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Interview slots are now open for our next Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast Featured Guest episode.

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Guiding You On Your Wealth Building Journey
Praise for Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast
Episode 14 — what I was waiting for!!
Fantastic show today gentlemen and and amazing job getting this show up and running for subscribers like me! A number cruncher myself, I am constantly breaking down the scenarios about my retirement and love learning about other sources of income to supplement my defined pension! What got my wheels spinning today was the segment about pulling the equity out of a real estate property – something my brain had not thought about as an option! Love that when a new idea hits! Thanks again for your work and looking forward to some IBC discussion in the future! – mloebs,
The Perfect Podcast for Me
I have been listening to investing podcasts for about 6 months now looking for guidance with how and what to invest in. I heard Kyle on The Truth About Real Estate podcast and immediately jumped here to listen to the Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast. I am currently an elementary teacher who has fallen out of love with the profession. I am interested in real estate, home design, and investing. I would love to hear a podcast about Matt’s transition from being a teacher to a realtor. –,
Foundational Financial Knowledge
These guys explain foundational financial knowledge to build wealth in an easy to understand way. The episodes lay out steps to take to gain wealth and become financially free. Financial freedom coming soon…- EricWideen,
We Are Canadian Wealth Secret Seekers…

…2 recovering mathematics teachers who have committed their lives to learning what we should have been taught all along: financial literacy and protecting your assets from taxation
Have you ever felt like for decades you were doing what you thought were the right things?
You know: living under your means, saving that down payment for a home, paying extra on your mortgage each month, taking advantage of company match retirement opportunities, maybe even putting some money into mutual funds.
Then, a year or ten down the road, it dawns on you…
Your mortgage balance has decreased some, your retirement plan has some money in it (but not enough to retire on) and you aren’t buried under a bunch of credit card debt, but there is still one problem:
Your lifestyle is exactly the same and you certainly don’t feel any wealthier than you did when you first started.
If this story sounds familiar to you, then you’ll definitely fit in here.
That was exactly how we felt when we were trying to do “all the right things” that traditional schooling taught us.

Meet The Canadian Wealth Secrets Team
Kyle Pearce
Kyle is a recovering secondary mathematics teacher who is 15 years into his financial freedom journey and is always eager to learn something new related to generating passive income, investing and wealth-building.
He loves the teaching and learning process so much that he spent almost a decade as the K-12 Mathematics Consultant for a school district in Ontario, Canada and has co-founded a passive income generating online math professional development company with fellow Canadian Wealth Secrets Seeker, Jon Orr.
Kyle is also actively investing in real estate investor and stock options trading through a co-owned real estate investment corporation, North Shore Properties that holds multi-family residential and commerical real estate. Currently, the company owns and manages over 35 units.

Jon Orr
Jon is also a recovering secondary mathematics teacher and consultant who co-owns the K-12 mathematics education and consulting business that began as a side-hustle but has now allowed him to assist more math teachers reach more students, while helping others to grow their wealth along the way.
It didn’t take long for Jon to realize that Kyle had investment and wealth building plans for the extra cashflow they were generating through their passion project math business. Being a lifelong learner, Jon listened to all of the recommended audiobooks, podcasts and engaged in long mentorship conversations to shift his mindset from a save and spend mentality to an investor’s mindset.
The first substaintial amount of profit Jon generated from his portion of his side-hustle business went towards a real estate joint venture (JV) partnership with Kyle’s North Shore Properties real estate corporation and they continue to partner on deals as opportunities arise. Jon now considers himself an active real estate investor, stock and stock options trader, and is a licensed Ontario mortgage agent.