Episode 58: “THE” Canadian Investment Strategy PROVEN to Build Generational Wealth
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How would you feel if you could be given “THE” Investment Strategy PROVEN to Build Generational Wealth so your legacy lasts well beyond your time here in this world?
Well, we’ve got you covered.
Today, we’re going to unpack what Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money has proven to be the most important factors to build generational wealth that lasts – AND it does not require taking “home run swings” at investments that promise 20% returns with questionable safety of capital.
In this episode we’re going to:
- unpack a Canadian Wealth Secret that is the most important factor when creating your wealth plan;
- share the biggest risk to the success of your Canadian wealth building journey; and,
- help you get started implementing this investment strategy that will ultimately lead you to the investment portfolio that will grant you not only financial security you’re seeking, but also the time freedom that comes along with it.
- My First $100 Million podcast | The Investment Strategy to Build Generational Wealth
- Same as Ever [Book]
- The Psychology of Money: Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed, and Happiness [Book]
- Book a Discovery Call with us so we can help you overcome your current struggle and take the next step in your financial journey
- Follow Kyle Pearce on LinkedIn for daily posts and conversations about business, finance, and investment.
- Dig into our Ultimate Investment Book List
- Download our Wealth Building Blueprint
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00;00;00;12 – 00;00;16;01
Kyle Pearce
How would you feel if you could be given the investment strategy proven to build generational wealth so your legacy lasts well beyond your time here in this world? Well, my friends, we have got you covered.
00;00;16;06 – 00;01;11;14
Jon Orr
Today, we’re going to unpack what Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money, has proven to be the most important factors to build generational wealth that lasts, and it does not require taking homeruns, swings at investments that promised 20% returns with questionable safety of capital. In this episode, we’re going to unpack a Canadian wealth secret that is the most important factor when creating your wealth plan, the biggest risk to the success of your Canadian wealth building journey and how you can get started implementing this investment strategy that will ultimately lead you to the investment portfolio, that will grant you not only financial security you’re seeking, but also the time freedom that comes along with it.
00;01;11;17 – 00;01;37;09
Kyle Pearce
All right, my friends, this is the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast and you got Kyle Pierce and John Walker. And here we’re going to be helping high net income individuals as well as high net worth individuals to grow their wealth into a legacy that lasts generations through hidden investment and tax secrets. Your financial advisors won’t believe are true.
00;01;37;15 – 00;01;57;28
Jon Orr
All right, Kyle, to kick off this episode, there’s lots of things floating around and I think wonders floating around, especially that intro that we just read out about, like what is the most important factor when creating our wealth plan? The risks involved. We’re going to unpack those things in this episode, but I think people are wondering, like, I’ve been doing this.
00;01;57;29 – 00;02;22;27
Jon Orr
Am I doing the right thing? Is there another best thing? And I think that is an important topic we do have to address here because I think most people consistently wonder, am I doing enough? Am I doing the right thing? Is there a better strategy that we can do? And I think we’re going to answer that here. And it’s probably a surprising answer that people are kind of like, I want the best strategy, tell me the best strategy.
00;02;23;03 – 00;02;29;01
Jon Orr
And they’re like, don’t worry, we’re going to tell you the best strategy. But you’re like, wait a minute. Are you sure that’s the best strategy?
00;02;29;07 – 00;02;47;00
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, absolutely. I think we’ve all been there before. I know, John, you and I have been there. Matt, our other business partner, has been there before, where you get stuck in this, like, kind of flip flop. One side of you want to just make sure everything’s going to be okay, right? You’re just like, in the future. AM I going to get to that place?
00;02;47;00 – 00;03;04;15
Kyle Pearce
We’ve talked on previous episodes, or if you haven’t heard, you need to go all the way back and look at some of the episodes where we talk about actually deciding on what that finance channel future is. What is it that you want for yourself that’s going to be really important in order to kind of satisfy this wonder that you have.
00;03;04;18 – 00;03;22;27
Kyle Pearce
So one side, you want to make sure it’s all okay, but you don’t know what okay is. And then on the other hand, you’ve got this competitive nature, right? Human nature wants to get more and more and more. Part of it’s a bit of like a survival tactic, right? You want to gather and make sure you have enough.
00;03;23;00 – 00;03;55;29
Kyle Pearce
Some of us, it’s more than others. I’m that guy that I tend to want to make sure I’ve got more than enough because I don’t want to have any possible worry with any of the uncertainty in the future. However, the problem I think that we find ourselves in is that we get ourselves in this place where we start to then get into and analyzing every single detail and then starting to sometimes lead to inaction because we’re trying to figure out what is the best move, what is the right move.
00;03;55;29 – 00;04;14;02
Kyle Pearce
And we’ve talked about this quite a bit in the past. We like to call it like the home run hit. You’re looking for the home run. And we almost look at it in such a way that there is only one of those as well, Right? So it’s like, I don’t want to do this thing because I could maybe do better in that thing.
00;04;14;09 – 00;04;39;17
Kyle Pearce
And it really shitty. Really what we’re going to unpack here today really stems from the author Morgan Houser’s work, and he’s got a great book. He has multiple books, but he’s got a new one called Same as Ever. That one I have not dug into yet. However, the book that we’re going to kind of be pulling apart is just this idea of the psychology of money and the subhead here is Timeless Lessons on Wealth, Greed and Happiness.
00;04;39;17 – 00;05;09;08
Kyle Pearce
So he goes through all of these details. But one of the things that I think is most important is the conclusions that he comes to around how to make sure that your investment strategy will lead to building generate tional wealth. And the one thing, as we said in the intro, it is not making sure that you’re making an average of 20% per year because let’s be honest, if everyone could do that consistently, we would all do it.
00;05;09;14 – 00;05;35;19
Kyle Pearce
One of the challenges becomes is when you start looking at some of those opportunities that are 20%, I’m going to argue that either it’s because you’ve worked really, really, really hard to dig down that rabbit hole to understand that particular asset class. And you’re probably still working really hard to ensure that you keep that margin there so that you can make the 20%.
00;05;35;19 – 00;05;45;17
Kyle Pearce
So I’m just going to take a step back. Think about that for a second, if that is what I’m after for investing. What you’re actually saying is what you’re looking for is another full time job, Right.
00;05;45;19 – 00;06;01;01
Jon Orr
Is about to say that you would have to invest all your time if you run it. And then all of a sudden it’s like if you want to go into stocks and do that, you’re like, well, might as well become a stock broker or a professional stock trader. That’s my day job because that’s going to guarantee or not guarantee.
00;06;01;02 – 00;06;16;13
Kyle Pearce
Better than everyone else. John Because remember what we said, the statistics are not pretty for consistently beating the market. So the question becomes is like, is it worth it when you put in your actual time the hours and the cost of that.
00;06;16;21 – 00;06;35;04
Jon Orr
And it’s not who you are as a listener, right? You are either an entrepreneur, a business owner, you’re running your own business, you’re thinking about other things. You don’t have that luxury. You might be like us. You don’t have that luxury to go. Like, I’m got to figure out all the details over here and get all of that and then go like, Wait a minute.
00;06;35;04 – 00;06;55;05
Jon Orr
But that strategy over there might do better. I better go learn all about that. That’s really what some mindset is for a lot of us that we are constantly wondering, is there a better way because we’re not fully invested into 100% of our time on one particular asset class? Do you have that constant question like, I’m in real estate, but should I be over there?
00;06;55;05 – 00;07;08;08
Jon Orr
Should I be doing indexing? Should I be doing stock hacking? Should I be doing that? There’s that constant wonder and really that constant wonder of you exploring these avenues actually, I think takes away from where the real gains can be made.
00;07;08;11 – 00;07;43;18
Kyle Pearce
I love it. And when we actually look at this and we’re going to let a little bit of the cat out of the bag here and really argue that alongside Morgan Housel, he says basically what you want to be seeking in order to have the best chance of reaching that generational wealth goal is seeking average ness. And I love that word average ness, because really what he’s saying is that if you’re putting tons of time and effort into trying to take these large swings and swing for the fences, the problem is, is that what ends up happening in those scenarios?
00;07;43;18 – 00;08;09;24
Kyle Pearce
In a lot of cases, we’re not saying all. I’m sure there’s some people out there that can consistently do really great things and they love putting the time and the effort and maybe it doesn’t stress them in order to try to get those upsized returns. The reality is, is oftentimes when those types of returns are available to you, there are added risks and added potential for losses in other ways.
00;08;09;24 – 00;08;45;02
Kyle Pearce
Right. And if you’re let’s say do in 20% here, but let’s say you lose half your investment over there, the average between those two things isn’t so hot. So I wonder if we could get closer to just what we would call like a typical average. And and here I think is the caveat is looking for striving for the average ness, be it if it’s 7%, if it’s 6%, whatever that number is for you, maybe it’s the index average right in the S&P, whatever you choose, you need to be confident with that.
00;08;45;09 – 00;09;09;29
Kyle Pearce
And I would argue that becomes your foundation, that becomes your sort of this this goal that you’ve set for yourself. And it doesn’t mean to ignore all other opportunities, but it’s like, do that. And when a potential homerun opportunity does arise, maybe you’re curious and maybe you like lifting those stones and finding those opportunities when they arise. You’re able to take them.
00;09;10;02 – 00;09;45;02
Kyle Pearce
But you’ve got this wonderful, we’ll call it foundation of average backing you up. And what I mean by that is you’re not taking all your eggs in one basket and throwing them over here into this upside and this really high average return scenario. What you’re doing is you’ve got this nice foundation so that when it feels right and you feel confident that you can take a portion of that nest egg and you take it and you put it into this opportunity because it feels right, not a too good to be true, right?
00;09;45;04 – 00;10;12;18
Kyle Pearce
But it feels right because you’ve vetted it, you feel confident in it, and you’re okay with the downside risk, then you’re able to maybe bump that average up a bit. It’s not going to send it your whole portfolio to 20% because if you did that, you’ve risked all of your portfolio here. You’re taking smaller sized bets to see if we can get that average up a little bit.
00;10;12;21 – 00;10;40;17
Kyle Pearce
But for others, you might choose, you know what, let’s just go with average and let’s just ensure that that happens. Because if I keep that average over time, I could then ensure that I’m going to have a relative tively stable wealth or portfolio I should articulate so that my wealth building journey is easier to accomplish. And there’s something there for me to pass on to the next generation.
00;10;40;20 – 00;11;07;18
Jon Orr
Yeah, and I think it’s a mindset thing because I think like I said before, is like, you want to jump around because you’re unsure, but Morgan Housel goes to argue that the long term winners is the average, and staying with that average is our long term winner. Instead of shooting for the stars every different strategy. So when you think about that mindset in going, I have to be okay with majority of what I’m doing as the average.
00;11;07;21 – 00;11;34;06
Jon Orr
And then maybe, like you said, small pieces are for when you want to venture into something else or when you want to try a different strategy. It’s not everything enough. Reminds me of not to say that the percentage here is the same, but I mean the 20% rule, which is what Google instituted for their workers, is that 20% of your time as an employee here, you can go and do whatever else you want and you could explore.
00;11;34;06 – 00;11;51;14
Jon Orr
You can learn new things like 20% time. They called it like genius time. This is something that people would go and learn new things with. And this is where Gmail came out of. This is where Google Drive came out of all these unique things came out of their employees being given the creativity, freedom to explore new things.
00;11;51;14 – 00;11;53;04
Kyle Pearce
But it wasn’t an all or nothing. Right?
00;11;53;09 – 00;12;12;11
Jon Orr
Right. It’s like saying we’re designated this chunk of time. It’s a small piece. It’s not everything. So if you think about your portfolio, what’s right for you? What do you feel comfortable with as this is your base and how much over here? Investors do this all the time. What this part over here is our playtime. But I would think of it more as your learning time.
00;12;12;11 – 00;12;34;10
Jon Orr
Think of it like that, too, because you need that learning time if you’re going to keep your base going and then go over here. If I do want to explore stock option trading, well, set some goals for yourself on saying like that chunk of time that I want to dedicate is to learn, but then also experiment. And it’s like, I’m okay with that over here.
00;12;34;12 – 00;12;52;06
Jon Orr
This is where my long term average strategy is guaranteeing what I really want and which is again, the mindset of what do we really want as our goal for the future? Because you can extrapolate, you can plan for the future to go, This is enough for the life I want to live and this is enough for my family.
00;12;52;09 – 00;13;13;21
Jon Orr
And if I keep doing this, this is enough to pass on that generational wealth. So let’s stick with that and then let’s also, when things come up, we can then dedicate time and some resources to exploring that, but make sure you decide this is why it’s a mindset thing, decide what you want. And we’ve talked about this before, Matt, on previous episodes, talked about his personal beliefs.
00;13;13;23 – 00;13;23;22
Jon Orr
What is that? Beliefs? We have to all decide what is enough and what do we want to shoot for so that we can be confident that we’ll get there and we’ve got a plan to get there.
00;13;23;24 – 00;13;43;03
Kyle Pearce
I love that you said a couple of things that I want to reiterate you had mentioned about from a time perspective, but I would argue that like similar ratios should be happening with your portfolio size as well. Right. So, John, you’re talking about spending a certain amount of time to, let’s say, learn about an asset class. So maybe you’re spending 20% of your time doing that.
00;13;43;03 – 00;14;02;08
Kyle Pearce
Now, for some people, you might be like, I don’t have 20% of all my time to learn about that, but maybe 20% of your investment time, right? Like the time you spend thinking and reflecting on your portfolio. But the same should probably be true for that amount of your portfolio. We said 20%. We’re not suggesting that has to be the number it might be.
00;14;02;08 – 00;14;03;29
Jon Orr
That was just an example. Yeah.
00;14;04;02 – 00;14;25;11
Kyle Pearce
LULI Absolutely. But those two things are really important because time is an investment as well. It’s not just the money in your portfolio. It’s not just how much your net worth is. It’s also the time, because I would argue that most of us are building our wealth so that we have more time freedom, we have more control over our time.
00;14;25;11 – 00;14;52;16
Kyle Pearce
We have that security, that financial security and stability so that we can make choices that maybe we may not have been able to make without the same financial ramifications earlier in life. Right. So when you’re just starting and you’re just getting into the world of work, when you make a choice to take time off and go on a vacation, maybe spend money and you’re not earning income, that’s a much bigger sacrifice when you’re younger than it is when you’re older.
00;14;52;16 – 00;15;16;18
Kyle Pearce
Now, some would argue me on that and say no, when you’re younger, when you’re supposed to do that, it’s all mindset and it’s all What is your goal? What’s your personal beliefs that you’re after? So one other piece that I think is really important for us to consider here is this idea of what is and we’ll use the 8020 idea here, John, like you said, it doesn’t have to be 20% that we’re dealing with.
00;15;16;18 – 00;15;43;13
Kyle Pearce
It could be ten and 90, it could be five and 95. It’s totally up to you. You have to decide that. But if let’s say we use 8020 as the example, the biggest question I think you need to ask yourself is what is your 80%? What is that asset class? What is that thing, that approach that you’re going to use that is going to represent 80% of that wealth building journey or 90% or 95, whatever that number is for you?
00;15;43;15 – 00;16;06;17
Kyle Pearce
And I would argue that when we hear from folks who listen to the podcast, one thing that we’ve recognized, it’s a pattern we’re seeing with many of the calls that we’re having. And I’m not blaming anybody because I’ve been there, I’ve totally been there, is that we spend 80% or 90 or 95% of our time on the next thing instead of the opposite.
00;16;06;19 – 00;16;28;20
Kyle Pearce
So we’re actually doing the opposite. And the real question I think we need to ask ourselves first is which asset class am I most confident in now that can ensure that I’m invested now? So for some of you, that might be just a mutual fund at the bank. And again, we’re not going to pick on you if you have a mutual fund.
00;16;28;20 – 00;16;50;07
Kyle Pearce
You hear so many people say mutual funds, you could do it better in an index if it means taking action, go take action, book the appointment and make it happen. Get into the market, make it happen so that you’re doing something. What is that, 80%? What’s that big chunk that is going to be your average ness that you’re looking for?
00;16;50;07 – 00;17;09;13
Kyle Pearce
You have to decide on that before you want to go down other rabbit holes. So for those who are just starting, let’s say a real estate journey, right? I started way back started looking in 2008 and 2009. I had some mutual funds kind of sitting there doing its thing, doing kind of nothing, but at least it was something.
00;17;09;20 – 00;17;34;04
Kyle Pearce
And I went down the rabbit hole of real estate at that time. I would argue that if that’s you and you’re exploring that, you need to also be thinking that this is going to be a journey for you and you don’t want to look back five, six, seven, ten years from now and recognize that, oh my gosh, I didn’t have something working towards my average age that I really wanted or needed to help me along this wealth building journey.
00;17;34;07 – 00;18;03;15
Kyle Pearce
So it’s almost like an action here that I feel folks should have is by taking some sort of action on the thing that you know best. And it doesn’t mean that it has to be the thing that’s going to earn you most. And I think this is the part that people get stuck in. It’s like they want to go for that home run, so they want to do better than maybe what they’re doing now, or maybe they’re hesitant to get themselves invested into something because they’re worried that it’s not going to have a big enough return.
00;18;03;23 – 00;18;31;23
Kyle Pearce
Well, if we don’t take that action, that would, I would argue, is your biggest risk because your average return on nothing is 0%. Right. So if I’m not doing something, then my average I’m starting with a really low average. And the longer I go with that average at zero, the worse it becomes, right? Because then we get in a scenario where we get someone reaching out to us who wants to retire in five years and they say, I want to do it with real estate.
00;18;31;23 – 00;18;55;08
Kyle Pearce
But they’re still in the learning journey of real estate. It’s like, okay, well, what are we going to do in the meantime while we work our way towards that goal? And is real estate even the best fit for you? Because what it sounds like to me when I hear someone who’s five years away from retirement and they don’t have, say, the real estate portfolio started yet is that they’re hoping for some home runs.
00;18;55;11 – 00;19;12;24
Kyle Pearce
And if we’re hoping for home runs, we’re setting ourselves up for a really, really uncertain situation. So it’s like, what is that foundation going to look like for you? And then we can branch off and see how do we raise that average ness that we’re after from day one?
00;19;13;02 – 00;19;33;13
Jon Orr
Yeah, I think for me, the secret is thinking of it in terms of intensity versus consistency. I think what you’re saying is people are trying to swing for home runs at the end or figuring out like, Oh, I want to retire now. It’s only five years, I want to go early. But now I’m forced into moments of intensity where I have to swing for the fences.
00;19;33;15 – 00;19;51;12
Jon Orr
I have to do something big. Whereas the secret right is focusing on the consistency. What can we do consistently? Because it’s like, you know that if you want to get in shape, right, you’re not going to go and hit the gym two days in a row in bulk up and try to lift as much weights, you’re going to all of a sudden be jacked.
00;19;51;14 – 00;20;10;12
Jon Orr
That’s not how getting in shape works. You’re getting a shape. Works is saying, like every day I’m going to go and I’m going to spend 25 minutes or 30 minutes and in two years I’m going to be jacked. That’s a moment of awe, moments of consistency that create results, not intensity, doesn’t always create the results in certain situations.
00;20;10;12 – 00;20;31;16
Jon Orr
And building your portfolio journey. Most of us know that it is an act of regular consistency that will create those results. But to pair that with what you’re saying is we’ve got to choose where that average ness is. And then we focus on the consistency there so that we can create that personal beliefs that you’re after.
00;20;31;18 – 00;20;48;18
Kyle Pearce
I love it, and I want to speak specifically to our entrepreneurs and our business owners out there. And this may also just be more like of our high income or high net income individuals out there who do have a significant amount of money that they’re sitting and they’re looking and going like, what do I do with this stuff?
00;20;48;18 – 00;21;22;02
Kyle Pearce
So one action is, of course, picking that thing for consistency, right? For average ness. But I would go a step further and say those who have corporate structures, for example, John, you and I and Matt, we have corporate structure. Some of the biggest and most important decisions that we make that have the biggest impact on our future wealth building and that legacy that we’re looking to create really comes down to the decisions we make and where we make the investments inside of what structure.
00;21;22;04 – 00;21;53;12
Kyle Pearce
Right? So for some of you that might be if you don’t have a corporate structure, it’s like, am I investing in my RSP? Am I investing in my tax free savings account? Which one should do which? And ensuring that you have an understanding around the structures that are available to you is really important. And the reason why I say entrepreneurs and business owners is because the vast majority that we’ve chatted with and we work with a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners, the vast majority, they have a financial advisor, they have an account.
00;21;53;13 – 00;22;19;05
Kyle Pearce
These are all good people, like we’re not picking on these people. But the reality is, is that by making small adjustments, not to the investment itself and what they want to invest in, but smaller adjustments in where they’re making the investment inside a corporation, inside a holding corp or whatever structures or strategies we put in place that do not involve the risk associated with the actual investment.
00;22;19;07 – 00;22;57;18
Kyle Pearce
Oftentimes what happens is they actually open themselves up to having more access to capital instead of having to make a higher risk play. So in summary, it’s actually easier if we structure things better so that we consider all the tax implications and we use creative strategies in order to do so in a compliant way. So that I could actually aim for a lower average ness than maybe I had in mind originally and still be ahead of where I would have been had I added in a few of those home run swings in there.
00;22;57;21 – 00;23;28;23
Kyle Pearce
So imagine that world. Imagine if it was less about the investment you’re actually making and more about where the money is in terms of where that investment is happening and the process in which the investment is being essential, purchased or invested. That to me is one of the biggest game changers that anyone can make out there, so let alone deciding to invest is one thing, but then also having a clear understanding.
00;23;28;23 – 00;23;50;00
Kyle Pearce
So, for example, just to give one quick example for those who are kind of leaning in on this and going like, What do you really mean here? I’m going to talk about someone, not worry about a corporation or business owner. Just talk to the everyday individual who’s putting money into an RRSP. If I’m putting money into an RSP, I save tax now.
00;23;50;03 – 00;24;16;26
Kyle Pearce
Beautiful. But I got to pay tax later. Imagine in a world where I put a bunch of money into this account that’s tax sheltered from now until whenever I take money out. Except the only difference is, is that when I put the money in there, even on capital gains, which normally is only taxed 50% of that, that gain is taxed, meaning your tax rate is cut in half.
00;24;16;28 – 00;24;38;18
Kyle Pearce
You actually don’t get that advantage coming out of an RSP. Right. So I’m not saying our RRSPs are bad for everyone or certain scenarios, but it’s something that people need to understand is that there may be times where an RSP might be a bad fit for some individuals and there may be time where it’s a perfect fit for some individuals.
00;24;38;18 – 00;25;02;04
Kyle Pearce
But imagine a world where you could buy the same investment. Put it in one thing versus another, and come out in a very different place. To me, that’s probably even more important than the actual investment you’re making, be it in mutual funds, be it in an index fund, or be it in, say, something like real estate, private lending, any of these other asset classes.
00;25;02;06 – 00;25;23;27
Kyle Pearce
So we’re going to end here. I think the big takeaway, John, I loved how you put that intensity verse consistency. Are you being intense? Are you being consistent? Right. And I think you want to be aiming for consistency. Okay. So if you’re feeling like you’re working hard trying to make this thing work and you’re going for the fence every single time, let’s be cautious about that.
00;25;23;27 – 00;25;59;14
Kyle Pearce
I think that’s a big, big takeaway. And I would argue a next step that I would really encourage people to take is actually starting to think less about the investment itself and more about where is the investment happening and is it suitable for me if you’re interested in us having a look, giving you a second opinion, getting you some ideas, we always want to make sure that in every call we get or we hop on that we give you at least one takeaway that you can take with you, be it back to your accountant, back to your advisor, back to your lawyer, whatever it might be.
00;25;59;22 – 00;26;38;10
Kyle Pearce
At least one big takeaway so that you are in a better place after the call than you were before the call. And so far, John, I’m happy to say we’ve had 100% success rate because we ask at the end of every call what their big takeaway is. So if that’s you hop on with us, head on over to Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash discovery that’s Canadian wealth secrets dot com forward slash discovery and we’d be happy to have a quick review and chat with you to ensure that you’ve got all your ducks in the row that you’re after.
00;26;38;17 – 00;27;00;11
Jon Orr
Folks we want to thank you for listening in on this episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast. When we talked at the beginning of the episode, we were hoping to give you those big takeaways and those big takeaways that you wanted to be walking away with, which was unpacking the secret to that most important factor. We hope you’ve kind of conveyed that secret to you.
00;27;00;11 – 00;27;23;27
Jon Orr
We talked about the big risk that’s kind of holding many people back and how do you overcome that risk? And then also how do you get started and thinking about that strategy and specifically, how do we be more consistent there? So thanks again, folks, for listening in on this episode, and we would encourage you to share this episode with someone you would think would get benefit from it.
00;27;23;27 – 00;27;41;08
Jon Orr
And you can also share the link to us on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, all of those things just go in search for Canadian wealth secrets in those platforms. Share it away to the person that you think would benefit the most from listening to this episode.
00;27;41;11 – 00;28;19;10
Kyle Pearce
All right. Once again, the website is Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com. And you can find all the episodes on the website over at Canadian Wealth Secret dot com forward slash episode 58 That’s Canadian wealth secrets dot com forward slash episode five eight And my friends, we are so happy to say that class is dismissed.
00;28;19;12 – 00;28;29;20
Jon Orr
Just as a reminder, folks, the information you heard here today is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice.
00;28;29;22 – 00;28;49;01
Kyle Pearce
John Or is a mortgage agent with a bricks mortgage license Rm2 3006803 And Kyle Pierce is a licensed life and accident and sickness insurance agent and wealth architect with the PAN Corp. team, which includes corporate advisors and pan financial.
Canadian Wealth Secrets is an informative podcast that digs into the intricacies of building a robust portfolio, maximizing dividend returns, the nuances of real estate investment, and the complexities of business finance, while offering expert advice on wealth management, navigating capital gains tax, and understanding the role of financial institutions in personal finance.
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
—Malcolm X

Design Your Wealth Management Plan
Crafting a robust corporate wealth management plan for your Canadian incorporated business is not just about today—it's about securing your financial future during the years that you are still excited to be working in the business as well as after you are ready to step away. The earlier you invest the time and energy into designing a corporate wealth management plan that begins by focusing on income tax planning to minimize income taxes and maximize the capital available for investment, the more time you have for your net worth to grow and compound over the years to create generational wealth and a legacy that lasts.
Don't wait until tomorrow—lay the foundation for a successful corporate wealth management plan with a focus on tax planning and including a robust estate plan today.
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Unique, efficient and compliant Canadian income tax planning strategy that incorporated business owners and investors would be using if they could, but have never had access to.
Grow your net worth into a legacy that lasts generations with a Canadian corporate tax planning strategy that leverages tax-efficient structures now with a robust estate plan for later.
We believe that anyone can build generational wealth with the proper understanding, tools and support.