Transparent, Unbiased Expert Advice
We are your expert wealth coach, ready to guide you towards financial security, wealth accumulation, and estate protection.
Customized Solutions
We study your unique financial situation in order to craft a wealth plan that provides safety, wealth creation, and estate protection.
Gain Back Your Time
Crafting a wealth plan can be done over a few short web-meetings from the comfort of your own home through your laptop, tablet or phone.
Book a Free 30-Minute Discovery Call to Begin Your Wealth Journey Now!
Play Defence Before Offence
Just as a soccer player might be lured into focusing their time and attention on scoring goals instead of protecting their own net, we often focus our sights on growing assets before we have ensured that they are first protected.
Crafting a clear, concise wealth building journey begins with ensuring your defensive game is in order before going on the offence. When you work with our Wealth Architects, you will learn strategies to play a “two-way” game that allows for asset protection and wealth generation.

Easy Access to Your Safe, Secure Capital
Imagine you could protect your household income and ensure your assets are secure while growing the long-term wealth of your family simultaneously.
You can with a wealth building plan crafted specifically for your unique financial situation.
Best of all, your safe and secured capital is never held hostage in a locked-up account like an RRSP or RPP.
Positioning You to Invest Without Fear
The biggest investing mistakes most people make over their lifetime is often not taking action due to worry, fear and uncertainty.
By ensuring you and your family have a secure financial plan now and into the future, you will be well-positioned to make sound investment decisions without irrational worry or fear.
Book your discovery call now so we can begin crafting your customized wealth building plan to protect your family, grow your wealth, and ensure you can sleep well at night.

Start Your Wealth Building Plan in 3 Easy Steps

Book Your Free Discovery Call
Book your free discovery call now so you can begin working with a financial advisor who will guide you through the complex world of protecting your family income, asset accumulation, and navigating the best strategies to shelter or side-step taxes wherever possible.

Strategize With Our Guidance
After engaging in your free needs analysis, we will begin crafting a short-range plan beginning with safety, security, and protection of your assets in order to put the necessary building blocks in place to develop your long-range wealth building plan to ensure your estate can be passed on without paying unnecessary amounts of taxes.

Receive Ongoing Support
Our clients at Canadian Wealth Secrets Financial are our family and therefore, on-going support and care will be provided for life to ensure that your financial situation is unfolding as planned and if not, making the necessary adjustments to ensure you reach your intended wealth building goals.
You Are a Great Fit If…
Growing Your Professional Career
One of the most common regrets of those approaching the end of their working life is not starting a wealth building plan earlier. Start now to ensure you get off on the right foot!
Growing Your Family
Whether your family is growing through a common-law partnership, marriage, or bringing children into the fold, let us help you with clarifying your financial goals so you can act on them.
Growing Your Investment Portfolio
Whether you want your capital to grow with safety and certainty, or you seek higher returns, we are your experienced guide and trusted advisor to assist in building your wealth.
Growing Your TFSA and RRSP
Do you understand the difference between a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) and a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)? Do you know whether one, both or neither are a good fit for you? We can help!
Growing Your Education Fund
If you are a parent or guardian, are you taking advantage of the 20% government contribution for your Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)? Do you have a strategy to maximize those contributions?
Growing Into Retirement
Many Canadians nearing the end of their working life believe retirement will mean uncertainty and potentially financial struggle. We can’t wait to show you how building a safe, secure, and strategic plan can work for you.