Episode 45: Why Going 10x Is Easier Than 2x by Dan Sullivan & Ben Hardy

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Join us for another podcast episode deep dive with the spotlight on Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s book, “10x is Easier Than 2x,” which challenges conventional thinking and paves the way for transformative success in life and in business. The episode delves into several key ideas that can help listeners embark on a journey towards their financial and time freedom goals with a fresh perspective.

One standout concept is the notion that defying conventional wisdom can be the golden ticket to achieving one’s aspirations. Hardy and Sullivan argue that adhering to the status quo often leads to incremental progress, while a 10x mindset simplifies and clarifies your most crucial work and roles. By embracing a shift in mindset, individuals can create the clarity and focus needed for exponential growth.

Central to this 10x philosophy is the Pareto Principle, which emphasizes the 80/20 rule or the “law of the vital few.” The podcast unpacks how this rule can be applied to personal and professional life, empowering listeners to identify the most important 20% in their roles and activities. This discernment is the linchpin of progress, concentrating energy where it matters most.

We will also emphasize the importance of defining one’s goals and desires as it underscores that clarity is the bedrock upon which one can build a life that is 10 times more meaningful, satisfying, and successful. In addition, we will dig into why you must be unapologetic about what you want, believing that this unyielding pursuit of desires is essential to achieving your 10x life.

Finally, we will also unravel the hidden motivations of entrepreneurs and business owners, demonstrating that we aren’t solely driven by money or wealth. Instead, we seek a richer, more fulfilling life, encompassing not only financial prosperity but also personal growth, impact, and happiness.

Sit back and hit the play button was we dissect the Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy book “10x is Easier Than 2x” as we encourage you to question the norm, adopt a 10x mindset for simplified success, apply the 80/20 principle, define your goals, and unapologetically pursue your desires. By doing so, you can unlock a path to a more rewarding and fulfilling life, in tune with their true aspirations and not just monetary success.

What you’ll learn:

  • Why advice that defies conventional thinking can be the key to getting you on the right path to reaching your goals;
  • 10x thinking is easier than 2x because it simplifies and clarifies your most important work and most valuable roles;
  • What the Pareto Principle is and how to apply the 80/20 principle to your life;
  • Defining your own 20% roles and activities in your personal and professional life;
  • Why getting clear on what you want in life is critical in order to truly 10x your life, your wants, and your happiness;
  • Why being unapologetic about what you want is necessary to go 10x; and,
  • What entrepreneurs and business owners are really striving for aside from money or wealth alone.


Opportunities, Services, and Consulting:

For those interested in being considered for potential Joint Venture (JV) opportunities, reach out to us here.

Contact Matt if you’re Buying or Selling Real Estate in Windsor or Essex County!

Reach out to Jon if you’re looking for an Ontario Mortgage, Ontario Mortgage Refinance or a HELOC in Ontario.

Get in touch with Kyle to begin your journey through his Canadian Wealth Planning System.

Check out the work Jon and Kyle do assisting mathematics educators and district leaders.

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00:00:00:03 – 00:00:24:06
Jon Orr
And that part became one of the things I got really passionate about in building businesses is trying to solve these unique problems and see if they work. And then, Matt, the work that we’re going to do together, it’s the same thing. There’s a problem to solve here. Let’s see if we can find a creative solution to that. For me, entrepreneurship is that is like the freedom to not just have time, but freedom for you to focus on the 20% of things.

00:00:24:06 – 00:00:54:13
Jon Orr
Like for me, the 20% are those things. What problem needs to be solved and can I find a creative solution to fill that in? See if it worked. And for me it’s like I will go all in on that every day. And where can I do that more? That’s all I really want to do. And I know that that part also will drive all the other things around the work that we’re doing.

00:00:54:15 – 00:01:01:12
Kyle Pearce
Welcome to the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast with Kyle Pearce, Matt Biggley and Jon Orr.

00:01:01:14 – 00:01:10:15
Jon Orr
Get ready to be taught as we share our successes and failures encountered during our real life lessons. Learning how to build generational wealth from the ground up.

00:01:10:17 – 00:01:15:10
Matt Biggley
Welcome investment students to another episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets Podcast.

00:01:15:12 – 00:01:39:17
Kyle Pearce
Well, my friends, we are excited that the three of us get to come together and chat a little bit today about ten exiting our lives. And some of you might be thinking, Oh, they’re talking about taxing like investing. But no, we’re actually talking about taxing your life. And it can really be any area of it. And I think we’re going to use a recent book as sort of the catalyst for this discussion.

00:01:39:21 – 00:01:57:14
Jon Orr
We are. We are. And I think when you say it taxing your life, I think, Kyle, what it means to me is taxing anything you want to ten. So if it’s taxing your investments, it’s taxing your vestments, it is taxing your business, then it’s ten taxing your business, 610 thing, your personal relationships with your family and your friends, then you’re taxing that.

00:01:57:16 – 00:02:36:01
Jon Orr
And I think the idea that the book being taxed is easier than two acts from two individuals. We’ve read many other books, Dan Sullivan from Strategic Coach and also Benjamin Hardie wrote this book. They also wrote Who Not How. They also wrote The Gap in the Game Great books. This particular episode we’re going to dive into why ten is easier than two X and guys, I think the premise here in this kind of book study episode of this podcast is because you think that most people, when they make especially business goals, financial goals, economic goals for their businesses, they will say, I’m going to do X, I’m going to double my revenue, I’m going to

00:02:36:01 – 00:02:40:12
Jon Orr
double the investment portfolio. These are goals we make to ourselves on a regular basis.

00:02:40:17 – 00:02:43:20
Kyle Pearce
And often they’re lofty. Right to X feels like a lot.

00:02:43:20 – 00:03:01:18
Jon Orr
It does feel like if you’re doing 100% of the work now and you say, I’m going to double it now, you’re automatically think I got to double my workload, right? That does feel very lofty. And actually, I was reading the book How to Grow Your Small Business, Donald Miller and he actually recommends this is a controversy to the book we’re reading right now.

00:03:01:20 – 00:03:22:18
Jon Orr
He recommends, guys, that you should write a to X goal for your economic goal. So he’s saying like just make a doubling of your revenue. And then when you do that, you double your revenue again and then you double your revenue again. So eventually you’re going to ten x your avenue. But in this book, they’re saying it’s actually easier to ten X than two X if you change your mindset.

00:03:22:18 – 00:03:42:11
Jon Orr
And it is a mindset book and they’ve got some practical things in the book, but completely a mindset from start to ending how to wrap your mind around how to think about taxing your business or anything that you want in your life versus saying doubling. And I think it goes to this idea where we just kind of commented on that.

00:03:42:11 – 00:04:04:17
Jon Orr
If you think of doubling the workload you have now, if I double the amount of investment portfolios, that means I have to double the amount of input which in this book they argue is not the case. It’s actually easier to ten X because you’re not just doubling your input, you’re actually redesigning what the input looks like so that you can achieve the ten X without doubling your input.

00:04:04:22 – 00:04:21:12
Matt Biggley
And I think, John, to hear you describe this book kind of is defies conventional thinking. And I think this is where this book was the best kind of punch in the face. I remember it stopped me in my tracks. I heard Dr. Benjamin Hardy on an episode of the Ed Mylett show, and I immediately sent you guys the episode.

00:04:21:12 – 00:04:49:21
Matt Biggley
I was like, This episode is mindblowing, went out and bought the book. You guys went out and bought the book. I then shared it with my wife. Can you share with you? I was so struck by finally hearing something that resonated so deeply with what I’m going to say is, I think, kind of candid and revealing here. It’s like when you work really, really hard in your entrepreneurial pursuit, a lot of times it looks really different than society, than coworkers, than colleagues.

00:04:49:23 – 00:05:24:08
Matt Biggley
And that ultimately is kind of a oddly isolating feeling to be out of step with what convention suggests. And I will admit that at times it’s entrepreneurial genius and so grateful to have the two of you as friends and as business partners. But if I’m to be totally honest, we’re going against the grain here. So I think hearing this book spoke right to my soul, it was like therapeutic because sometimes I’m like, holy smokes, what we’re doing, the life we’re pursuing and the work we’re putting into it is just so different than the norm.

00:05:24:14 – 00:05:39:17
Matt Biggley
And it’s only because it’s been a choice. I love what Gary says. Listen, if you want to play softball and Wednesday nights, play softball, whatever it is you want to do, do, and in this case, it’s like we want to work really hard on this entrepreneurial thing. And so, you know, not a golfer, not a hockey player, not a this, not a that.

00:05:39:19 – 00:05:47:13
Matt Biggley
I’m an entrepreneur and I’m a lover of ideas. And so this book was profound. That was its impact on me for sure. It hit me deep.

00:05:47:15 – 00:06:09:14
Kyle Pearce
I love it. And yeah, absolutely. I sent it on to Shawn Tell I know Shawn has been going through her own mindset journey. Definitely not around business by any means, but in terms of just setting her own goals in life. And that’s why To your points, both of you gentlemen saying that this isn’t about just taxing investments or financial freedom, you can apply this to anything in your life.

00:06:09:14 – 00:06:29:20
Kyle Pearce
And what popped into my brain there when you said the Gary Vee softball idea, Matt, is if let’s say that’s what you want to do, then go ten X on it and do it. And maybe you want to do it four nights a week and rock and roll, go do it. But what I’ve done in my life in many cases is that I go and I do the opposite and I actually spread myself too thin.

00:06:29:20 – 00:06:47:16
Kyle Pearce
So I’ll play hockey on Tuesday because I enjoy hockey. But I don’t want to go ten weeks on it. And then I do this other thing on a different night and I do this other so I’m spreading myself so thin. And when you think about it, oftentimes when you’re doing those things, you’re going through the motions and you’re not actually giving your all at times.

00:06:47:16 – 00:07:02:19
Kyle Pearce
I’m not giving my full effort or attention towards, say, hockey, what the guys that I’m playing with and sure, I feel good that I made it and I caught up with them and have a beer in the dressing room after do all of those wonderful things. But at the end of the day, it’s not my quote unquote best work right?

00:07:02:19 – 00:07:23:08
Kyle Pearce
And the same can be true for so many things that we do through life. And the word that pops into my mind when we talk about this is this idea of drifting and Napoleon Hill, I think I brought it up on an episode previously, but I think I incorrectly cited the book. It came from it’s actually from Outwitting the Devil, which is a book that’s not as common.

00:07:23:08 – 00:07:44:01
Kyle Pearce
It’s not as popular as some of the other Napoleon Hill books. But Outwitting the Devil, they talk about this idea of drifting where most people drift through life and what they mean as you just sort of drift to whatever is happening, whatever lies in front of you. And I think that’s why so many people think about people who are successful.

00:07:44:03 – 00:08:06:13
Kyle Pearce
A lot of people assume that they must have gotten, quote unquote, lucky, right? So they luckily drifted to the thing that got them successful when in reality, if you actually peel back the onion on that, I’m going to argue that the vast majority actually were very clear on what they wanted. They focused all in on those things, and that’s not actually luck.

00:08:06:16 – 00:08:25:07
Kyle Pearce
It’s that they committed to it and they weren’t just drifting around kind of seeing what falls in front of you. Oftentimes a certain friends fall before you, right? There’s friends of convenience. There’s hey, the kids, the parents on the soccer team that you’re connecting with and all of that person’s nice and this person’s nice, so it’s convenient. You’ve drifted in that direction.

00:08:25:13 – 00:09:00:13
Kyle Pearce
You can also drift in other directions. You can drift aimlessly or you can sort of get focused in on what it is that you really want to do and then start committing all of your energy towards it. And that’s where this happens. Tennis cannot happen if you’re focused on way too many things. And as John, you and I always say to our district partners that we work with when we do our coaching in consulting, in mathematics, we tell them that most often districts have way too many priorities and therefore they have none, right?

00:09:00:13 – 00:09:27:02
Kyle Pearce
So they are not applying the same ten X principle, this 8020 rule and focusing all of their effort on the most important 20%. They’re trying to focus on every percentage point, all 100 parts of the puzzle, when in reality each one of those pieces can impact and influence the outcome so significantly different than maybe what you’re actually after.

00:09:27:04 – 00:10:00:10
Jon Orr
Yeah, and I think, Kyle, when you mentioned the 8020 rule and I think you articulated here, we have to get clear on what you want. I think that’s the hardest part. The hard part is deciding where do I focus my 20%, where do I focus my my efforts? What do I really want? And there’s a part of the book, there’s a chapter of the book there where they talk about wants versus needs, and it helps you wrap your mind around wanting what you want, because I think there’s a lot of pressure that you should only want certain things.

00:10:00:10 – 00:10:18:09
Jon Orr
And when you want something like you want to annex your business or you want to tend to your portfolio, you want to work on that, all the time. When you’ve identified that, that’s the thing you want. That’s hard to figure out. But once you decide that’s what I want, now you feel like you have to justify it to people.

00:10:18:09 – 00:10:37:18
Jon Orr
And the book does a great job of trying to help you realize you don’t you don’t have to justify it to people. You want what you want, and that’s okay. You are going to be moving at a ten x speed, whereas to x, if you were moving at two X, you say, Oh, I want to double my revenue or I want to double my portfolio and that’s something you want, but now you have to justify it to somebody else.

00:10:37:18 – 00:10:54:06
Jon Orr
You’re trying to justify your two X moves and you feel confident there to do that. But when you go ten X, it’s so big, right? To go ten X to go all in on this thing that you want to work on or want to do or want to achieve that you have to feel like you have to justify to somebody.

00:10:54:06 – 00:11:08:04
Jon Orr
But I think the book does a great job of saying you don’t have to justify it, you just work on it. And that is like what you said before. It is alienating because those two X people are going to fall away. You’re not going to have them beside you anymore.

00:11:08:05 – 00:11:20:22
Kyle Pearce
What about the one X people? There’s a lot of people that are like, I’m sure they’re not listening to this podcast, but I mean, the vast majority of people, I don’t even think are thinking to X, right? But folks who are listening to this probably are.

00:11:20:22 – 00:11:46:06
Jon Orr
And if you can get this book and you listen to the audio version at the end of every chapter, they interview Dan Sullivan and the two of them talking about what they just wrote in the chapter. You don’t get that in the actual written part of the book. So it’s kind of like a bonus. And I remember when they were chatting that he says specifically that when you go ten X, you propel to X, so you’re going to push actually everyone away who doesn’t think that way.

00:11:46:08 – 00:12:04:11
Jon Orr
And that’s that scary part because you actually have to change your like you said, your friends may fall away. You’re going to find ten X people, you’re going to surround yourself with tax people because you’re going that route, but your two X people are going to go away. It reminded me of what addicts have to go through when they change their habits.

00:12:04:11 – 00:12:22:15
Jon Orr
If I’m going to stop smoking, I can actually go out on smoke break anymore. I can’t hang around with these people because I will start smoking again. Or that’s what people say. If you’re drinking and you’re an alcoholic, you actually can’t do the things that you would normally do. You have to change complete habits. You can hang out with the same social crowd anymore because you just fall back into those habits.

00:12:22:16 – 00:12:34:21
Jon Orr
It’s the same thing with ten acts and two X is that if you really want a ten X it, it will be easier. It will be easier, but you do repel all the people that aren’t going to think like that and you don’t have to justify it to them.

00:12:34:23 – 00:12:57:00
Matt Biggley
Yeah, you set the lot there, John, and some great points to just circle back to. And one of them was just about really being Dan Sullivan does such a great job of this in the audio part of it where he just says like be unapologetic about what you want. And I think again, the societal pressure on all of us is to say the right answer about the things we want, he says in the book.

00:12:57:00 – 00:13:15:03
Matt Biggley
He’s like, If you want, right now, it’s all you. All right now is to get really, really rich. If wealth and that just sounds so shallow and so lacking. He’s like, That is okay, stop worrying about what other people, you know, just have to be philanthropic. It doesn’t have to be community based now, he said. Maybe it gets there.

00:13:15:03 – 00:13:38:18
Matt Biggley
I love that. Almost like that. Permission for us to stop hiding what it is we actually want. And that was a powerful message that we don’t really hear very often. And I think a lot of people kind of get caught lying to themselves and others. And another guy we listen to a lot, Hermosa, he talks about how if you don’t believe in what you’re doing or what you’re selling, it’s going to be noticeable.

00:13:38:18 – 00:13:53:12
Matt Biggley
You’re not going to be as successful. And so I think that translates here. If you’re not being honest about what you want, your pursuit of that is just going to ring a little bit hollow and I think ultimately be unfounded. I love that part. And you touching on that really sparked it again for me.

00:13:53:14 – 00:14:18:24
Kyle Pearce
That part of the book and you bringing it back up kind of brings me back to this vulnerable state where I feel and I don’t know if both of you felt the same way, maybe Matt, it might have been maybe earlier in your journey where you had left teaching. But I know that being known in, say, the math education community and doing the work that we’ve done, John and I have done in the math community, that it was almost like doing this podcast was actually a little scary for me.

00:14:18:24 – 00:14:39:23
Kyle Pearce
It was risky, right? Because I was like, What will all the educators think about us? Will they think that we’re greedy? And that part of the book really helped me to overcome that, because the reality is they also go on to say, and I don’t know if you guys remember this in the book, but they go on to say that actually it’s not money that entrepreneurs want.

00:14:39:23 – 00:15:01:10
Kyle Pearce
And Dan Sullivan says he’s like a lot of people think people who are entrepreneurial or who have businesses, that they’re just money hungry, but they’re actually not. Money is the first step in the path that will get them to what they want, which is time freedom. And that piece for me was really reassuring because I’ve always done this work.

00:15:01:15 – 00:15:21:07
Kyle Pearce
I’ve invested in real estate since we’ve talked about it ad nauseum back over ten years ago when I started this path on my own journey, before I had met both of you guys and I didn’t know exactly why I was doing it, because it wasn’t for Lamborghini’s. It wasn’t to be, quote unquote, rich. It was more from safety.

00:15:21:08 – 00:15:38:13
Kyle Pearce
But now I start to recognize that it’s like, okay, once you get safety done and I feel secure now, I want to get to this place where it’s like, I can truly decide what I do with my time. And we are more and more every day. We are closer to that goal, but we’re just excited about the work.

00:15:38:16 – 00:15:57:23
Kyle Pearce
That’s the beauty of it. And I would argue that if we aren’t excited about doing the work, if we weren’t excited about doing the work in mathematics, which we still are excited about that work. And if we’re not excited about doing the work over here in building wealth and helping to mentor others and coach people along, then we wouldn’t be here doing this podcast either.

00:15:57:23 – 00:16:28:11
Kyle Pearce
Because at the end of the day it is a lot of work before any of that flywheel. If we go back to that episode, any of that flywheel starts to move and anyone who is sort of just kickin tires, trying to find a way to make money, typically it falls off, right? So again, it’s like looking at that end goal and getting clear on why you want to do what you want to do and then finding the things that you are actually willing to go all in on is really important.

00:16:28:11 – 00:16:46:05
Kyle Pearce
I would argue for the vast majority of people out there, especially those working nine to fives and working those salary jobs. They’re doing a job that they might not mind, but they probably aren’t dying to continue doing it when they get home at night, whereas that’s not actually true for us. We do this all the time in the evening.

00:16:46:05 – 00:17:03:11
Kyle Pearce
We do all of this think it’s almost like nonstop and it’s just part of who we are and it makes that ten X mindset so much easier to follow through on, but then also to feel okay about it too. And that we’re actually not that weird, even though a lot of people would probably still think so.

00:17:03:13 – 00:17:35:11
Jon Orr
You said that you thought entrepreneurship was not people think about money, but it was really about freedom of time. And I partly agree with that. And I think it’s more than that, though, and I think you help clarify that too, and your explanation. But I feel like it’s freedom of time in a certain way, right? Like it’s freedom for you to pursue entrepreneurship is freedom for you to pursue the 20% of tasks, the 20% of things that really drive you as a person, but also what’s going to drive the rest of your goals further.

00:17:35:11 – 00:17:59:19
Jon Orr
So for example, when we were teaching math classes and that I was telling you this I think last week is that I think when I look at the history of all the things that really I was passionate about and eventually became an entrepreneurship, a defining moment for me. But I mean, when you think about what we were doing, Kyle, with math 15 years ago, ten years ago, and I think what really I loved about teaching math was the creative part of designing.

00:17:59:22 – 00:18:19:13
Jon Orr
It actually was problem solving in a way. There’s a problem to solve helping kids get better at math, but also helping kids like and enjoy math better. And it was like, how can I solve that problem in a creative way? And I get to see the result. That was something that really sparked and made me feel very excited about teaching.

00:18:19:15 – 00:18:38:04
Jon Orr
Proud of the teaching moments. It was really just identifying where there is a gap, where’s a hole and can I fill that hole by finding a unique solution to it? And then seeing if it worked and then doing that again, like a little science experiment. That’s all we did in our math classes to build up the success for our own students.

00:18:38:06 – 00:18:45:14
Jon Orr
You would say, Hey, I’m going to try this lesson. Does it work? Yeah. He worked in All We Got what We Wanted, and then we did that with our business.

00:18:45:14 – 00:18:48:12
Kyle Pearce
More of that and then less of the stuff that didn’t work. Right? Right.

00:18:48:12 – 00:19:08:11
Jon Orr
Same idea. So it’s like, Hey, when we started to systematize that with make math moments, we were also going, okay, well, there’s a problem to solve here in business. There’s back end pieces to this business that I got really excited about solving because it was like that part needed to be solved. Let me figure out a creative way to solve that problem and I’ll see if it worked.

00:19:08:13 – 00:19:32:18
Jon Orr
And that part became one of the things I got really passionate about in building businesses is trying to solve these unique problems and see if they work. And then, Matt, the work that we’re going to do together, it’s the same thing. There’s a problem to solve here. Let’s see if we can find a creative solution to that. For me, entrepreneurship is that is like the freedom to not just have time, but freedom for you to focus on the 20% of things.

00:19:32:18 – 00:19:51:00
Jon Orr
Like for me, the 20% are those things. What problem needs to be solved and can I find a creative solution to fill that in? See if it worked? And for me it’s like I will go all in on that every day. And where can I do that more? That’s all I really want to do. And I know that that part also will drive all the other things around the work that we’re doing.

00:19:51:00 – 00:20:09:03
Jon Orr
So it’s not only just kind of thinking about freedom, it’s freedom of giving you time to focus on the 20% of things that really matter to you and really matter to your business or really matter to your best in life that are going to push you to the next level. And doing that because the other 80%. Right. The other 80% you don’t need to do anymore.

00:20:09:03 – 00:20:17:14
Jon Orr
That’s why we took the leap here in the sense that if I can focus on just those things, this those problem solving aspects, I don’t want to do that anymore because I know it’s not going to drive us further.

00:20:17:16 – 00:20:37:24
Matt Biggley
And I think that’s the advice there in for the audience. Sean And the title of the book ten X is Simpler than two X. This is why it’s simpler. It’s clarifying for you to think about your most important work and your most valuable roles and skills. That’s the part that makes it simple. You can just shed so much of those roles.

00:20:38:01 – 00:21:03:22
Matt Biggley
And John, we’re in a really extreme moment right now where I bring you into my business in some of the work that we’re doing. And you’ve identified, you’ve clarified, you’ve simplified what your most valuable work in roles and skills are. And I’ve now brought you into my business to be one of my who’s and they’ve got another great book called Who Not How So You’ve become a Who in my world and I’ve become a who to you because that was part of that money, freedom that allowed you to take this entrepreneurial step.

00:21:03:22 – 00:21:35:03
Matt Biggley
And we’ll talk about your next step, hopefully a little teaser in this episode and revisit in a future episode. But that’s what is so simplifying about this is it’s just a different way of thinking. I think when I think about my real estate business and how we’ve got all these different hats, we’ve got the marketing hat and the operations hat and we’ve got the transaction hat and we’ve got the sales hat, which is really the hat I want to be doing, except much of my time is spent in all of the minutia of all these other little things that I don’t love doing but need to be done.

00:21:35:05 – 00:21:58:08
Matt Biggley
And that’s where you get distracted and that’s where we get prone to is costs and earlier drifting. So to bring you in with that strength of operations and that problem solving is going to create so much capacity for me to be able to drive more business and have a better quality of life. And those have been our conversations about working together in my business to say there’s to measurables here that we’re looking for an improved quality of life.

00:21:58:08 – 00:22:20:16
Matt Biggley
So it’s not 24 seven all the time. And part of that is trust that things are getting done behind the scenes. And the second one is to drive more business. And if you’re focusing on that 20% of activities, those things that you are truly best at, then not only will you be more fulfilled, but you will certainly be more successful when it comes time to your work, to your growth and to all of your relationships as well.

00:22:20:18 – 00:22:46:05
Kyle Pearce
That’s a massive, massive piece here for everyone listening to think about this idea of mastering the art of quitting is really important. And today, right before this episode, you went and had to go put a couple of signs in the ground, right? You’re coming in from that and it’s like you’re in the process and really you’re in the process of the last section of the book, which is this idea of creating a self running company or a self-managing company, right?

00:22:46:07 – 00:23:05:09
Kyle Pearce
That is a goal that you see where then you can do the things that you are honing in on, in you’re focusing on. And when we think about the art of quitting and thinking about what it is that you want. So once again, thinking about that, Matt has described what he wants for his business. I want everybody out there listening to kind of do the same thing and think about what that is.

00:23:05:09 – 00:23:31:21
Kyle Pearce
If you haven’t thought that through yet or you’re not clear on it yet, you need to continue thinking on that. So that’s a first step. But then the next one would be, okay, how do I ten from here to there? Well, a great part of the book which I want to make sure we touch on here before we wrap things up, is this idea of looking back to where you are now versus where you were when you were at 1/10 of where you are now.

00:23:31:21 – 00:23:50:19
Kyle Pearce
And every person in the world has ten acts in their life, whether they recognize it or not. And this is sort of the gap versus the gain mentality, right? This idea that you are in the game, we are not in the gap, right? So people look at themself and go, I wish I was here, here, here, had this, this, this, or I didn’t get to the place I wanted to be.

00:23:50:19 – 00:24:08:08
Kyle Pearce
But if you actually pause and go, well, wait a second, If you’re a teacher and you’ve been on teaching for more than ten years in Ontario, you were earning a whole lot less. Or maybe it was before you started teaching where you were like, Hey, I was serving tables and now my salary has ten next. All right, What were the things that mattered?

00:24:08:08 – 00:24:30:14
Kyle Pearce
What were the things that actually helped you get from there to here? And I’m going to argue that the vast majority, 80%, probably didn’t help you get to where you are now, or at least the positive parts of where you are now. So what were the 20%? And now you have to go. Okay, well, if that’s true from where I was to where I am now, what is the 20% for me moving forward?

00:24:30:14 – 00:24:50:03
Kyle Pearce
Right. And how can I focus more on that 20%? You’re not going to be perfect. No one’s going to be perfect. But if you’re thinking about that and you constantly think about it and continue to refine what those things are, you might think this thing over here is part of your 20% and you might learn after a month, after a year, after, however long, that it’s actually not.

00:24:50:03 – 00:25:15:00
Kyle Pearce
And you take it out and you add something else, that’s the 20% and you focus on that. And I would argue that if I know where I’m going and I know where I’ve been and I’m reflective on where I’ve been, where I am and where I’m going, I can get there faster. And this is where the ten X is truly easier than to X because you don’t have to be stretched so thin doing everything and anything.

00:25:15:02 – 00:25:38:02
Kyle Pearce
And I get on calls with invested students like those listening here today, and I chat with them and I’ll say the most common challenge that I find people are dealing with is that they’re trying to deal with all 100%. They’re looking at everything. A recent call this person had done a little bit of everything, but hadn’t done a lot of one thing or hadn’t done a lot of a few things.

00:25:38:02 – 00:26:01:15
Kyle Pearce
This person knew a lot about many things. They talk about assigning deals. They talked about flipping, they talked about rent owns, they talked about multifamily. They had two options, course saved and they did courses in all of these things. So they’re like, wow, they’ve learned so much, but they haven’t actually done a lot of any one thing. And that’s because they haven’t paused to go, Where am I?

00:26:01:15 – 00:26:18:24
Kyle Pearce
They’ve sort of drifted to all of these very investor like things, but they’re still drifting in this zone. Instead of deciding what’s my 20%, I told them and I said, So which one is it? And they said, Well, what do you mean? I don’t know which one’s going to be the most successful? I said, Oh, I can’t tell you what that is.

00:26:18:24 – 00:26:46:14
Kyle Pearce
I’m like, You need to decide which one are you going to be most successful in? Because each of those paths, there is a way for you to be successful at it. But the problem is, is that you’re hoping that somehow, magically that someone’s going to tell you which one is the best one. And every person that taught the courses, all of the courses you took, all of those people are crushing it in each of those areas because they want to and because they’re focusing on it, they’re not focusing on all of them.

00:26:46:14 – 00:26:58:17
Kyle Pearce
They’re focusing on one. And that’s why they think theirs is the best. It’s because it’s the one that they’re willing to tax on instead of just to axing everything and not really taking any of these things seriously.

00:26:58:21 – 00:27:14:24
Jon Orr
Think about that. For you to bounce around like that, you have to be operating in the gap because if you’re going all in on learning, let’s say I’m taking those courses or I’m learning about this one, I’m doing my fact finder, I’m trying to understand should I go down that route and you get down that route, you get down.

00:27:15:01 – 00:27:37:21
Jon Orr
And before you take an action on that route, you’re probably if you’re going to bounce out of that route and go to a different route that quickly and that often you must be measuring your gap, which is saying, I want to be here, but I’m not there, I’m not there. So I’m measuring against this ideal that doesn’t exist or it’s too far away at this time.

00:27:37:21 – 00:27:54:06
Jon Orr
So I’m measuring where I need to get to instead of where I’ve been. Because if I measure where I’ve been and you’re going, look at all what I’ve learned, you’re probably automatically going to start to go like, Well, now you go here and you don’t need it bounce around as much because of that measuring of the gap in the game.

00:27:54:08 – 00:28:12:01
Jon Orr
And when you measure in the game, you’re constantly thinking about the things that you’ve done well on and how that’s useful for you. And I think when you decide how is this useful for me, that’s where you get to apply or take that next step to ten x where you’re supposed to be. And then from that book, The Gap in the Game, same authors.

00:28:12:05 – 00:28:26:04
Jon Orr
They had a great exercise that I think worked well, and this is something that you could take away from this episode too, as we wrap here. But every day at the end of the day, you bring out your planner. I don’t know. I know you guys aren’t always the planner people. I’m a planner person. This is my day.

00:28:26:07 – 00:28:40:18
Jon Orr
I left this at work the other day. I wasn’t at home and I felt naked all day. I needed it beside me and it’s like at the end of the day, if you write down the three things, three things. What were your big wins? Kyle We always talk about big wins when we have our meetings or quick wins.

00:28:40:20 – 00:28:59:16
Jon Orr
It’s the thinking of where your progress has been. That’s the measuring, the gain. What three things were a big win for me today. So you list those at the evening when the day is over. You’re constantly thinking about that and then you write down what are three wins for tomorrow? And then you’re now going, Hey, I’m going to have three wins tomorrow.

00:28:59:16 – 00:29:14:14
Jon Orr
And then every day the beautiful this and they outline this in the book is that the beauty of doing both of those is that you’re setting yourself up for success tomorrow and then every day because you’re writing three wins no matter what, even if you felt like you lost, there’s a win in there, right? You either win or you learn, right?

00:29:14:14 – 00:29:22:00
Jon Orr
So there is that win and every day you’re getting wins. And when you’re getting wins every day, that’s how you’re going to get the ten X wins.

00:29:22:00 – 00:29:37:23
Matt Biggley
This was an awesome chat today. I loved this book and am excited for listeners to check it out as well. This whole concept of us unpacking books and sharing them with listeners on air, I think this has been a lot of fun and I’d love to propose that we do it again and maybe we reach out to our listeners for some suggestions.

00:29:37:23 – 00:29:56:01
Matt Biggley
What should we be reading next? What’s out there? Hit us up on socials or in our podcast reviews. We’d love to hear some other suggestions because there’s nothing like an amazing, profound, impactful book to just hit you in all the right places and encourage you in the work that you’re doing and push you along to even greater growth.

00:29:56:01 – 00:29:57:03
Matt Biggley
That’s what we’re all about here.

00:29:57:09 – 00:30:17:11
Jon Orr
Hey, everybody, we want to thank you for listening today. And we want to also encourage you to share the podcast with your friends, your family. Make sure you hit follow on all social media platforms as well. We are at Canadian Wealth Secrets. We’re over on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter or whatever you call it, and Tik Tok, we’re over there as well.

00:30:17:11 – 00:30:27:18
Jon Orr
So make sure you follow those platforms because we are publishing clips of our episodes, other goodies over on all those channels. So stay with us, friends. We have new stuff every week for you.

00:30:27:21 – 00:30:48:19
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. And remember, you can head over to Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com and you’ll see a contact button or a book, a call button with us. And hey, regardless of what your situation, we always always our number one goal is to make sure that you get at least one big takeaway from the call one next step.

00:30:48:21 – 00:31:07:20
Kyle Pearce
And so far we friends are at 100% on that. We ask every call to those who reach out to us and we try to provide you with some next steps. Sometimes it’s us being able to actually assist with you. Other times it’s us redirecting you to other sort of places, other contacts where you might want to continue that discussion or that journey.

00:31:07:20 – 00:31:28:20
Kyle Pearce
But one thing that I want you to keep in mind is that, hey, we do this because we’re passionate about learning, we’re passionate about sharing and teaching. And of course, we want to make sure that you friends are experiencing your greatest success. And hopefully today on this episode, you got some ideas from the ten acts as greater than two Acts discussion.

00:31:28:22 – 00:31:38:11
Kyle Pearce
And I’m sure if you book a discovery, call with us, you will have another step along that journey so you can dig even deeper into that. Most important 20.

00:31:38:11 – 00:31:51:20
Matt Biggley
Percent links, Resources and transcripts from this episode can be found over in the website that’s Canadian Wealth Secrets icon forward slash episode 45. Again that is investor teacher dot com forward slash Episode 45.

00:31:51:22 – 00:32:19:09
Jon Orr
All rights invested students class dismissed. Just as a reminder, the content you hear here today is from racial purposes only. You should not through any such information or other materials legal tax, investment, financial or other advice.

00:32:19:09 – 00:32:44:14
Kyle Pearce
And a reminder, Matt Biggley is a licensed realtor in the province of Ontario with Deer Brook Realty. John is a mortgage agent with Brix Mortgage B-R Mortgage License number m23006803. And Kyle Pierce is a licensed life and accident and sickness insurance agent with the corporate advisors and pan financial team.

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