by Ali Ozbay | May 10, 2023 | Podcast
Episode 21: Four (4) Ways To Fund Your Child’s Post Secondary Education Listen Now! Have you thought about the financial implications that your children are facing when it comes to post-secondary education? If you have, how confident are you in the strategy you’ve...
by Ali Ozbay | May 3, 2023 | Podcast
Episode 20: The Magical Money Machine That Turns $16k Into $21k Safely Listen Now! Imagine being able to build a wealth generating machine that allows you to basically print money. Imagine if you could start building this machine passively and within just a handful of...
by Ali Ozbay | Apr 26, 2023 | Podcast
Episode 19: Being Creative to Create Wealth [Part 2] Listen Now! When you feel like you don’t have any wiggle room to start your wealth-building fund and you’re ready to throw in the towel on the dream of becoming financially free then you better listen up! In this...
by Ali Ozbay | Apr 18, 2023 | Podcast
Episode 18: Being Creative to Create Wealth [Part 1] Listen Now! When you feel like you don’t have any wiggle room to start your wealth-building fund and you’re ready to throw in the towel on the dream of becoming financially free then you better listen up! In this...
by Ali Ozbay | Apr 12, 2023 | Podcast
Episode 17: You Paid Off Your Mortgage? Now What? Listen Now! In this episode we explore a scenario in which Matt has the option of completely paying off the mortgage of his next personal residence. He wonders aloud how best to approach having funds to invest with...