Episode 85: Real Estate Investment Strategies for Canadian Entrepreneurs from Experts in the Toronto Real Estate Market

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Have you ever wondered how top real estate professionals turn market challenges into wealth-building opportunities?

In today’s fluctuating real estate market, many investors face uncertainty about making profitable decisions. High costs, market volatility, and the fear of making the wrong move can be daunting. 

This episode dives into strategies used by seasoned real estate experts from the podcast The Canadian Real Estate Show T.K. Butler and Darryl Frankfort, who share their insights on overcoming these challenges. 

Darryl and TK discuss the importance of education, perseverance, and having a well-planned investment strategy, providing you with actionable advice to navigate the complexities of the real estate market.

Tune in to our latest episode to uncover the wealth-building strategies of real estate experts and take your investment game to the next level!

You’ll learn: 

  • Learn how to develop a well-planned real estate investment strategy that withstands market fluctuations.
  • Discover the secrets of leveraging perseverance and thorough research to identify profitable investment opportunities.
  • Gain insights into the importance of long-term thinking and trusting experienced professionals to make sound investment decisions.


Looking for a new mortgage, renewal, refinance, or HELOC? Reach out to Jon to share some options.

Calling All Canadian Incorporated Business Owners & Investors:

Consider reaching out to Kyle if you’ve been…

  • …taking a salary with a goal of stuffing RRSPs;
  • …investing inside your corporation without a passive income tax minimization strategy;
  • …letting a large sum of liquid assets sit in low interest earning savings accounts;
  • …investing corporate dollars into GICs, dividend stocks/funds, or other investments attracting corporate passive income taxes at greater than 50%; or,
  • …wondering whether your current corporate wealth management strategy is optimal for your specific situation.

By hopping on a discovery call with Kyle, he will review your specific personal and corporate financial situation in order to determine if there are some quick wins available for you to minimize taxes personally or corporately, provide ideas for how you can increase your personal cash flow, and ensure that the net worth of your estate continues to grow in tandem.

Discover how top real estate professionals turn market challenges into wealth-building opportunities. In this episode, T.K. Butler and Darryl Frankfort from The Canadian Real Estate Show share their real estate investment strategies, providing actionable advice on overcoming market volatility and making profitable real estate investments. Learn how to make money in real estate and build long-term wealth through well-planned strategies and perseverance. Tune in to uncover the secrets to successful real estate investing!

Watch Now!

Detailed Episode Summary 

Quick recap

The Canadian Real Estate show hosts, T.K. And Darryl, shared their personal and professional backgrounds, and their successful real estate and investing strategies. They discussed the importance of perseverance, education, and having a well-planned investment strategy when venturing into the real estate market. Additionally, the team shared their experiences regarding confidence, decision-making, and the value of investing, emphasizing the need for long-term thinking and the significance of trusting experienced individuals.


Next steps

  • T.K. and Darryl will collaborate on a future episode of their respective shows to share insights and stories about the real estate market and their experiences as athletes and real estate professionals.
  • Darryl will continue to seek out and analyze potential real estate investment opportunities, focusing on his “secret sauce” of persistence and thorough research.
  • T.K. will share his experiences and insights on real estate investing with a wider audience through his podcast and other platforms.



Canadian Real Estate Show Co-Hosts’ Interview

T.k. And Darryl, both co-hosts of the Canadian Real Estate show, shared their backgrounds and aspirations with Jon and Kyle. T.K., a full-time realtor and athlete, expressed his optimism about the future of Canada and his belief in the importance of perseverance. Darryl, also a real estate developer and athlete recovering from an injury, appreciated the opportunity to educate and entertain through the show. Both agreed to collaborate in the future, with Darryl hinting at exploring the potential of TikTok for their collaboration.


Darryl and T.K.’s Bond Over Hockey and Real Estate

The team discussed the unique paths that led Darryl and T.K. To build a strong professional relationship, centered around their shared passion for hockey and later real estate. They highlighted how their roles complement each other, with T.K.’s expertise in real estate and Darryl’s background support. The Covid-19 pandemic was also credited with reinforcing their bond. The discussion also touched upon Darryl and T.K.’s involvement in the real estate and investing world, and how their weekly meetings were initiated out of boredom during the pandemic, with T.K.’s proposal to continue these meetings indefinitely.


Real Estate Investing and Wealth Creation Strategies

Darryl, Jon, and T.K. Discussed their successful show and shared their personal experiences and insights about real estate and wealth creation. They deliberated on the pros and cons of short-term investment strategies, with T.K. Sharing his negative experiences and Jon noting a shift in their show’s focus from real estate investing to wealth planning. They emphasized the importance of using the right strategies and education when investing in real estate, stressing that it is a long-term investment and not something to be pursued blindly. The group also cautioned against speculative investments, like those in cryptocurrencies, and underscored the significance of strategy in personal investment, particularly in real estate.


T.K.’s Real Estate Journey and Focus

Jon asked T.K. about his long-term goals and strategy in real estate, which led to a discussion on T.K.’s journey from flipping houses to investing in long-term holds with experienced partners, such as Darryl. T.K. shared that he found more success and profitability in his real estate sales business than in short-term flips, leading him to shift his focus. Kyle emphasized the importance of understanding one’s strengths and focusing on them in the real estate industry, suggesting that T.K.’s expertise lay more in selling and buying homes rather than in property development or investing.


Real Estate Investment and Retirement Strategies Discussion

Kyle, Jon, Darryl, and T.K. discussed various topics related to real estate investment and retirement strategies. Kyle and Darryl shared their views on the risks and rewards of investing in real estate, emphasizing the importance of having a well-planned strategy and considering the potential downsides. Darryl recounted his early experiences in real estate investment, detailing how he learned from his mistakes and developed a more refined strategy over time. The group also touched on the current state of Darryl’s investments, which include a tech startup and several properties, although he noted that he does not own any rental properties aside from 10 properties in Forest Hill.


Confidence and Decision-Making in Real Estate

Jon, Darryl, and T.K. Shared their experiences regarding confidence and decision-making in the real estate market. Jon initially lacked the confidence to venture into real estate investing but was pushed by Kyle. Darryl, on the other hand, was described as having an innate confidence and a problem-solving approach, while T.K. Admitted to feeling fear and uncertainty at the beginning of his real estate journey, but noted that experience and exposure to more deals reduced his emotional response and allowed him to make more logical decisions. Kyle also shared his learn-through-doing approach, acknowledging that his method may not be the best for everyone.


Darryl’s Investment Strategy and Success

There was a discussion about Darryl’s recent attempts to acquire the Scene Tower and his overall investment strategy. Darryl explained that he prefers to invest in large-scale land development projects, despite the considerable risks and financial constraints they often present. T.K. and Kyle acknowledged Darryl’s approach, highlighting the importance of identifying and capitalizing on one’s unique abilities in business. The conversation also touched on the concept of diversification in investments, with T.K. referencing the investment philosophy of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. Ultimately, Darryl’s comfort with the risks associated with his investment strategy was seen as a key factor in his success.


Real Estate Investment Risks and Rewards Discussed

Jon, Grant Cardone, Darryl, and T.K. Discussed the risks and rewards of investing in the real estate market. Cardone expressed his strong opinion that one should be involved in the real estate market, while Jon shared his lack of knowledge and perceived risk. Darryl suggested that investing in businesses was less risky to him. The team stressed the importance of finding trustworthy and competent realtors and partnering with active investors to navigate the market, especially when it comes to buying or selling large pieces of land. They also cautioned that not everyone should be in real estate investment.


Career Paths and Wealth Strategies

The team discussed their career paths and personal interests, with a particular focus on real estate investment. T.K. highlighted that while some may despise their current jobs, they should consider other passions and explore ways to incorporate them into their careers. Jon then posed the question of each person’s “secret sauce,” or the unique strategies they use to create wealth. Darryl shared his approach of persistence, constant reading, and seeking out undiscovered information. The team appreciated Darryl’s proactive attitude and his ability to navigate unknown situations with confidence.


Investing for Long-Term Wealth and Self-Introduction

Kyle, T.K., and Darryl discussed the value of investing, emphasizing the importance of long-term thinking, trusting experienced individuals, and reinvesting for future opportunities. They stressed that investing is not a quick path to wealth but requires a commitment to building wealth over time. Lastly, they introduced themselves and their work, with Darryl sharing his website, social media, and recovery from an injury, and T.K. Discussing his company and social media presence.


00:00:00:05 – 00:00:15:19

TK Butler

I think everybody gets caught up in these short term investment strategies, like I’ve been caught up in everyone. Name one thing that people say you can get rich quick off of. I’ve tried it. I might have lost some money in it or I got out with my money back or I realized it took up too much of my time.


00:00:15:21 – 00:00:37:08

Jon Orr

Have you ever wondered how top real estate professionals turn market challenges into wealth building opportunities? Well, you are in luck. We’re bringing two guests on T.K. Butler and Darrell Frankfurt from the Canadian Real estate show here to bring you the goods on how the fluctuating real estate market is working for them and how many investors face uncertainty around making profitable decisions.


00:00:37:08 – 00:00:53:23

Jon Orr

They are bringing the goods to you here today, so we are not wasting any more time. Let’s hit it.


00:00:54:00 – 00:00:59:01

Kyle Pearce

Welcome to the Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast with Kyle Pearce and Jon Orr.


00:00:59:01 – 00:01:12:21

Jon Orr

We are recovering high school mathematics teachers and education consultants whose entrepreneurial spirit led us to begin multiple businesses in real estate investing, digital courses and coaching and consulting after the bell rang at dismissal time.


00:01:13:01 – 00:01:33:24

Kyle Pearce

Fast forward a decade later where we’ve grown our portfolios and our time freedom to the point where we can now help entrepreneurs, business owners and investors to grow their wealth into a legacy that lasts generations through hidden investment and tax secrets. Your financial advisors won’t believe our true.


00:01:34:01 – 00:01:45:18

Jon Orr

Hey there, guys. Welcome to the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast. We’ve got the dynamic duo here from the Canadian real estate show, guys. Welcome. Tell us a little bit about yourselves. Okay, Let’s start with you.


00:01:45:20 – 00:02:04:16

TK Butler

Thanks for having us, guys. So, I mean, we had Kyle on the show a few weeks back, so it’s one of those sort of symbiotic relationships. I scratch his back, you scratch his mind. So we’re on the show and we had a great time talking to him about all the different things he’s doing. And hopefully we can sort of bring that same energy to the guys that listen to your show.


00:02:04:22 – 00:02:11:13

TK Butler

Maybe there’s some people who listen to both shows and they’ll say, Oh wow, it’s Darrell a.k.a and maybe not in a way. That’s okay.


00:02:11:15 – 00:02:12:24

Jon Orr

They will now. They will. Now they will.


00:02:12:24 – 00:02:14:07

Kyle Pearce

Now they will. Absolutely.


00:02:14:11 – 00:02:33:05

TK Butler

I’m the co-host of the Canadian Real Estate show. That’s the first thing I’m going to say, because right now that’s where a lot of the energy is going into. We love recording our show every week on Sundays in the morning time. It’s on YouTube and all the other podcast stations. But yeah, I’m a full time realtor. I’m a real estate investor, an athlete’s father.


00:02:33:07 – 00:02:50:03

TK Butler

I do all the things that I need to do on a daily basis just to keep up like everybody else. And I’m an optimist. And I think that we’re in a great place. I think we’re in a great country, and I think that there’s so much more wonderful things that’s going to happen around all of us. And all we’ve got to do is just keep going.


00:02:50:07 – 00:02:51:04

TK Butler

That’s my belief.


00:02:51:07 – 00:03:03:10

Kyle Pearce

Super cool. Well, I’m sure we’re going to dig deeper into that. Thanks for giving us a nice share there. You mentioned athlete. I would never dare call myself one because it’s like I try to be one, but I’m not a very good one. But you know what?


00:03:03:10 – 00:03:05:13

TK Butler

Hey, the general term, you own it.


00:03:05:13 – 00:03:06:20

Kyle Pearce

Yeah, I love it.


00:03:06:22 – 00:03:10:14

TK Butler

Professional athlete. That’s like another level that way. Never.


00:03:10:18 – 00:03:23:23

Kyle Pearce

Yeah. The hockey player like that is me. There we are. So how about you there, Daryl? Tell us a little bit about yourself. T.K. shared a little bit about him and why he does what he does on the show. Tell us about you.


00:03:24:00 – 00:03:49:14

Darryl Frankfort

So I, too, am the co-host of the Canadian real estate show. It’s probably the most fun I get to have in a week, every single week. It’s a nice way to let off some steam and keep it, you know, appraised of the real estate market and really in tune with what’s going on. I’m a real estate developer by day, same like T.K. World trained athlete as well.


00:03:49:16 – 00:03:52:03

Kyle Pearce

So coming off an injury right here on the air, I think.


00:03:52:08 – 00:04:12:02

Darryl Frankfort

I’m on the IL and I’m on the way back to the majors. They’ve been calling and I’ll be ready in a few months, but I’m here to try and maybe educate, have a little fun, entertaining all at the same time. And I think I saw you guys on Tik tok. You guys must have caught my eye because I like your content and I like what you’re talking about.


00:04:12:02 – 00:04:17:23

Darryl Frankfort

And so, like T.K. said, this is a good opportunity to do a collab as the kids say.


00:04:18:00 – 00:04:19:17

Jon Orr

Yeah, yeah, we’re we’re going.


00:04:19:17 – 00:04:20:15

Darryl Frankfort

To talk language.


00:04:20:15 – 00:04:21:22

Kyle Pearce

Over that.


00:04:21:24 – 00:04:37:03

Jon Orr

We’re going to kick me out. I don’t even know we’re on TikTok now, but we’re going to dig in here for sure. But how did you guys, like, find each other? Did you work on a deal together? And then it’s like, Hey, we should shoot the shit about the real estate market on air. Fill me in on this story here.


00:04:37:05 – 00:04:55:14

TK Butler

If we told you the truth, you wouldn’t believe us. But we did have a podcast. That was before the kids in real estate were run. Real estate shot, actually, too. But no, we met through mutual friends and we were just like acquaintances until Daryl needed a ringer hockey player for his hockey team, his D-League hockey team and that guy, he wasn’t available.


00:04:55:14 – 00:04:57:05

TK Butler

So he asked me and.


00:04:57:07 – 00:04:58:17

Darryl Frankfort

I was standing beside him.


00:04:58:17 – 00:05:03:06

TK Butler

I was standing beside him and I said, Hey, what about me? And I was like, Sure, why not? So I came out and played.


00:05:03:08 – 00:05:04:05

Darryl Frankfort

On his skates.


00:05:04:10 – 00:05:21:15

TK Butler

I had one game. I forgot my skates. Yeah, it was, yeah, real estate. I mean, we just that’s definitely what it was, because otherwise it would have just been like, you know, Hey, I need you for hockey. But then it was like, Oh, wow, you’re in real estate. Oh, wow. You’re the company that I worked for. I had just joined actually, Daryl had a big connection with there, so he was surprised.


00:05:21:15 – 00:05:38:12

TK Butler

He was like, Oh, you’re going to that office. That’s actually an office. So I think that gave me credibility with him. I wasn’t just another realtor because Daryl hates realtors. If you listen to his rants, it was like, Oh, you’re working with like this top company firm, team brokerage with these other guys. And he was like, Oh, you’re that’s like a small world.


00:05:38:14 – 00:05:56:10

TK Butler

And then COVID. I think if COVID didn’t happen, Daryl and I probably would have not gone down the same road. That’s the truth. I think he can agree with that. And so when COVID happened, he was a June guy. And so because of Zoom, you know, we’re all lonely and stuff like that, we started just like socializing with different people.


00:05:56:10 – 00:06:05:14

TK Butler

And then then there was like this burning bus full of schoolchildren that I had to save. And, you know, the story goes on until we eventually landed at the Toronto real estate show.


00:06:05:16 – 00:06:11:00

Darryl Frankfort

The first. You saved the entire school in that burning pool, remember?


00:06:11:00 – 00:06:12:10

TK Butler

Yeah, there was a burning pool, I had to say.


00:06:12:12 – 00:06:15:00

Darryl Frankfort

So I just happened to be sharing. I was.


00:06:15:05 – 00:06:15:08

Jon Orr



00:06:15:13 – 00:06:29:05

Darryl Frankfort

Guys, always be there. When T.K. was. Well, I was standing there cowardly in the corner watching T.K. save the day. This is generally how it works. I’m more in the background, and T.K. is up on the podium, you know.


00:06:29:07 – 00:06:30:15

Jon Orr

Showing everyone he’s a realtor.


00:06:30:15 – 00:06:39:24

Darryl Frankfort

Gold medal, winning everything that he does, winning all the awards. I’m just here to make him kind of look a little goofy as best I can from.


00:06:39:24 – 00:06:42:20

TK Butler

Time to time. Yeah, I’m up a little bit.


00:06:42:24 – 00:07:02:06

Kyle Pearce

As former educators, John and I both know the amount of safety nuances that go on like kiss and ride programs and like all these things. But the one thing that they always miss is making sure that the pool doesn’t start on fire. And we’ve been talking about it for years. So, you know what? Hopefully today someone will do something about it.


00:07:02:08 – 00:07:29:20

Kyle Pearce

But either way, at least you save that group, there will be more them to perish. Daryl, tell us a little bit more. So that’s how it takes it. He sees it as we came together, Daryl constantly leaning on T.K. for his hockey wizardry. Now for his realtor skills and prowess. How do you see that? And then we’re going to dig a little deeper here into what you guys have going on in the world of real estate and investing for the audience.


00:07:29:22 – 00:07:58:10

Darryl Frankfort

We played hockey together. We definitely had a connection through real estate, but we didn’t work together. We were just friends who kind of shared that common connection and we enjoyed talking about what we were working on together, but we really hadn’t worked on anything at all together. And then, like T.K. said, during COVID through other business, I had already been using Zoom a lot and it just we started talking to each other on Zoom and we thought it’d be a good idea to maybe we were bored.


00:07:58:10 – 00:08:17:16

Darryl Frankfort

It was the beginning of COVID. I couldn’t do anything with my deals. Nobody was buying any real estate. And so we were just, Why don’t we just start this? And so T.K. is a big goal setter. And he said, Listen, we’re only doing this if we commit to it, like, 100%. We’re going to do this every week forever, No end in sight.


00:08:17:16 – 00:08:39:05

Darryl Frankfort

And I said, I can commit to that. That sounds like a good idea. I think that’s how it went. Something like that. I’m pretty sure all the good ideas come from T.K.. And so I followed the idea, and this is where we are. And, you know, it’s just something to do. There is no plan. We’re going to do this every week, no matter what, and just kind of see where it goes.


00:08:39:05 – 00:08:47:18

Darryl Frankfort

And I think we’re doing a pretty good job. People seem to like what we’re doing and we’re having a great time doing it. So it’s a win win win.


00:08:47:20 – 00:09:05:00

Jon Orr

You definitely give off the impression that you have a great time doing the show when you watch the show. And I think that adds to why people would keep coming back to watch the show. What are these two guys going to say about the real estate market today? What teaching are they going to give me? But also how can I be in a way entertained as I listen in?


00:09:05:00 – 00:09:21:09

Jon Orr

And I think people who are listening to our show are on their, you know, their wealth building journey and are trying to think about like, what do I do with my money? How do I invest my money? It’s like, what avenues should I be investing my money? How do I safeguard my money and these are the questions that we get asked all the time.


00:09:21:09 – 00:09:39:21

Jon Orr

And one of the things that we talk about a lot here, like Art Show used to be called the Invested Teacher Show, which we talked a lot about real estate investing before we started talking about specifically kind of safeguarding money and wealth planning. But we are heavily involved in real estate investing and I know that you guys have are doing that as well.


00:09:39:21 – 00:10:12:19

Jon Orr

So I know people who are listening are also using that as one of their avenues for their wealth creation. So give us your take like right now, like you’ve got interest rates came up in the last well, it just feels like forever. But that’s like capital gains tax gets handed down here we all of a sudden is it feels like the market’s soft a bit help our listener right now like our one listener like help that one person navigate a little bit like is real estate still a good place to store our money for wealth creation?


00:10:12:21 – 00:10:33:01

TK Butler

Yes. So, I mean, I think everybody gets caught up in these short term investment strategies, like I’ve been caught up in everyone. Name one thing that people say you can get rich quick off of. I’ve tried it. I might have lost some money in it or I got it with my money back or I realize that took up too much of my time and I was like, This isn’t really worth it.


00:10:33:03 – 00:10:58:21

TK Butler

Everything is always like wealth creation is going to happen over a long period of time. So do I think you should just buy real estate blindly? No, of course not. But with the right strategies, with the right education, with the right philosophy of real estate is the best investment on planet Earth. I don’t think that there is. I mean, you’ve got so many other things out there with a lot more volatility and, you know, maybe we’ve had a good run in them here and there.


00:10:59:02 – 00:11:15:05

TK Butler

But it was pretty obvious when we were and we talked about this kind of show when people were buying in 2022, that was not a good time to buy. There was no deals to have, nothing pencil, nothing made sense. So like, yeah, if you were buying, then you got caught up in the hype. But if you’re looking out there right now, it’s hard to find deals.


00:11:15:05 – 00:11:34:02

TK Butler

But there’s they’re out there, it’s hard to find properties. And before the pandemic, the same thing, it was hard to find. It wasn’t just like you buy any property. No, you got to go in with the strategy. But those strategies did not work in 2022. They’re just just there was no strategy that really made any sense at all because some other schmuck was going to pay more money for the house and therefore ruined the whole strategy.


00:11:34:02 – 00:11:48:13

TK Butler

So, yeah, short answer is real estate’s a great investment still today and everybody should be buying it with the same lens that they should have always been using and it should have never changed from 40 years ago. It’s the same frickin thing.


00:11:48:15 – 00:12:09:16

Kyle Pearce

Yeah, I love that. You can’t blame real estate for the 2022 issues that many people find themselves dealing with now. It’s not real estate. It was us, it was humans. We decided to pump that market. And I’m sure you know, I mean, hey, government regulation and basically free money, like all kinds of things, contribute to why those things happen.


00:12:09:16 – 00:12:35:04

Kyle Pearce

But the reality is, is exactly what you said. It’s like it’s not a real estate issue. The price of real estate at the time didn’t make sense. So what were you doing it for? So it sounds like, you know, essentially if we’re speculating, poor investment, I think there’s no asset class that’s worth maybe just blindly speculating. However, I’m going to guess that real estate eventually will work out in the end, whereas some other asset classes may not.


00:12:35:04 – 00:12:50:18

Kyle Pearce

Right? So even those people that find themselves maybe underwater maybe made a poor choice. That’s you listening right now. Kind of forgive yourself a little bit and go, you know what? At least I did it here and I didn’t do it in Shiba coin or something or whatever it is that you know, And I’m sure that’s probably.


00:12:50:20 – 00:12:51:10

TK Butler

What did I getting.


00:12:51:10 – 00:12:52:08

Kyle Pearce

That’s moon and that’s.


00:12:52:08 – 00:12:54:00

Darryl Frankfort

Moon in green energy being here.


00:12:54:00 – 00:12:56:19

TK Butler

I got the man, my man. I went to basically zero, you know, like.


00:12:56:19 – 00:13:24:14

Kyle Pearce

Yeah, yeah, totally. And it’s like, you know what? Hey, if you get lucky doing that stuff, hey, fine. That’s fun, too. But with real estate, you know, it’s like, at least it’s there. And I always come back to my primal question is like, am I financially secure? And real estate always provided me that. So I’m like, no matter what happens to the market, even if on paper they tell me it’s worth half of what I put into it, I know that I still have it and it’s still there and it’s still going to have value.


00:13:24:14 – 00:13:41:12

Kyle Pearce

It’s just, Hey, when am I going to maybe see all that money back as long as I’m okay to be in there, the long term, I’m going to be okay. It’s just let’s try not to make those mistakes again, if we can. Daryl, how about you pump in the market over here is T.K.. So what’s your angle from the development side of things?


00:13:41:12 – 00:13:49:08

Kyle Pearce

But then also, I want to hear from, like, your own personal investment side of things as well, because I’m sure there’s nuance there as well.


00:13:49:10 – 00:14:22:04

Darryl Frankfort

So real estate is definitely not for everybody, and whoever is in real estate really should have a strategy. The strategy so important, the strategy has to change depending on the time, Right, Because timing is so important. And if you don’t match the timing and the strategy correctly, you end up in a big giant hole like somebody I know we won’t name names, but you end up in bad times when you have bad timing and you have a bad strategy.


00:14:22:04 – 00:14:43:09

Darryl Frankfort

So a lot of people, like T.K. said their strategy was the next part’s coming to pay more money, Right? And so when that dries up, that whole strategy, as T.K. said, dried up and a lot of the market dried up because that was a lot of the market, right? So for me, in development, my strategy I don’t know if you know this, but I am known as the Assembly.


00:14:43:09 – 00:15:05:22

Darryl Frankfort

KING And so the assembly is a big part of my strategy, right? Because I feel that when you do an assembly, you add some value That wasn’t there before. Okay, So you’ve assembled a bigger, better site and that generally, if you do it properly, should have some value. Okay. So when the market’s kind of pushing things down, this can counteract that, right?


00:15:06:02 – 00:15:29:19

Darryl Frankfort

And then if you’re going to do a development project now, you have an opportunity to put in an application for something new which also forces up the value of the property. Right? So in a down market development, listen, nothing is safe but with the right strategy and development and the right kind of idea within development, you can do great in any environment, right?


00:15:29:21 – 00:15:36:19

Darryl Frankfort

But wrong strategy at the wrong time is like Sheila and most people, they don’t even know about timing.


00:15:36:21 – 00:15:57:18

Jon Orr

Sure. And I think that’s got to be true for every investment. Is strategy, timing, thinking about what is it in relates like I like what you said about T.K. and being a big goal person. Like what is your long term goals? Like, what are those goals? That’s part of your strategy. It has to. It has to be. I think that is a really important kind of big takeaway now, because both of you are real estate investors.


00:15:57:20 – 00:16:17:21

Jon Orr

I’d love to hear about your first deal because when you think strategy right, it’s like you’ve developed a strategy over time through experience. And the timing, I think, also comes into play as well. It’s like you learn through trial and error and then you develop these things and you constantly refine strategy, you constantly refine your sense of timing.


00:16:17:23 – 00:16:31:17

Jon Orr

So when we’ve got a listener listening right now who may be looking to store their wealth, should I be getting into it? Like, I’d love to hear about your first deal? And then how did your strategy then shift towards your strategy?


00:16:31:17 – 00:16:52:14

TK Butler

Now, for me, I’m the first house I bought, renovated, fixed it up. It was a flip and I was like, Oh yeah, you know, I’m going to make all this money because I saw what’s on TV and I see my clients doing this and that. And after it was all said and done, and you know what? I invested maybe like less than 180, $87,000 into renovations and I sold the property I did the math on.


00:16:52:14 – 00:17:12:13

TK Butler

If I hadn’t invested those $80,000 and I would have made more money because that the market went up and that it wasn’t the money that I put in. Right. And so I got involved in other flips. I had different partners. It was all short term money. Some of them I made money, some of them I didn’t. I worked my ass off until I broke even.


00:17:12:15 – 00:17:35:17

TK Butler

And then I was like, All right, this sucks because I’m taking away myself from the most productive part that I have. I’m in the real estate sales industry and I can make more money in that business than I could flipping houses and stuff. So I basically stopped getting involved with those sort of short term real estate investments. And I bought another property as a long term hold.


00:17:35:19 – 00:17:58:00

TK Butler

And from then on I said, You know what? I’m going to work really hard on my real estate sales. But what I’m also going to do is I’m going to invest my money with people who are active real estate investors. And I’ve been doing that now for years as I’m putting my money into the hands of professionals like Daryl, guys that are partners and friends that I have who are incredible at what they do and that they are going to be doing as the active partner.


00:17:58:02 – 00:18:13:02

TK Butler

The work that I’m not able to do, be willing to do or see, believe that it’s worth the time that I’m going to be investing in it compared to the job that I have. And that’s been what I learned, right? You got to learn that real estate journey, right? What works for you?


00:18:13:04 – 00:18:51:02

Kyle Pearce

I love that. Before we go over to Daryl, it’s like what’s hitting me there is this idea and we’ve talked about it on the show before, is that so many people get confused when they talk about and we’re talking specifically real estate investing. But it can happen in other areas as well. But a lot of people like get confused between the idea of going into the real estate industry versus investing and passive is sometimes the wrong word for it, because I don’t know if it’s ever completely passive, but when you go in and you’re actually doing flips, for example, and you’re actually running it and assembling the flip like Daryl’s Mansion, you’re taking on a


00:18:51:02 – 00:19:29:02

Kyle Pearce

job in that world. So you recognizing t that you could probably do better by doing what you do best, which is actually in the selling of homes, buying and selling of homes, transactions, and then allow people that are in the industry of developing or investing or whatever it is. That’s a really interesting tidbit here that I hope people listening really understand, because I hear so many people going in, I have a goal in five years that I’m going to buy enough properties and have enough investments that all of a sudden I’m going to leave my job and I’m always like, So are you leaving that job to take on this new job, or are you


00:19:29:02 – 00:19:38:01

Kyle Pearce

thinking that you’re just going to have all this money just showering on you and it’s going to be so amazing and it’s going to happen all in five years? Yeah, Or how much capital you have.


00:19:38:06 – 00:19:44:13

Darryl Frankfort

Yeah, you got to be crazy to do it that way. Guys are crazy that do it like that, right? Yeah.


00:19:44:15 – 00:19:45:18

TK Butler

Another job is.


00:19:45:18 – 00:20:11:11

Jon Orr

Yeah, it does. I think just COVID just gave for some reason. Maybe it’s just in our social circle, but it felt like. I think what Kyle you’re saying is like everyone came out of the woodwork me, like I’m going to be a real estate investor and I’m going to retire early. And they didn’t think about the work that needs to go in or like the timing or the or how much actual the amount of doors you’re going to actually need to like all of a sudden have money just spitting at you that you could just not work for the rest of your life.


00:20:11:16 – 00:20:24:14

Kyle Pearce

And having a pencil, as you know, we’ve talked about earlier, too, it’s like it’s not even just a numbers game, but it’s like, hey, I could get a lot of doors if I have a lot of available capital, but I can have a lot of pain too, which isn’t all that fun.


00:20:24:16 – 00:20:28:20

Darryl Frankfort

Do they have to pencil? Is that how it works? Yeah. Well, you know this area, if you.


00:20:28:20 – 00:20:51:03

Kyle Pearce

Just change what it means to have it pencil, then that’s different. So tell me, Daryl, is your story similar? Like you’re in development now. You’ve developed a we’ll call it a name for yourself, you know, the hashtag assembly. KING Did that happen from like, was that your plan from day one? Did you stumble into real estate and sort of work your way towards it?


00:20:51:03 – 00:21:04:00

Kyle Pearce

Super curious about that. And and what are you doing? Is it just development deals and that sort of your quote unquote investment? Or are you also doing like long term holds in other areas or just keeping some equity in some of those deals?


00:21:04:02 – 00:21:31:08

Darryl Frankfort

I was that guy that quit his job and bought a lot in 2006 with a blank check while out of town. Okay, This is the dumbest guy ever, right? Okay. This is like if you’re trying to make every mistake as quick as possible. I wrote the handbook, okay? And it worked out good, because, like T.K. was saying, the market makes some people look like geniuses just by being in it, Right?


00:21:31:08 – 00:21:52:07

Darryl Frankfort

You could just stand in there and make a bunch of money. I probably also would have made way more money if I didn’t build the house and then take all the time to do that in hindsight. But the first one actually went so well that I gained the bravado to do to the next time. And if you follow the timeline 2829, that did not go well at all.


00:21:52:09 – 00:22:15:06

Darryl Frankfort

Right? So I had to start again. And listen, it was an interesting journey. But like you were saying, I was able to refine my strategy a great deal through all of those mistakes. And believe me, that strategy is pretty fine tuned at the moment. But it took a long time to get from that stupid to me to fine tune strategy.


00:22:15:09 – 00:22:38:17

Darryl Frankfort

Right. So what happened along the way? I tried all kinds of stuff. I started a general contracting company that had a real estate division at one point that didn’t go so well. It had a cabinetry company. We did drywall for a while. We did carpentry all just attempts to see T.K. is methodical and strategic and smart and has patience.


00:22:38:22 – 00:22:55:02

Darryl Frankfort

I am the exact opposite. I just jump out of the plane and hope T.K. is going to be there or somebody is going to be there to catch me. Right? And unfortunately, back then, like, no one was there to catch me. And thank God it was back then because I was young and I had time to kind of get back.


00:22:55:08 – 00:23:28:17

Darryl Frankfort

If it happened now, I don’t know that I’d have the same energy to kind of dig myself out of the hole that I dug. But as far as investments are concerned, you’d be pretty surprised. I don’t own any rental properties. I do own property right now. That’s part of a development deal. I have a lot of money and because there’s a lot of money on deposits, on deals right now, my biggest investment at the moment is actually in a tech thing that I started at the beginning of COVID that seems to never be ready to launch.


00:23:28:17 – 00:23:47:18

Darryl Frankfort

But at one day we’ll all be talking about it, hopefully in a good light. But yeah, I mean, I lend some money out to people to make some money, and I make money through the development deals. But at the moment I hold no real estate other than ten properties in Forest Hill, but we don’t count them.


00:23:47:20 – 00:24:10:12

Jon Orr

I think what I heard, like when you were describing your journey there, correct me if I’m wrong. Yeah, you got this innate confidence to do just to you said like you’re going to jump in and hopefully something happens. Like I think that scares the crap out of a lot of people. Oh yeah. It took me a long time to venture into the real estate market as an investor, and Kyle was the one dragging me by the collar, right?


00:24:10:12 – 00:24:26:15

Jon Orr

It was like because I was the one that’s like, I don’t have that confidence to, like, take this money to go in here when it feels like. So it doesn’t feel risky. Now, but it did feel felt risky then. And it’s like, is it safe to assume like you didn’t have that part holding you back?


00:24:26:18 – 00:24:35:09

TK Butler

It doesn’t have that part. I’m so weird. But like within existing him, it just he just moves forward and then he’s like, I got to figure this out now, right? It figures things out. Really? Well, what.


00:24:35:09 – 00:24:44:13

Jon Orr

About you, T.K.? Like, did you have that confidence for that first deal, or was it because you’re a realtor that you had exposure to the market? And it was like, Oh, it’s a no brainer to go in here, or.


00:24:44:19 – 00:25:05:23

TK Butler

It’s gotten like in the beginning it was stronger. And then as you get more experienced, you’re willing to take those chances more and more. But in the beginning it was like, I can’t make that offer or like, let’s just back out of the deal and like, you know, full of fear. And then just as time goes on, you bought more properties and you’ve done more deals and then now you’re just kind of you can be less emotional about it and, you know, make logical decisions.


00:25:06:00 – 00:25:08:05

TK Butler

You know, you know, you recognize a good deal.


00:25:08:07 – 00:25:30:09

Kyle Pearce

People are different in how they learn and like obviously there’s to learn by doing so. Darrell, you’re like, I’m going to learn this one way or the other. Hopefully it’s a positive result at the end. Then for other people it’s like, well, call them the analyzers or like the fact finders. I’m kind of that guy. So I’m like, I won’t do something until I feel like super.


00:25:30:13 – 00:25:34:20

Kyle Pearce

I’ve overturned as many stones as I could to be like, I’m not going to ask my.


00:25:34:20 – 00:25:35:20

TK Butler

Client for a realtor.


00:25:36:00 – 00:25:38:10

Kyle Pearce

Oh, yeah, totally. I’m like, No.


00:25:38:10 – 00:25:39:12

TK Butler

Realtors want to work with you.


00:25:39:12 – 00:25:51:20

Kyle Pearce

Absolutely. I mean, that talks about our other partner, Matt Bigley. He’s a realtor, and he’s like, Oh, he talks about guys like me all the time. And I’m like, I will now I’m at least aware of it. So I tell people in other industries that I’m.


00:25:51:20 – 00:25:52:20

TK Butler

Like representing yourself.


00:25:52:20 – 00:25:56:07

Kyle Pearce

I got to let just know about me and like, here’s where I’m at and I.


00:25:56:07 – 00:26:03:04

Jon Orr

Would love to represent himself, by the way. He would just be like, I’m going to be a realtor now. Yeah, because I’ve done so much fact about.


00:26:03:06 – 00:26:04:07

Darryl Frankfort

Yeah, I’m pretty great.


00:26:04:08 – 00:26:12:21

TK Butler

I made an offer on the tower last week. Like, I’m pretty sure that’s what I heard. I don’t try. I just. There is rumblings that he was making offers on the same tower, but, you know, whatever.


00:26:12:21 – 00:26:13:12

Kyle Pearce

Well, I think.


00:26:13:12 – 00:26:14:13

TK Butler

That’s in the opposite end.


00:26:14:16 – 00:26:33:06

Kyle Pearce

It’s important for people listening, though, is to again, identify who you are and what’s going to help you get there. What I heard from you, John, is that when I was dragging you in, you didn’t have the opportunity to do the appropriate learning. So that you felt less risk, Right? So I sort of like did that and I’m like, No, no, here’s why.


00:26:33:12 – 00:26:52:07

Kyle Pearce

And you sort of went, Oh, so you were kind of stuck. But you guys had slightly different approaches to kind of entering in there. And I think I wanted to touch on what you said there, Darrell, because I think a lot of people are like, it’s almost like you had to say like, you know, people might be surprised because you have a real estate show that you don’t have long term investments.


00:26:52:07 – 00:27:07:14

Kyle Pearce

But the reality is you’ve identified where you and T.K., you set it to kind of where your unique ability lies and your that is the business where you’re going to get the greatest return. So, I mean, to me, that makes a 100% sense.


00:27:07:14 – 00:27:27:19

TK Butler

There is something worth Buffett and Charlie Munger that they were talking about. There were saying, like there are some points where 75% of my net worth, you know, that video has been going around was all into one company, right? And they talk about diversification being not what a real person does that would be What Darrell does is he’s going to have to throw all his eggs in one basket in order to pull off a big deal or other people don’t feel comfortable doing that.


00:27:27:21 – 00:27:43:12

TK Butler

And so they’ll want to have a bunch of little rental properties with a bunch of little, you know, duplex over. They’re going to go. That’s right. You know, everyone’s kind of got their own type of philosophy. So I think that that’s something that just on his because it’s such a big scale on the land development side that you need to have a ton of capital into it.


00:27:43:14 – 00:27:48:19

TK Butler

And so you can’t be like, well, I got my little duplex that I’m making my six carat.


00:27:48:22 – 00:27:50:16

Darryl Frankfort

It’s like the numbers for me.


00:27:50:16 – 00:27:58:06

TK Butler

Like, no, that, that’s dead equity in there for you. It’s doing nothing for you because you can hit a grand slam with that money doing a deal that whatever.


00:27:58:08 – 00:27:59:05

Darryl Frankfort

That’s the primary.


00:27:59:10 – 00:27:59:19

TK Butler



00:28:00:00 – 00:28:18:21

Darryl Frankfort

At will and add to it that if you can I don’t want to invest and have to fly there. Okay. And I don’t trust anybody at all. So in like I want to at least be able to get to it within a reasonable amount of time. And the problem is, is I haven’t been able to make those make any sense financially to me.


00:28:18:23 – 00:28:39:19

Darryl Frankfort

Even if I see a ten cap, it’s like 300 bucks a month or 200 bucks a month. And while that may excite some people to own something out in Bellville, that’s 250 and it makes 200 bucks a month and you know, they’ll own it one day. And that’s a great strategy for some people. It doesn’t do anything for me, Right?


00:28:39:19 – 00:28:58:08

Darryl Frankfort

I don’t get it. It doesn’t compute. Right. But I’ll take these big giant risks on land. But I can’t sit at a blackjack table with $20. It’ll it’ll kill me to lose that. But all tie up a piece of land and always 20 grand on due diligence and drop the deal or have to walk away or lose the deal.


00:28:58:10 – 00:29:11:15

Darryl Frankfort

And that doesn’t really bother me that much, which is kind of weird. It’s like, I have to go with this or I can’t fight this. It’s me, right? I feel the need to do these things for whatever reason and luckily are good at. I think now.


00:29:11:17 – 00:29:36:10

Jon Orr

It probably comes down to comfort to write like you have a comfort with that knowledge of knowing that market, knowing the product, knowing all those insights that you have built up over time, like where that comfort is there. I always think about this. I think it was her mosey when he was talking with Grant Cardone Harden’s like, You need to be in the real estate market if you’re not, you’re an idiot.


00:29:36:10 – 00:29:57:15

Jon Orr

Like all your money should be over there. And then her Moses like I don’t know anything about that market. Like he’s like that seems so risky to me because I don’t know it but he’s like, but I know business. So I buy and sell businesses and I help grow businesses. That’s not risky to me at all. This whole idea of risk is based off our comfort and our knowledge zone.


00:29:57:15 – 00:30:23:14

Jon Orr

For you, it’s like not risky to buy and sell large pieces of land, but that sounds so risky and scary to some. Probably everyone else or many people. And it’s like comes down to like where our skill set lies that makes it like where the risk actually lies, which I think because so many people are going like things, they’ll just say the real estate market is risky and not have that perspective, that it actually is not risky.


00:30:23:14 – 00:30:35:11

Jon Orr

If you know what you’re doing and it’s is risky. If you get into, say, buy this business over here and you have no idea what you’re doing, that’s risk. The risk is actually a sliding scale on like what it is you actually know about.


00:30:35:13 – 00:30:37:00

TK Butler

100%. That’s exactly what you.


00:30:37:05 – 00:30:43:05

Darryl Frankfort

Work with, especially in real estate. Holy cow. Some of these realtors are really like, Oh.


00:30:43:05 – 00:30:44:18

TK Butler

Yeah, something like this.


00:30:44:18 – 00:30:45:13

Jon Orr

Can’t trust them so.


00:30:45:13 – 00:31:06:16

Darryl Frankfort

Bad, you know, T.K. knows it. The reality is that 98% of the realtors out there have no idea what they’re doing. Even if they’re really good at real estate. Like, not even good or real estate making money. They’re two totally different things. Now we’re going to start to see the better realtors who kind of rise to the top like T.K., obviously.


00:31:06:18 – 00:31:33:17

Darryl Frankfort

But it’s really tough to get some of these deals done because of the people involved. They are not, you have residential realtors selling big land assemblies that don’t know what they’re doing, and that can cost the seller. It could cost the buyer, it could cost the city a whole bunch of units that couldn’t get on the market. There’s a real cost to those things, and people don’t realize it because it’s like, I know Mary or I know whoever the hell it’s a real problem.


00:31:33:17 – 00:31:34:20

Darryl Frankfort

People don’t realize it.


00:31:34:24 – 00:31:59:03

Kyle Pearce

Yeah, our partner Matt, who is a realtor and he’s new here to the space, will call it like six years in or whatever. And originally his thought was like, I’m going to be the investor real estate agent because I have investments. That seems logical. But when things stopped penciling, he’s like, This is the worst market ever. Because like, I’m not going to mislead someone that this is a good idea.


00:31:59:05 – 00:32:26:22

Kyle Pearce

So he’s like, I don’t buy anything. Yeah, he’s like, I need to find people that want primary residences where it goes and he can be open and honest and say, Hey, listen, do you plan on flipping it in two or three years? Because if so, might not be a good idea right now. But if this is your dream home and you love it and you’re okay with it being worth a lot or a little in the next year or two, but, you know, it’ll be net better in the end then rock and roll, like let’s write it up.


00:32:26:22 – 00:32:47:10

Kyle Pearce

But at the end of the day, like, here is where we’re at. And I think there’s so many people in many industries, not just real estate, the financial industry, like all of these things where these people are trying to quote unquote do a job for people to solve a problem that they’ve never solved for themselves before. So that means they’ve never experienced the problem themselves.


00:32:47:10 – 00:33:06:07

Kyle Pearce

They’ve never actually assisted someone with knowing what that looks like and sounds like. But yet they’re they’re giving the advice on what you would do, but they’ve never been there themselves. And that, I think, is a really kind of scary thing about the industry, be it real estate, financial, many other industries out there as well.


00:33:06:09 – 00:33:22:19

TK Butler

Yeah, If you’re if you’re going to deal with a realtor to buy and invest in probably selling too. But definitely buying an investment property and they don’t own real estate investments, they don’t have at least one rental property. That’s like a long term hold well dealt with the ups and downs and all that kind of stuff. It’s hard for you to get great advice from them.


00:33:22:20 – 00:33:37:09

TK Butler

Not saying you can’t. There’s people out there who are good at their jobs and have different skill sets and investments and philosophies, but definitely that would be something that I’d be looking for. But like I was kind of getting back to from when I was talking in the beginning, like investing money, especially the people listening to your show.


00:33:37:11 – 00:33:58:07

TK Butler

There’s no shame in finding a partner who’s going to be doing the work and to have really good investment partners. Like if you look at some of the deals that Daryl’s done, the amount of money that his partners have made on it is like insanity. What returns they got, and they never would have got that anywhere else. And some of the deals, you know, especially if you’re using the birth strategy, like you’re talking about infinite returns, you’re owning properties without any of your money.


00:33:58:09 – 00:34:15:07

TK Butler

So you’ve got active partners out there doing all the work, finding the deals, are you refinancing and afterwards you get all your money back. Now you own a property, okay, it’s 50% or whatever the deal is. You go out with your partner, but you own a property that you haven’t even maybe even gone and seen yet where they did all the work.


00:34:15:09 – 00:34:18:00

TK Butler

And you’ve got none of your money in the deal. Like how is that not a.


00:34:18:00 – 00:34:25:05

Jon Orr

Good deal that sounds like me for you. Like I, I own a bunch of properties. I don’t even think I put a dime in because Kyle did all the work.


00:34:25:07 – 00:34:43:13

TK Butler

Right? And so it’s like, how is that not like it? Is that that’s what a real estate strategy is and that there’s opportunities for people out there so people just get caught up in. I deal with a lot of clients who are not supposed to be in real estate and they have to sell their property after they bought it with another agent that they paid too much or the tenants were a headache or blah blah, blah, blah blah.


00:34:43:13 – 00:34:57:20

TK Butler

They need the money and they have to take a loss. Or sometimes when the market was good, they came out okay, but they never should have gotten into it in the first place. And if they had understood that from the beginning, then they would be still owning real estate today. Some of those clients were, let’s say ten years ago.


00:34:57:20 – 00:35:14:21

TK Butler

Well, they’d still own real estate today. It would be worth double, triple, whatever, and they never would have had to lift a finger. And all those issues that they thought they didn’t enjoy wouldn’t have been there. And they’d be doing great right now. So you got to figure out yourself and how to navigate your own life. Your job is a simple job and you hate it.


00:35:15:02 – 00:35:27:17

TK Butler

Maybe getting into real estate investment full time, is it? If you love job, then there’s like when people say to me like, oh, you know, quit your I love my job. Maybe if I was a math teacher, maybe I would say I want to be a real estate investor. You know, it’s crazy.


00:35:27:17 – 00:35:33:01

Kyle Pearce

Because we love to this problem. We actually loved it, you know, And like, it’s like we’ve let you.


00:35:33:01 – 00:35:35:12

Jon Orr

Love two things. So you love to use.


00:35:35:14 – 00:35:36:22

Darryl Frankfort

That a lot, right?


00:35:36:24 – 00:35:50:17

TK Butler

But there’s people out there with that situation and I don’t totally understand them and commend them for being able to leave, move forward. But also, if you’ve got a great job, you love it and you want to be real estate investing on the side also perfectly fine.


00:35:50:19 – 00:36:18:01

Jon Orr

We ask everyone who’s a guest to, you know, we call it like the secret sauce question, the wealth. Secret sauce. If you think your strategies, you think about like your wealth creation, like we are all entrepreneurs, we’re all trying to create probably, you know, a wealth for ourselves, for our families, for our generations. So if you had to think about, like, what do you think is your secret sauce for creating your wealth or your legacy, what would you say your secret sauce is?


00:36:18:03 – 00:36:47:04

Darryl Frankfort

My secret sauce, I think, is a combination of the fact that I don’t sleep very well. I am very persistent and I’m willing to read a lot. Okay. I read so many documents that people want to pay other people to read that. I think I get a little bit of an edge because I know a lot of things that people don’t know way before they find them out.


00:36:47:06 – 00:36:47:18

Darryl Frankfort

I love it.


00:36:47:19 – 00:36:56:23

Jon Orr

I like the inside info. It’s almost like you’re willing to put the work in to figure out what most people don’t put the work in. And that gives you an edge.


00:36:57:00 – 00:37:20:16

Darryl Frankfort

Yeah, and I’m looking for an edge in that reading. And so most people, like, they’ll maybe glance over it or they’ll find the little part that applies to what they have right in front of them at the moment. But I’m just constantly reading like development applications and planning rationales and planning everything about planning until I find my little arbitrage.


00:37:20:20 – 00:37:37:00

Kyle Pearce

I love it. You know what I had you pegged as not maybe being a fact finder, but it sounds like you are quite a fact finder. And that might also make people believe, like you kind of jump in and cannonball into the pool. But it sounds like because of all that work you do.


00:37:37:02 – 00:37:37:09

TK Butler



00:37:37:09 – 00:37:42:22

Kyle Pearce

Into. Exactly. You’re coming in. You’re like, when you’re come in, you’re like, here we go. Cannonball. It’s like, ready to go?


00:37:42:22 – 00:37:43:15

Darryl Frankfort

That’s cool.


00:37:43:18 – 00:37:48:08

Kyle Pearce

Yeah. There you go. It’s like, that’s unfair, though, with all the kids in it, hopefully.


00:37:48:08 – 00:38:07:02

TK Butler

But when I say that he does that, it’s not because he didn’t do enough research, it’s because the information isn’t available. Nobody knows the answers. And so everyone goes, Well, A, B, and C could happen, but you won’t know A, B, and C until you actually start moving forward. So Darryl’s willing to ignore the fact that A, B and C is not actually a B.


00:38:07:05 – 00:38:08:10

Darryl Frankfort

No B and C.


00:38:08:12 – 00:38:11:02

TK Butler

Right? It’s just like he just basically says, I know.


00:38:11:03 – 00:38:11:21

Kyle Pearce

This is going to happen.


00:38:11:21 – 00:38:24:23

TK Butler

We’re doing figured this out. Yeah, but I’m going to jump in anyways and we’ll find out what type of realities we’re actually facing here. It’s not just because he overlooked something or like he could have found that out. Not like nobody knows. The answer is it’s just he’s willing to jump in.


00:38:24:23 – 00:38:39:15

Kyle Pearce

Yeah, my short answer. Yeah. That’s super valuable though, for people hearing that, because sometimes people just think like, Oh, maybe I should just do the cannonball, But it’s like, Whoa, whoa, you have lots of learning going on in the background, too, which I think is really key. But yeah, go ahead there. T.K., what’s your sense of.


00:38:39:21 – 00:38:57:09

TK Butler

How to deal? Because I trust them and then I know, you know, he will make sure that everything is place before he actually moves forward at the final stage. If he were to say to me, I got this great deal and this is what the investment is, I’m in because I’ve got other things on my mind, I trust him that he would be he’d gone.


00:38:57:09 – 00:39:12:04

TK Butler

He’d been reading the fine print of the planning report or whatever. It is enough to say this is a really good opportunity. And I would trust that because that’s if you want to go and invest your money with somebody and you expect them to have all the answers already, you’ll never invest with anybody because they won’t be able to give you all the investors.


00:39:12:04 – 00:39:27:10

TK Butler

They’ll tell you the answer. They’ll say this ABC crap, I don’t know. This is all. I’ll wait for the perfect deal. Then once the deal is done and they’ll know this for sure, once the deal is done and they go, Oh, this happened that I got, I sold it for this much. I refinanced for this much, or we got this many stories or whatever, they go, Oh, I should have invested with you.


00:39:27:10 – 00:39:43:20

TK Butler

Oh man, that was such a great deal. That’s the story of every person Darryl’s ever had a conversation with about investing with them. There’s always like, a, Oh, man, why didn’t I just do it? It is because they wanted all those answers instead of just saying, Look, out of all the people in my circle, he knows the most.


00:39:43:23 – 00:40:00:09

TK Butler

I trust that he’ll get us to the finish line. And you got to have a little bit of faith. But my quick answer just is strictly delayed gratification. I’m not trying to get any money now. I got a good job. I’m working hard. So any investing is like, I’m never like, Oh, how do I create things for T.K. today?


00:40:00:09 – 00:40:06:03

TK Butler

It’s all just to aid in the future. Well, thank me, because that’ll be waiting there for him.


00:40:06:05 – 00:40:17:04

Jon Orr

So are you, like, storing things or you’re investing long term, as I was saying, like, I’m buying. Are you buying properties and investing long term or are you just sock in your money away and say your RRSPs and all that kind of stuff?


00:40:17:06 – 00:40:39:14

TK Butler

You know, none of that garbage. All the investments that I’m doing is all being reinvested. Everything that I’m doing is always going to be building up that capital through different ways. And I’m involved in a few different things. But really, you know, real estate is is it? And I’m not saying to myself, how do I take the money out of this real estate nest egg and go and buy a car or like anything stupid like that?


00:40:39:14 – 00:40:44:16

TK Butler

There’s no benefits to me right now in any of my real estate investing at all. And I don’t plan on it for a long time.


00:40:44:16 – 00:41:10:12

Kyle Pearce

I love it. It’s our same strategy. We have it. It’s our investment slush fund, any property income, all that. It’s just rolls right back in there. And we love doing what we do. We actually love too many jobs, unfortunately, as we already mentioned. So it’s like, again, I think that’s such a great message for people to hear, is that it is not a get rich quick, regardless if it’s real estate or it’s anything developments or whatever you’re choosing to do.


00:41:10:14 – 00:41:27:09

Kyle Pearce

So key so helpful guys where can folks will have links in the show notes, of course, as we always do. But for those who are listening, they’re going, you know what? These two cats hey, I love listening to hockey players, you know, especially those guys coming off big injuries.


00:41:27:11 – 00:41:28:06

Darryl Frankfort

It’s very.


00:41:28:08 – 00:41:30:05

Kyle Pearce

Very good work. And they find you guys.


00:41:30:06 – 00:41:30:16

Darryl Frankfort

Come in and.


00:41:30:17 – 00:41:38:13

Kyle Pearce

Subscribe to all the great things that you guys are doing. Let’s start with Darryl. You can talk about where you’re at, but then also where you both are at. Go ahead.


00:41:38:15 – 00:41:52:12

Darryl Frankfort

My website is Deal Core properties dot com. You can find me on Twitter at the Frank Fort Report and on YouTube at the Canadian Real Estate show.


00:41:52:14 – 00:42:02:14

TK Butler

Yeah, the Canadian real estate show. You guys should check that out first on Instagram armbar underscore broker and our websites get radio.com if you want information about our company.


00:42:02:19 – 00:42:09:14

Jon Orr

Awesome. Guys, thanks so much for joining us here and look forward to connecting with you both later on.


00:42:09:16 – 00:42:10:19

TK Butler

Thanks, guys. Thanks for having us.


00:42:10:22 – 00:42:12:18

Kyle Pearce

Cheers, guys.


00:42:12:20 – 00:42:44:19

Jon Orr

Well, there, folks, I hope you enjoyed the interview there with Daryl and T.K. from the Canadian real estate show. Make sure you get on over to YouTube and search for that and you’ll find that you will not be disappointed if you follow that show moving forward. All the links and resources you heard here today, You can also make sure that you get to their pages over at our show notes page at Canadian Wall Secrets dot com for such episode 85 that’s Canadian well secrets dot com for episode 85.


00:42:44:19 – 00:43:01:03

Jon Orr

All right Canadian Well secret seekers we’ll see you next time.


00:43:01:05 – 00:43:25:05

Jon Orr

Just as a reminder, the information you heard here today is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice. John or his a mortgage agent with bricks, mortgage number m23006803. Karl Pierce is a licensed life and accident and sickness insurance agent and VP of Corporate Wealth Management with Bank 14.


00:43:25:06 – 00:43:27:15

Jon Orr

This includes corporate advisors and Pan Financial.


Canadian Wealth Secrets is an informative podcast that digs into the intricacies of building a robust portfolio, maximizing dividend returns, the nuances of real estate investment, and the complexities of business finance, while offering expert advice on wealth management, navigating capital gains tax, and understanding the role of financial institutions in personal finance.

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