test after you recommended me to do it as well, you being a fact finder going in saying I got to explore this and you found again everything there is to know about the Colby index here we went digging and digging. You kept saying, you got to do this in me. I’m not a fact finder.

00:17:51:03 – 00:17:53:02
Jon Orr
And we knew that about. We already.

00:17:53:02 – 00:17:57:21
Kyle Pearce
Start. I knew. I’m like, you’re not a quick start. You’re going to be like, I don’t know if this fits into my schedule.

00:17:57:21 – 00:18:18:20
Jon Orr
There’s no way that I’m jumping right into that without, say, validation first or thinking about whether it fits in with the schedule or whether it fits in with our existing goals. That’s not me. I actually have the lowest. You don’t have a score as low as two like I do, and my two is in Quickstart, so I.

00:18:18:20 – 00:18:21:00
Kyle Pearce
Slow start. Is that what they would call that?

00:18:21:02 – 00:18:44:02
Jon Orr
Your highest is in Quickstart And this is the part that I think is so great validation for us. But also giving us that permission, knowing where our strengths are, is that you are so great at the fact finding, but then your follow through is a three year follow through is like, I’m going to back fine like crazy. But then your job now, right, is to pass that off so someone else can do the follow through.

00:18:44:02 – 00:19:03:23
Jon Orr
This is why we’ve always adopted the integrator visionary roles, because my follow through is an eight. So my score on follow through is just as high as your fact finder score. So basically it’s like, I will make sure we get it done. That’s just my nature, right? My nature is to make sure that we follow through on everything that we want to do.

00:19:03:24 – 00:19:27:18
Jon Orr
Otherwise it will bug the crap out of me that if we set something and that it’s not there if I don’t get it done or if I don’t get it off my to do list, it eats at me to go like I have a hard time with setting something up and then not getting it finished. So if you’re watching on YouTube right now, Kyle is showing up an image of his for different guys, for different area.

00:19:27:18 – 00:19:38:24
Kyle Pearce
It says right everyone to have perfect score the number is a perfect score because it’s perfect for you. And that I think is such a massively awesome and validating message to have.

00:19:38:24 – 00:20:08:04
Jon Orr
Right. And I think when you look at yours and then when you look at mine, we actually have if we add ours together, right? And this is the best thing about the team aspect is that I think if you had two people at the same business who were both tested the same, if your index came up to Kyle, if you had another fact finder as high as yours and another quick start as high as yours, I have a feeling that the business might not just flow the same way our businesses have over the years.

00:20:08:04 – 00:20:26:01
Jon Orr
I think when you look at articles equals putting them side by side right here up on the screen, there are four areas that the index gives it to is there’s a fact finder, there’s a follow through, there’s a quick start, and then there’s implementer. And so when you look at our four where Kyle is weak, I am strong and where Kyle is strong, I am weak.

00:20:26:01 – 00:20:47:10
Jon Orr
It’s like we complement each other. And that’s the worlds aligned a long time ago and we gelled. And I think probably because we have these opposite personal lives in a way that we’ve gelled so easily over the time we’ve been in business together. But I think it speaks to finding your team. Your team has to complement each other, right?

00:20:47:10 – 00:21:06:21
Jon Orr
You have to If you go and find someone who’s the same as you, it’s not going to be beneficial. You want to actually find someone who is not the same as you excel is in the areas that you don’t excel in. And because if you can do that, then your business, your projects, your investments that you’re looking for are going to take off because you’re complementing each other.

00:21:07:02 – 00:21:41:08
Kyle Pearce
Well, and you know, it’s interesting because while your Colby and Michael B are almost exact opposites, when you look at here’s Matt over here and Matt’s a7463, I’m an 8373. So Matt and I are almost the same. And it makes it interesting because I think that’s why Matt and I get along so well. But we’re also both not massive implementers, although we want the implement and actually Matt recently has hired someone on to his real estate team to kind of act in that role, right?

00:21:41:08 – 00:22:06:14
Kyle Pearce
Because I think Matt is more, again, kind of visionary side with me. Him and I can dream big dreams, right? But then it’s like when the rubber hits the road, what are we going to do now? Mind you, in real estate and in real estate, investing in particular, it’s a little bit different. But one thing that Matt and I learned early in our journey is that actually that’s why property management worked really well for us, because we don’t want to be the ones to actually do that.

00:22:06:16 – 00:22:35:11
Kyle Pearce
But it’s just really interesting to see the different Colby numbers up on the screen. And one thing that I think’s worth knowing is kind of knowing about yourself. So, for example, if you’re going in for an interview or you’re going for say, or promotion or something like that, actually knowing your strengths, you can actually take your strengths. And actually while some parts of your strengths might be looked at as weaknesses, you can actually find what is the benefit in those strengths and really try to figure things out.

00:22:35:11 – 00:23:01:23
Kyle Pearce
So about data for example, while I’m not a great systems guy, right? So John is more of the follow through systems implementer type guy. The one thing it does say about me is that actually I work well within systems because sometimes things don’t always work the way we thought they were going to work. And when they don’t work well, I’m great to make sure that we run with it and we make it work.

00:23:02:04 – 00:23:19:00
Kyle Pearce
Whereas someone who’s very systematized and very sort of rigid into that idea of this is the way it’s got to be, sometimes when it doesn’t work out that way, you kind of hit a bit of a wall and that’s where that opposite on the team can be very helpful to kind of come in and go, Whoa, this is where I’m strong.

00:23:19:00 – 00:23:35:22
Kyle Pearce
Where you were preparing for the past six months. I got your back on 5 minutes notice when I could come in and try to help you out in that regard. So the beauty is, is that you can take this and you can learn about yourself. And again, I feel like it’s extremely empowering, like this sentence. Listen to this.

00:23:35:22 – 00:24:19:09
Kyle Pearce
It says, You have an uncanny talent for coming up with unique strategies. I would agree. Prioritizing opportunities. Yes. And dealing with the unknowns in complex problems. I’m all over that. I love that stuff. You thrive when quantifying an opportunity and prospect ding for ways to enhance it. That right there. That paragraph is why I am now a licensed insurance advisor and a wealth advisor is because I go so far down those rabbit holes and oftentimes just from my own knowledge, my own understanding, and then I start to see these opportunities of, wait a second, how I can apply that to my current world, right?

00:24:19:09 – 00:24:47:01
Kyle Pearce
Not only myself financially, but also to our businesses. So whatever you are, whatever your Kobe B number is, I think for me, we wanted to share this with the Canadian Wealth Secrets audience because we want you to better know yourself so you can actually figure out if you feel like you’re spinning your wheels a little bit. Maybe it’s because you’re actually trying to do the things that what you naturally or you are intrinsically drawn towards.

00:24:47:03 – 00:25:07:08
Kyle Pearce
You might actually be doing the opposite. You might be trying to do what John wants to do. But if I try to do what John’s driven to do, I’m probably going to encounter some failure. It doesn’t mean I can’t do it. The other thing they’re very clear on too, is I could probably do what John does, but I’m probably going to be exhausted at the end of the day trying to do it.

00:25:07:10 – 00:25:28:03
Kyle Pearce
Whereas if I do the things that I’m driven to do, then I’ll actually have more energy to give. And that’s one of the messages when we were on the phone there with Gord, who brought us on to this idea of the Koby test, it was like that moment where I’m going, Wow, he is well beyond where he needs to be in terms of financially.

00:25:28:03 – 00:25:49:21
Kyle Pearce
He could be retired, he could be doing nothing, but he gets energy from the work he does and he doesn’t need to do that work. And I’m like, Wow, how awesome is that? And when we talk about our personal beliefs on this show, I think that ultimately is what it’s all about. We are actually trying ourselves to try to figure out and say, you know what?

00:25:49:23 – 00:26:18:12
Kyle Pearce
What’s going to drive us to have the most energy for the longest period of time while also feeling financially stable where you can do those things. Imagine that world if every day you’re like, I’m only going to do what I’m driven to do. That’s a really hard thing to do. That’s a hard task. If you’re not certain what actually drives you, you can probably name a few things, but you probably are doing some of the other things that don’t drive you and that actually drain energy from you.

00:26:18:14 – 00:26:42:03
Kyle Pearce
So that’s kind of my big takeaway here. And if you’re looking to get started investing, knowing who you are is the first step, and then you can start looking for people that are going to complement you. Because when you figure out the parts that you don’t actually like doing, remember Me Fact Finder looking all over the U.S., analyzing all the different property markets before I decided to buy a property in the U.S.?

00:26:42:05 – 00:27:01:11
Kyle Pearce
Guess what? I loved doing that. That doesn’t mean that has to be you. That’s on the computer checking out every neighborhood, right? You could be more like John, who John’s like, Hey, listen, I trust everything, Kyle and matter researching. So I’m good to go. So that complements that in that freeze John up to do the things that he’s passionate about and that are driven for him.

00:27:01:13 – 00:27:12:13
Kyle Pearce
John What’s your big takeaway here for why maybe rocket fuel as a start for the book and why maybe the cold beer might be your next step in determining, hey, who you are and what your path is moving forward?

00:27:12:15 – 00:27:36:15
Jon Orr
I think my big takeaways, the same as yours, is really understanding your method of operation, how you operate. And I think that gives you flexibility. It gives you the freedom. Like I said, it feels like a weight is lifted off your shoulders when you’ve got almost like this index that’s telling you that these are the things that you do well at and these are the things that maybe you can find help to do like we’ve done.

00:27:36:15 – 00:27:53:05
Jon Orr
I think it gave me permission to go like, it’s okay that I don’t do this, this and this because it does drain me and it does act against me. And it’s way harder for me to do that when it’s way easier for someone like you, Kyle, to do those things for me, as long as we’re acting in sync and in partnership along the way.

00:27:53:05 – 00:28:15:18
Jon Orr
So I think that’s a really big takeaway for anyone who’s thinking about partnerships, but also just themselves and like how they operate and knowing more about you can actually put you in a better position to meet new people or work with others or get that deal done. So I think that’s it’s so important to kind of understand who we are and how we operate.

00:28:15:18 – 00:28:36:16
Jon Orr
So if you have not yet jumped over to the show Notes page while you listening to this so that you could start the A index test, do that now, head on over to the show notes page and you can click that link and that’s going to get you to the test. 36 questions. You’re going to say most or least on each question, and you get four of those options.

00:28:36:16 – 00:28:56:05
Jon Orr
And then by those 36 questions, it’s going to tell you what your Colby number is. I’d be curious to know if you have a number similar to my or similar to Kyle’s, or maybe you have your own perfect, unique number. So hit us up on social media. If once you do your test and get your number, we would love for you to share that to us.

00:28:56:05 – 00:29:14:04
Jon Orr
Tag us at Canadian Wealth Secrets on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, any of those things. Put a picture of your Colby number and tag Canadian Wealth Secrets so that we can see it will tag you ours as well. You can probably head over there right now if you’re listening to this and see a picture of Kyle’s, a picture of mine over on social media.

00:29:14:04 – 00:29:26:05
Jon Orr
So folks, hey, if you haven’t done this yet, share this podcast with a friend or family. We want you to keep that share, keep that love going and share with all your folks so that we can reach a wider audience.

00:29:26:10 – 00:29:48:12
Kyle Pearce
I love it. And guess what? Maybe you want to share that Colby number over on Apple Podcasts, leaving us a rating and review. You know how helpful that is in getting this show to more invested students just like you. We so appreciate you. And that’s really our big ask of course over on the Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com website, you can find all the show notes.

00:29:48:12 – 00:30:09:00
Kyle Pearce
You can find resources on book list our blueprint all kinds of great goodies over at investing teacher dot com. And this is episode 40. So just like every other episode you can go to invest in teacher dot com forward slash Episode 44 episode four zero and that will get you to those show notes. Friends, it’s been a pleasure.

00:30:09:00 – 00:30:32:08
Kyle Pearce
And remember if you haven’t yet get on the VIP club list over at Canadian Wealth Secrets Dot com forward slash VIP club and guess what you’re going to get opportunities to win some awesome goodies. Sometimes something small, but sometimes it’s something big. And of course we’ll try to give you some awesome, awesome value at the same time.

00:30:32:10 – 00:31:00:24
Jon Orr
All right. Investors, students, class dismissed. Just as a reminder, the content you heard here today is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice.

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