Episode 43: Momentum Hacks: Turbocharge Your Progress
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In our latest podcast episode, we dive deep into the transformative concept of the Flywheel Effect—a principle that holds immense power not only in business but in every aspect of life. Join us as we explore how the Flywheel Effect can help you generate unstoppable momentum through steady, consistent effort in your business, life, or financial portfolio.
In this episode, you’ll discover:
- The Magic of Small Steps: Learn why consistent, incremental progress is the secret ingredient for compounding success in your business and personal life.
- Key Drivers to Your Goals: Uncover the importance of identifying the core elements that drive your most ambitious goals, and how to leverage them effectively.
- Blueprint for Building a Flywheel: Gain practical insights into constructing your very own flywheel for any project, life event, or business endeavor, ensuring your momentum continues to grow.
- Creating a Positive Feedback Loop: Understand how aligning and enhancing key components of your business can trigger a powerful feedback loop, propelling you toward your objectives.
What you’ll learn:
- Why the Flywheel Effect is a powerful concept in business and in everyday life that will help you to apply steady, consistent effort that will lead you to significant momentum over time.
- Why consistent, small steps forward can have a compounding effect on your business’s success over time.
- Why it is so important to identify the key drivers related to the big audacious goal you are trying to achieve;
- How to build a flywheel for any project, life event, or business venture so that your momentum builds and is almost impossible to stop;
- How to build a successful Flywheel and identify the key components of your business that, when improved and aligned, can create a positive feedback loop;
- Good to Great – Jim Collins [Book]
- The Infinite Game – Simon Sinek [Book]
- The Canadian Wealth Secrets Wealth Building Booklist
- Flywheel Effect Examples:
- Amazon Flywheel
- Content Creator Flywheel
- Real Estate Investing Flywheel
- Realtor Flywheel
- Fiduciary Flywheel
- The Real Group Windsor Real Estate Team
- Canadian Wealth Secrets Ontario Mortgages
- Canadian Wealth Secrets Wealth Planning
- Download our Wealth Building Blueprint
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00:00:00:09 – 00:00:22:23
Jon Orr
Think about Amazon for a sec. Everybody knows Amazon. So Amazon adopted the flywheel model when they created their business model. So if you think about Amazon, they focused one of their key drivers on low prices. Let’s focus on trying to get low prices, because if we focus on low prices, then the next key driver that falls into is that will increase customer visits to our website.
00:00:22:23 – 00:00:55:18
Jon Orr
We’re going to build traffic by focusing on low prices. But then if we increase traffic, that key driver is going to influence the next key driver, which is attracting third party sellers and bringing the marketplace marketers to our website. Now, if we focus on that key driver that’s going to lead into us extending our products that we could put out into the world.
00:00:55:20 – 00:01:03:13
Kyle Pearce
Welcome to the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast with Kyle Pearce, Matt Biggley and John Orr.
00:01:03:13 – 00:01:11:15
Jon Orr
Get ready to be taught as we share our successes and failures encountered during our real life lessons. Learning how to build generational wealth from the ground up.
00:01:11:15 – 00:01:16:00
Matt Biggley
Welcome investment students to another episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast.
00:01:16:02 – 00:01:53:13
Kyle Pearce
Well, my friends, we are super excited to dig into this next episode of the podcast. We’ve got Matt back, but not for long because you’re hitting the road, I believe, as soon as tomorrow. However, we were lucky enough to squeeze in this recording and we wanted to start talking about something that we’re hearing from a lot of people, in particular from our audience on this show, where they’re coming to us and they’re sharing really their goals for trying to achieve financial freedom in order to sort of develop or generate momentum and moving in that direction.
00:01:53:13 – 00:02:11:00
Kyle Pearce
And we thought that this idea that we’re going to be sharing here from a pretty famous author and speaker and a pretty famous model is one that can be really helpful for the audience here today. What is it that we’re going to be unpacking for the group here?
00:02:11:00 – 00:02:34:14
Jon Orr
John Yeah, So from the book from Good to Great from Jim Collins, there’s a metaphor that they use to talk about momentum and business and momentum in momentum in your life, but momentum in general. So it’s called the flywheel model. And if you think about the flywheel model, the metaphor actually comes from you. Imagine this giant, let’s imagine like a huge wheel that’s super heavy.
00:02:34:14 – 00:02:57:16
Jon Orr
Maybe the horizontal is the way I look. I like almost like a turbine. You need to get a bunch of people to start pushing on it from one side. Just a budget, right? It’s like you’ve got to budge this wheel. And then as the wheel starts turning, it’s super slow all the way around. But then after that first time around, it’s a little bit easier to keep pushing and then it’s gets a little bit faster and a little bit faster and a little bit faster.
00:02:57:16 – 00:03:22:09
Jon Orr
And eventually this giant wheel, which was so hard to turn and get started, is turning almost on its own. And it keeps going faster and faster and faster because even just a little nudge turns it even faster. So the idea is that it built so much momentum that it’s hard to stop. And when we think about momentum, how can we create this momentum in our businesses?
00:03:22:09 – 00:03:42:09
Jon Orr
Or how do I create this momentum in my real estate portfolio and how do I create this momentum at my job, or how do I create this momentum in our life? How do I use a flywheel? What are some of the things about this flywheel? How do I create a flywheel so that it might be really hard to get started, but once it gets started added, every key thing just pushes the next piece.
00:03:42:09 – 00:04:01:01
Jon Orr
So one of the things that you need to identify to create a flywheel in your life is some key drivers of whatever you’re trying to push. So if you’re trying to push business, what are the key drivers in your business? If you’re trying to push your real estate portfolio, what are the key things you need to do to get started but also circle back to?
00:04:01:02 – 00:04:23:13
Jon Orr
And just by focusing on the key drivers, you’re automatically going to create momentum. And so I’ll give you an example here. This is the first example I heard when I heard about the fly, which was think about Amazon for a sec. Everybody knows Amazon. So Amazon adopted the flywheel model when they created their business model. So if you think about Amazon, they focused one of their key drivers on low prices.
00:04:23:13 – 00:04:48:08
Jon Orr
Let’s focus on trying to get low prices, because if we focus on low prices, then the next key driver that falls into is that will increase customer visits to our website. We’re going to build traffic by focusing on low prices. But then if we increase traffic, that key driver is going to influence the next key driver, which is attracting third party sellers and bringing the marketplace marketers to our website.
00:04:48:09 – 00:05:10:05
Jon Orr
Now if we focus on that key driver that’s going to lead into us extending our products that we could put out into the world. Why even without Amazon was a bookseller, now it’s just this huge everything you buy everything. It’s because they focused on that key driver, which then allows them to focus on reducing costs, which then allows them to leave lower prices.
00:05:10:05 – 00:05:30:16
Jon Orr
And now we’re back to the beginning of the wheel, and then the wheel just keeps going because now we’re focusing on prices again and then increases visits and then third party sellers and then extended distribution and then low cost in that. We’ll just keeps going and going and going. And so Amazon has realized, hey, you just have to focus on these things and the wheel is going to explode.
00:05:30:16 – 00:05:42:06
Jon Orr
It’s just going to take off. So that’s the beginning. The idea of the flywheel and I think guys, we want to talk about the flywheel in our lives and different examples of the flywheel and how you even build your own flywheel today.
00:05:42:11 – 00:06:03:17
Matt Biggley
I’m curious, John, this is a cool concept. It’s not one that I’m familiar with, but you’ve heard the book, haven’t read it. And following along as you kind of unpack this, I guess I wonder, so we’ve got this big model with Amazon. What other experiences have you and Kyle had? And either some of the other businesses you do or personally speaking, maybe make it a little bit more micro for us so we can relate.
00:06:03:19 – 00:06:24:09
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. Yeah, the Amazon example’s a great one. There’s actually, I would argue, Amazon, you could potentially talk about multiple flywheels that they’ve used in the past, right? Because I’ve heard you describe one, John, about customer service being sort of the momentum that they were looking to sort of work around. It wasn’t necessarily low prices initially.
00:06:24:09 – 00:06:52:10
Kyle Pearce
It was about just being the best, fastest awesome service in this one really niche down area, which was books. And then after that they started to expand to another one for us will be open and honest here and say if you actually think about things that you’ve had success with, I would argue that you could probably break it down in a similar fashion because we actually didn’t use this model in order to approach our math online business.
00:06:52:12 – 00:07:11:24
Kyle Pearce
It sort of just happened. So we sort of will call it lucked out that we were doing this and whether it was just one thing led to another, and we sort of just followed the pattern and kept going. The reality is, is that it’s broken down really nicely. And actually there’s a great visual that was shared by I think it’s on ConvertKit website.
00:07:11:24 – 00:07:37:01
Kyle Pearce
They have an article about the flywheel model and the way they’ve broken down. They call it the Creator. Flywheel is ultimately what we did in the math space. John and I having been math teachers and spending a lot of time trying to figure out how to do it better at a selfish reasons, right? We’re just trying to figure out how do we survive a 30 year career teaching a subject that most kids hate when they walk into the room?
00:07:37:01 – 00:08:03:06
Kyle Pearce
Right. It’s not a fun place to be, right? You’re selling something that they don’t like. And ultimately, what you could break it down to in where we got our success was that the first part of this flywheel that begins this process is learning and practicing continuously. So we spent a ton of time reading the research, trying things, investigating, trying and failing, trying and reflecting, doing all of those things.
00:08:03:08 – 00:08:24:03
Kyle Pearce
And then we start added to shares some of what was happening, both successes and failures. So we started to share our voice, share our point of view, and then starting to kind of craft a bit of a storyline, right, where people were invited into this journey with us. And as we did that, we created and publish content consistently.
00:08:24:03 – 00:08:50:01
Kyle Pearce
So we started blogging. This is when like blogging was I guess, the thing to do. So we would just almost like journal online publicly. And then the fourth part of this flywheel was and this was really key, was we actively promoted it so we would share it on social media. We had shared on Twitter specifically Twitter was kind of the big one, but then it was Facebook in sharing it on Instagram and on these different platforms.
00:08:50:03 – 00:09:08:21
Kyle Pearce
And then finally, after a really long time, like Jon, you said, you’re pushing this wheel and it’s like really hard to get it going and you’re doing it and you’re pushing and you’re pushing and you’re pushing. We make it all the way to the fifth stage When we finally went, You know what? I think we might be able to actually sell a product.
00:09:08:21 – 00:09:34:17
Kyle Pearce
Maybe we can sell a course in order to help other educators kind of repeat the process, but maybe do it faster with less stress, with less hassle, all of those things and hopefully more success and once we did that, that allowed us to then do the flywheel all over again, start from scratch and go back to the drawing board and go, what else is there to learn?
00:09:34:17 – 00:09:56:19
Kyle Pearce
What else is there to practice? How do I share it? How do I create more content that’s going to help and actively promote it and create another course or another offering for them? And then all of a sudden it’s like, Whoa, once this thing starts moving, all the other pieces start coming in. We start to get those referrals.
00:09:56:19 – 00:10:28:08
Kyle Pearce
We start to get people knowing your name, recognizing your brand, talking about it with other people, and the flywheel all just starts to go. And the key piece here is if you stop right in some businesses, you might be lucky in that flywheel might kind of do its thing, but I’m going to argue like if you completely stop and you let that momentum eventually start to slow down, you might find yourself back in that same spot where now you’ve got to start pushing again this hard, hard wheel to get it turning right.
00:10:28:08 – 00:10:54:16
Jon Orr
And if you forget to focus on one of the key drivers, then it becomes hard to push the wheel right and it’s going to slow down. That’s why you want to identify what key drivers are critical to the success of the project or success of what you’re after. So at any point in that journey, Kyle, if we said, you know what, we weren’t going to hone our voice and our point of view and we weren’t going to think about our unique story very often, then that would put a dent in the wheel.
00:10:54:18 – 00:11:15:14
Jon Orr
And then all of a sudden it’s really hard for us to create and publish consistently, and then that would be hard for us to promote the content you got to keep the key drivers and strengthen the key drivers every step of the way. So it’s not like I just have to identify these things and by just knowing them as 90% of the work and that last 10% is making sure.
00:11:15:14 – 00:11:41:10
Jon Orr
How do you strengthen these key things every time around the wheel so that it just keeps moving? So, for example, mortgage broker industry, it’s like what is the flywheel to keep that business flowing is thinking about step one is probably the ultimate, which is thinking about how do I give our clients the five star concierge customer service that they’re entitled to when they’re trying to find a mortgage or refinance their home to pull equity from?
00:11:41:10 – 00:12:18:19
Jon Orr
And by focusing heavily on that key driver and giving them that five star experience that allows the next key driver to start going, well, how do I help them refer that service to their friends, their family, their network? And then that key driver helps us go, okay, well, if we’re getting referrals from those key people, one of the things that we were doing is we’re using those referrals to help our realtor partners earn more money, get more sales in their business, which then helps that key driver refer more referrals back to us from those realtor partners and then those new clients coming in, the realtor partners, we’re giving them the five star experience.
00:12:18:19 – 00:12:39:06
Jon Orr
And then that cycle of just focusing on those four key things is what keeps that thing going stronger and stronger and stronger. Our business is solely on referrals based off those key drivers. So let’s lots of different examples of the flywheel. But I think in general it’s like what are the key drivers of the project, the idea that you’re looking for and how do you strengthen those?
00:12:39:08 – 00:13:14:01
Matt Biggley
I mean, it’s so interesting. You guys built a business out of kind of a nontraditional entrepreneurial field business flywheel strategy. I think if we bring it to the field of real estate investing, we see with investors there’s a ton of people that just get stuck and stuck for long periods of time. And I wonder if we could identify maybe some of those most common sticky places for people and have some strategies, some suggestions for how to get them more into this momentum, into this flywheel, because that is probably one of the number one issues we see for people interested in investing.
00:13:14:01 – 00:13:31:23
Matt Biggley
There’s a ton of excitement to start with and then they lose that momentum. They lose that excitement almost immediately and then spend the next number of years talking about how they wish they would have invested previously. So it’s a very, very common challenge out there for real estate investors, aspiring or even experienced real estate investors as well.
00:13:32:00 – 00:13:50:19
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, totally. And you can kind of think about this, and I’m thinking about the real estate piece because you and I met when we were building this up, we were figuring it out as we went, just like most people do, right? Luckily we had each other. Both you and I are big fact finders, so we love digging and love researching and learning about all those things.
00:13:50:19 – 00:14:15:06
Kyle Pearce
Really key pieces. But ultimately you can get as nuanced or as high level as you want. But basically it’s like, Hey, if we can figure out where there’s solid deals and what that means to be a solid deal, if we can get those under our belt right? So if we can start pushing and going, okay, so we’ve got a good deal, let’s actually do this work, let’s start building that recurring revenue.
00:14:15:07 – 00:14:47:22
Kyle Pearce
Let’s start to feel some of that success build. Then we can start to actually increase how many deals we might be able to take. So ultimately, at first, you and I, when we first got our first property in our minds going like, holy smokes, we really just want the dust to settle, right? That felt really hard. It took us a long time and we had to push that flywheel and we had to make it all the way around one time to kind of when for me, I’m the type of person I really like to experience the whole thing so I can go like, okay, that’s what that’s like, right?
00:14:47:22 – 00:15:04:13
Kyle Pearce
And like, here’s where we can do this better. Here’s where that I like that part. I hate this part. But ultimately, once you get all the way around, then you go, Oh, we can do that again. And then once you get another one in that thing starts to turn a little bit more and that momentum starts to pick up.
00:15:04:13 – 00:15:29:02
Kyle Pearce
Now, the one part that I think we still struggle with, at least in our world right now, is that we’ve struggled with finding good deals in our area and we haven’t necessarily dedicated enough time and effort outside of our area and ultimately, I think, starting to feel absolutely you’re absolutely right, starting a new real and it’s like, do we want to push that wheel I think is another big thing, too.
00:15:29:02 – 00:15:52:10
Kyle Pearce
So this is a question, I think, for people listening, whether you’re thinking about investing, whether you’re thinking about your personal finances and just trying to get that flywheel going, because I would argue there’s a flywheel there, right? So if you feel like you don’t have enough money at the end of every month, you’ve got to start doing the hard work right now to push that flywheel and identify what can I change, What can we do here?
00:15:52:10 – 00:16:16:05
Kyle Pearce
What are the key drivers that are driving whether I have financial success that I’m looking for, putting myself in a better position each month, or I’m putting myself in a worse spot. And ultimately at the end of the day, whatever that is, deciding whether you’re willing to push that flywheel I think is a really big piece because what we’re telling you is it’s going to be hard at first.
00:16:16:05 – 00:16:39:13
Kyle Pearce
It’s going to be seemingly hard, and it’s also going to take a lot of time and effort and energy and thinking in order to get that flywheel around. But if you really want that flywheel to start moving, you can get there. So ultimately, it really comes down to us when we decide whether this wheel is worth pushing for ourselves.
00:16:39:15 – 00:16:48:24
Kyle Pearce
And if it is, am I willing to put in the time and effort? And if I’m not willing to put in the time and effort, then maybe it’s not as important to me as I thought it was.
00:16:49:01 – 00:17:08:12
Jon Orr
Yeah. You know what I love about when you think about your finances or real estate investing and the wheel, is that I imagine that real estate investing is something you can always do and it’s like you can keep the wheels spinning. That’s the point of that game. And it makes me think of as the next book, The Infinite Game, The big Idea.
00:17:08:12 – 00:17:25:15
Jon Orr
I remember about the infinite game is that most people think there’s games are meant to be one, and Simon’s next idea is there’s so many games that are actually just meant to stage the game. Stay in the game. There’s an infinite game. The game just keep playing. The game is the point of the game. That’s what that is.
00:17:25:15 – 00:17:43:07
Jon Orr
And it’s like almost like real estate investing is the same thing. The wheels momentum once this gets going. Now the whole point that keeping the wheels turning is the point of real estate investing. We are going to build towards our financial futures. We’re going to get financially free or we’re building to leave to our loved ones when we’re gone.
00:17:43:07 – 00:18:03:01
Jon Orr
The whole point is to keep playing that game because it’s worth playing. You might find it fun. I think any wheel that you’re like it’s worth turning is going to be like that. It’s going to be like the whole point is to just keep turning that wheel. And if you can find that, it’s almost like the secret of life that’s so important to keep that turn and keep playing that infinite game.
00:18:03:04 – 00:18:23:22
Matt Biggley
My wife and I have been rereading Atomic Habits again, and he talks about it’s not about the habits, it’s about the identity. And it kind of makes me think of the same idea. Just like you said with Simon Sinek point, it’s not about the end result of the game. It’s about continuing to play the game. And I think that’s a real mindset shift for anyone, whatever they’re trying to apply this to.
00:18:23:23 – 00:18:47:02
Matt Biggley
So I really love that. And yeah, obviously it’s about leveraging experience. You, Kyle and I, for real estate investors to know where to start, to know what those fundamental activities should be and can be so that you can even approach the stage of momentum without hitting too many roadblocks along the way. Do you want to get to that place where you’re confident, where you’re flowing, where you’re feeling positive?
00:18:47:04 – 00:19:02:22
Matt Biggley
I think connecting with us and being able to talk about our experiences in real estate investing and about how we can help others develop this flywheel for themselves in their own real estate investing journey can be massive. You could save yourself an awful lot of time and time and effort for sure.
00:19:02:22 – 00:19:27:12
Jon Orr
For sure. And if you think about that, we I don’t think we’ve started with the wheel is for real estate investing that can be that keep turning but it’s like if you focus I know that you guys said that finding good deals is tough and that’s that first entry point that’s when you find those good deals. But I think also once you find it’s easier for you to find deals now, even though it’s still tough than it was the first time you found a deal.
00:19:27:12 – 00:19:46:01
Jon Orr
And it’s because it’s like once you buy your first solid deal, it leads into strengthening your track record. All of a sudden it’s like I’m a real estate investor, I’m in the game, I’m playing this infinite game, and it’s like, I’ve got that under my belt, which then helps you. Maybe it’s linked to your bottom line, so you’re adding to recurring revenue and that was a good deal.
00:19:46:01 – 00:20:09:24
Jon Orr
You bought a cash flowing deal, or maybe you waited a few years and you pulled some equity out and now you’re owning this property with no money in the property. So it’s like you’ve got that, you got that money now you’ve got maybe some money here, whether it’s cash flow or when it’s a chunk of money. But now you’re maybe in a position to hire a property manager or a team member, or all of a sudden it’s like, I’m okay, I’m one step closer, I’m going around my will.
00:20:09:24 – 00:20:25:19
Jon Orr
But then now I got a team member or I’m offloaded some of the work which allows me to look at, okay, how do I find more deals? Because I’ve now got more time to find more deals or now I’ve got an opportunity to to get leverage because I’ve got cash flow, right? So it’s like I’ve got this talent.
00:20:26:00 – 00:20:46:20
Jon Orr
Maybe that is going to help me find deals or give me more opportunities. I’m putting myself into places with deals because I’ve already been around the wheel partway, which then allows me to buy more deals and then it strengthens my track record and then I get more revenue and then I can hire someone to like replace what I was doing over there, which gives me more leverage, which could also flow with my deals better.
00:20:46:20 – 00:20:54:21
Jon Orr
So it’s like that right there is our real melting wheel, which kind of keeps that thing going. And I think that’s amazing.
00:20:54:23 – 00:21:14:03
Matt Biggley
Yeah, makes a ton of sense. John. I think I’ve been sharing with some new clients or just in casual conversations lately, talking a little bit more about our real estate investing. And when I say we have 31 units, people just gasp. And it’s almost like when you’re in momentum, you don’t even appreciate that you that you are right in that you’re creating these opportunities and find these opportunities.
00:21:14:03 – 00:21:32:04
Matt Biggley
And so, so many these people are stuck at trying to find maybe their first one or having had conversations with me over the years about finding that first one. And we’ve just kept going and going and going and going. And it’s only when you hear someone else’s reaction to the portfolio we’ve created, you sort of go, Wow, yeah, we really have been in momentum.
00:21:32:10 – 00:21:48:13
Jon Orr
Awesome there. Matt So let’s think about wrapping up here because I’ve got a big takeaway here. I want to leave with the listeners, but before I share mine, what would you say from learning about the flywheel? Thinking about the flywheel right now, let’s say you maybe you’ve had some time to think about the flywheel in the real estate world, real estate agent world.
00:21:48:15 – 00:21:52:24
Jon Orr
What would be your say? Big takeaway right now, but flywheel model for folks.
00:21:53:01 – 00:22:10:16
Matt Biggley
I think for so many people, it’s knowing where to start, identifying what those activities are. And that’s got to come through learning. It could come through experience or you could shortcut that and it could come through leveraging someone else’s expertise and really reflecting on this in real estate, because I know what my flywheel activities need to be in real estate.
00:22:10:18 – 00:22:35:07
Matt Biggley
And so often I’m taken away from that and focus on other things. So I’m in the process of trying to find more leverage and to be able to do that. So knowing what those activities are, knowing where to start, identifying with those activities are. And then I think just being really cognizant of where the hiccups might be, the roadblocks, the speed bumps that knock you off of your momentum and being able to get back into momentum as quickly as possible happens so much in real estate.
00:22:35:07 – 00:22:40:13
Matt Biggley
I talk about it as being in momentum, but I’m going to start to use this flywheel language. I really like it a lot.
00:22:40:13 – 00:22:41:16
Jon Orr
But college big takeaway.
00:22:41:18 – 00:23:08:06
Kyle Pearce
For me, I think it’s interesting because I think in life anything that is going well, if you reflect on it, you can probably break it down to something that’s repeatable in other aspects of your life. So for me, even just when I see a strategy like this one or this model and you think about it and you look at the different examples, you can probably pull all kinds of them in your own life.
00:23:08:06 – 00:23:35:11
Kyle Pearce
When you look at the things that you’ve had successes, those quick wins or maybe those big wins in your life, you could probably break it down to this flywheel strategy, but you could probably also break it down to some other strategies that are out there. So for me, the more we learned, the more we think about these different models, these different structures, It just helps us to become more strong, more intentional about the work that we’re doing in order to do it more effectively.
00:23:35:13 – 00:24:02:06
Jon Orr
Love that, love that. Yeah. I think my big takeaway, gentlemen, is if you want to change any sort of momentum in your life, you can do this anywhere. So what are some of the big key drivers that create that momentum, those key moves that you can put emphasis on that cycle back on themselves and if you can just keep strengthening those key drivers, three, four key drivers, five maybe, then you’re going to change your life.
00:24:02:06 – 00:24:11:10
Jon Orr
It’s going to change your life in whatever area you apply the model in. And so that’s my big takeaway, guys, because I think you can do this in so many aspects of our lives. I love it.
00:24:11:10 – 00:24:30:04
Kyle Pearce
I love it. Hey, friends, listen, we appreciate you. We love doing this work, as you can tell. But do us a massive solid if you’ve listened to this point in the episode, I’m guessing you didn’t hit the next button. So that means that you probably got something of value and there’s probably something worth sharing. So do us a big favor.
00:24:30:10 – 00:24:53:18
Kyle Pearce
Leave us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Wherever you’re accessing this content, it means the world to us and it allows us to reach an even larger audience like you so that we can take this work that we’re doing and share it with more people. We so appreciate you. So do us set solid and share away.
00:24:53:22 – 00:25:06:24
Matt Biggley
All the links, resources and transcripts from this episode can be found over on the website that’s invested. Teacher Dot com Forward slash Episode 43. That’s again again that is investing Teacher dot com forward slash Episode 43.
00:25:07:03 – 00:25:27:22
Jon Orr
Don’t forget folks we have a giveaway always running every month and you can enter into that giveaway over at investor teacher dot com forward slash VIP club enter over there that automatically enters you into the draw And then every month we will let you know when the draw happens by email and then you could win a gift card.
00:25:27:22 – 00:25:38:11
Jon Orr
Sometimes we have really big prizes. Sometimes we have a $50 gift card of your choosing. But VIP club, that’s where it’s at. Investor teacher Jacob George VIP Club.
00:25:38:12 – 00:26:11:13
Kyle Pearce
Well, all right. I invested students Class dismissed. Just a reminder, this content is for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice matters.
00:26:11:13 – 00:26:30:03
Matt Biggley
A licensed realtor in the province of Ontario was Dear Brook Realty. John is a mortgage agent with Bittrex Mortgage License number m23006803. Kyle is a licensed life and accident and sickness. Insurance agents with corporate advisors and Penn financial team.
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