Episode 50: 💬 Be Seen 👁🗨 To Get The Green 💸 – An Interview With Dave Dubeau
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In this episode, we welcome real estate entrepreneur, podcaster, best-selling author and private capital specialist, Dave Dubeau. Join us as we dig into Dave’s real estate journey beginning when he was a child growing up in what some might call a “house hack” with his parents, growing and operating an English language program in Costa Rica, followed by packing up his family and starting over in Kamloops, British Columbia to start a new life in real estate investing.
He began his real estate investing journey in 2003 doing 18 deals in 18 months after investing in a real estate coaching program and currently, he invests passively in multi-family properties. Since 2012, Dave has been a leading authority on helping “everyday people investing in real estate” to find private money partners and raise capital.
Using his proprietary 3 Part Money Partner Formula™ Dave helps his real estate entrepreneur clients to grow their portfolios significantly and in record time by attracting private investors instead of chasing after them.
What you’ll learn:
- Why programs can be beneficial to help you take massive action;
- Why networking can be key for growing your business and your opportunities;
- How to determine whether a network is helping you grow or holding you back;
- How being seen is important to help you get the green through podcasting, social media, or other marketing efforts; and,
- Why massive imperfect action will beat perfect procrastination any day of the week.
- Listen to Dave’s Podcast Property Profits
- Reach out to Dave on his website MoneyPartnerFormula.com
- Dig into our Ultimate Investment Book List
- Book a Discovery Call with us so we can help you overcome your current wealth building barrier and take the next step in your financial journey
- Download our Wealth Building Blueprint
- The Real Group Windsor Real Estate Team
- Canadian Wealth Secrets Ontario Mortgages
- Canadian Wealth Secrets Wealth Planning
Opportunities, Services, and Consulting:
For those interested in being considered for potential Joint Venture (JV) opportunities, reach out to us here.
Contact Matt if you’re Buying or Selling Real Estate in Windsor or Essex County!
Reach out to Jon if you’re looking for an Ontario Mortgage, Ontario Mortgage Refinance or a HELOC in Ontario.
Get in touch with Kyle to begin your journey through his Canadian Wealth Planning System.
Check out the work Jon and Kyle do assisting mathematics educators and district leaders.
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00:00:00:12 – 00:00:18:06
Dave Dubeau
Because most of us get into real estate investing not to have one or two properties in our portfolio. Most people get into real estate investing to create significa and passive income. A lot of people would just love to quit the job and focus on real estate full time. Well, to do that, you have to build up your portfolio.
00:00:18:06 – 00:00:21:21
Dave Dubeau
You have to have more doors, you have to have more units, and the way you do that is you.
00:00:22:00 – 00:00:57:04
Kyle Pearce
In this episode, we welcome a real estate entrepreneur, podcaster, best selling author and private capital specialist Dave Dubbo. Join us as we dig into Dave’s real estate journey, beginning with when he was a child growing up in what some might call a house hack with his parents growing up and operating an English language program in Costa Rica, followed by packing up his family and starting all over again in Kamloops, British Columbia, to start a new life revolving around real estate investing.
00:00:57:06 – 00:01:10:23
Kyle Pearce
Here we go.
00:01:11:00 – 00:01:48:02
Kyle Pearce
Welcome to the Investing Teacher podcast with Kyle Pearce, Matt Biggley and Jon Orr. Get ready to be taught as we share our successes and failures encountered during our real life lessons. Learning how to build generational wealth from the ground up. Welcome to all of our invested students to yet another episode of the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast. And for those who are paying attention, you probably noticed this one’s going to be a little bit different, first of all, because we’re bringing on our second guest in Dave Dubbo here today from Property Profits podcast.
00:01:48:04 – 00:02:15:04
Kyle Pearce
But secondly, you’ve only got me, so it’s going to be Dave and Kyle hanging out, chatting, all things real estate, capital raising and really just mindset in general to help you push forward. So I’m not going to waste any time. Here we go. Let’s head on over and introduce Dave. Hey, hey, hey there, Dave. It is awesome to have you here on the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast.
00:02:15:06 – 00:02:40:08
Kyle Pearce
It’s been a few weeks time, maybe a month or so since I was honored to be on your podcast Property All Profits. There it is, pointing to it for those who are watching on YouTube and really excited to be able to bring you to the Canadian Wealth Secrets audience who we like to call the invested students. So, hey, tell them a little bit about yourself, Dave, where you come to us from and what’s your shtick?
00:02:40:10 – 00:02:46:05
Dave Dubeau
Well, thanks, Carl. I have to say, this is probably one of the only times in my life I feel comfortable talking with a math teacher.
00:02:46:07 – 00:03:03:22
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, that’s awesome. Well, you know what? I will tell you this much. That was one of my goals as a math teacher was always to get students to feel a little less anxious, a little less stressed when it came to math class, Just the thought of math class.
00:03:03:22 – 00:03:09:04
Dave Dubeau
So that is great, man. Where were you 40 some years ago? I tell you what, But it’s.
00:03:09:06 – 00:03:17:17
Kyle Pearce
There it is. There it is. So clearly, you’re not a math teacher. So let the audience know who is Dave Dubbo and what’s going on in your world these days.
00:03:17:19 – 00:03:56:15
Dave Dubeau
Yeah, so I am based in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, long time real estate entrepreneur, kind of grew up around real estate investing called My family Home was actually one unit in a six plex that my grandfather and my father built. So always had tenants around. Just thought that was kind of normal. And then my parents split up and I went off with my mom and there she was, the single mom schoolteacher, and built up a portfolio of over 50 rental units, working as a schoolteacher, raising a snot nosed kid, yours truly back in the seventies and the eighties.
00:03:56:17 – 00:04:14:20
Dave Dubeau
So that was way before podcasts and coaching and mentoring and all that kind of stuff. So kind of grew up around that. Didn’t pay much attention to it as a lot of teenagers don’t pay much attention to what their parents are doing, but was kind of aware of it. My big brother Dan was involved with my mom in some deals.
00:04:14:22 – 00:04:43:12
Dave Dubeau
They my very first investment was I saved up 200 bucks and at age 12 or 13, invested in a duplex that they were building. Then they finally said that I owned the garbage stoop that was the house that was my ownership, but really didn’t get going in real estate investing until about 2001, when I was actually living down in beautiful San Jose, Costa Rica, at a language training company down there.
00:04:43:14 – 00:05:02:04
Dave Dubeau
Believe it or not, I was kind of a teacher, not a very good teacher. You might get a second language to get those Costa Rican speak in English gooder and basically stumbled into, I guess, what we would call pre foreclosure type deals. Did a couple of those. They made me a few bucks, so that was kind of cool.
00:05:02:06 – 00:05:26:02
Dave Dubeau
And then in 2003, I dragged my poor little Costa Rican family, my Costa Rican wife and her two kids, and said, Hey, we’re going to start things over again from scratch in beautiful Kamloops, British Columbia. And so that’s what we did. But then I had to figure out what was I going to do? I’d been overseas. I’d lived overseas for basically like 14 years, came back to Canada, brand new city.
00:05:26:02 – 00:05:44:05
Dave Dubeau
I’m not from here originally, so no contacts, no credit. I’ve been gone so long, I didn’t have bad credit. I had zero credit. I had never built up any credit. And I’ve been self-employed for over a decade, so I was pretty much unemployable. So there I was trying to figure out what the hell am I going to do to pay the bills.
00:05:44:07 – 00:05:49:04
Dave Dubeau
And that’s when I heard about one of those. You remember those late night infomercials from way back in the day?
00:05:49:06 – 00:05:50:01
Kyle Pearce
00:05:50:06 – 00:06:13:14
Dave Dubeau
Sucking get rich in real estate with little or no money down. I signed me up. Yeah, that’s what I got. Little or no money. Yeah. I hadn’t been able to sell my business of Costa Rica was pretty tight, so I set away for this American gurus how to get rich quick course and put it into play because I was very, very motivated and my initial kind of kick in the can with real estate investing.
00:06:13:14 – 00:06:37:06
Dave Dubeau
Karl was doing 18 creative deals in 18 months, so no money, low money down type stuff. And here’s the big takeaway I had from that, where all the Canadians were saying, Well, that’s American stuff doesn’t work here in Canada. Yes, it does. It does work. Language might be a little bit different. I was very fortunate. I got a good realtor who was open minded, very hard to find those guys.
00:06:37:06 – 00:07:05:13
Dave Dubeau
And he was kind of like, Here’s the wonky thing I want to do. Here’s how they say you can do it in the States. How can we do this? And Kenny said, Yeah, I can’t see. I’ve never seen it before. Can’t see why not, though. So we actually made it up. And so that’s what I did for the first year and a half, got hooked up with a local real estate guru who was just kind of getting rolling with his business, went on board with him, kind of became the director of marketing, took a few years off of active real estate investing myself.
00:07:05:15 – 00:07:26:22
Dave Dubeau
Then fast forward to 2010, got into rent to own type deals. Client First, we’d, we’d find a tenant buyer, buy them a house, and then do a lease option with them for two or three years. And then fast forward a few years, got into multifamily real estate investing not as the active partner, so much more as the on the capital raising side of things for that.
00:07:26:22 – 00:07:36:20
Dave Dubeau
And these days I’m more of a passive investor and helping other what I call mom and pop real estate investors to get started with raising private capital.
00:07:36:22 – 00:07:41:21
Kyle Pearce
Holy smokes, Dave, I wanted to stop you so many times because there’s so many.
00:07:42:01 – 00:07:44:08
Dave Dubeau
Hard to stop me. What should get me started there? No.
00:07:44:10 – 00:07:45:06
Kyle Pearce
And it’s crazy.
00:07:45:06 – 00:07:46:03
Dave Dubeau
It’s funny. What’s up?
00:07:46:09 – 00:08:06:11
Kyle Pearce
I’ve been keeping notes. I’ve been keeping knows. I’m trying to stick with everything I want to roll all the way back. I want to go and I want to talk a little bit about your schoolteacher mother who managed to essentially grow a 50 door port. Folio. Wow. And something you said to where you said you weren’t paying much attention to.
00:08:06:11 – 00:08:26:18
Kyle Pearce
And I think we’re all it’s human nature, right? What’s happening around you? You just sort of think this is just how things are. You’re not thinking of why you’re not thinking of how you landed where you did. It just happened. And then many years later, you kind of circled back. But tell me about your mother. Was she doing creative deals as well?
00:08:26:19 – 00:08:38:15
Kyle Pearce
No. Where was she getting her capital from? How was she able to sort of grow a portfolio that large on what sounds like a single income after it sounds like her and your father had parted ways?
00:08:38:17 – 00:09:02:13
Dave Dubeau
That’s a good question. I’m not absolute sure. I do know she didn’t do any joint ventures. I do know that she was a bit of a slumlord for a while. The properties that she was buying initially, you got to remember this is up in Fort Saint John, British Columbia, a very small town. I think, if memory serves me correctly, she paid $4,000 for her very first house.
00:09:02:15 – 00:09:27:00
Dave Dubeau
Yeah, a little crappy house. So she was buying a few properties like that, and she was self-financing everything. And then she got into buying multifamily property. She actually built one from the ground up. I can’t remember how many units that was, but I think it was close to 20 or something like that in Fort Saint John. So she got financing, construction, financing and stuff like that.
00:09:27:06 – 00:09:51:02
Dave Dubeau
Bought a couple of small apartment buildings in Penticton. And from what I understand, unfortunately, it all came crashing down on her when the eighties, mid eighties and those 18, 19, 20% interest rates came rolling through and the banks called her loans, which was kind of nasty of them. So she ended up losing all of that, going bankrupt, unfortunately.
00:09:51:02 – 00:10:06:11
Dave Dubeau
But good thing she was a schoolteacher because she had the good pension and all that kind of good stuff. And even though even after that, she still kind of kept dabbling in real estate and she moved down to Mexico and lived down there and had a few properties down there and different things like that. So she never really got out of it.
00:10:06:15 – 00:10:06:23
Dave Dubeau
00:10:06:23 – 00:10:34:06
Kyle Pearce
Wow, what a fantastic story. And then you world traveler, I guess essentially you went to a different part of the world and essentially started a life and then came all the way back to Canada. A different part of Canada started from scratch. I got to ask you about this infomercial. Clearly, you were sold on this infomercial, but it sounds like there was something good in there, whether it was just the fact that it got you to act right.
00:10:34:06 – 00:10:52:08
Kyle Pearce
We know that about sometimes investing in something. Oftentimes you’re putting your best your best effort in or your best version of yourself in there. Tell me a little bit more about that. Did that program, do you feel that that program was what you needed at the time? Was it just a motivator to actually do it?
00:10:52:08 – 00:11:16:06
Dave Dubeau
I got the program and I actually went through the entire thing and took massive action on what I learned. It was really interesting because I sent away from that program was like a thousand bucks U.S. or whatever way. But 20 some years ago, right. And then the guru guy actually came through Canada. He was connected with the Real Estate Investment Network at that time.
00:11:16:06 – 00:11:43:14
Dave Dubeau
Rain I don’t know if your Yeah, those guys absolutely. So when Don Campbell was was running all of that so the guru guy came to Edmonton and they put on a really big event and it wasn’t cheap. It was three or four grand or something like that just to attend this event. So I packed up by 75 year old mother took her to this event with me because she was it still got into real estate investing stuff and it was really, really interesting.
00:11:43:14 – 00:12:01:18
Dave Dubeau
There’s like five or 600 people at this thing. Everybody paid a lot of money to be there. And the one thing I remember they did is they split the group up geographically and said, okay, hey everybody from ABC, go over to that corner and network and connect with everybody and and we’ll see if you make any good connections.
00:12:01:18 – 00:12:21:09
Dave Dubeau
So I did that. There’s like 85 of us from B.C in the corner. And of course, I was the only guy from Kamloops. Everybody else was from Vancouver and Victoria and whatnot. But a bunch of people said, Hey, why don’t we get together on a weekly basis and just kind of have a little real estate support group to help us all kind of get going?
00:12:21:09 – 00:12:37:11
Dave Dubeau
And I said, Hey, that sounds great. So of course is going to be in Vancouver, which is about a four hour drive from where I live. But so, hey, I’m in. So we got back and the first weekend I jumped in my I buy houses minivan, which is what I was driving at the time. I love shipped down to Vancouver.
00:12:37:11 – 00:12:55:15
Dave Dubeau
And later there was a good sized group there. There was probably 35 or 40 people altogether in this thing. And we kind of all got together and it turned out I was the only one actually doing anything. So everybody said, okay, well, hey, we’re going to take action. So for next week, everybody make sure you’ve got your business cards done.
00:12:55:17 – 00:13:16:23
Dave Dubeau
Is it business cards done for crazy sake? I got decals all over my car, business cards. I’ve been doing deals for several months. I got I got marketing coming out my ying yang, but okay, whatever. I’ll be supportive. So jump back in the I buy houses minivan, go back to Kamloops. So this is between the event. This is a full day out of my life on a Saturday to go attend this thing next week.
00:13:16:23 – 00:13:38:19
Dave Dubeau
And they decide to do a week, right? Yeah, next week. Jump at the car, drive down, went from 35 or 40 people down to about half. There’s about 20 people left. Zero people had actually got their business cards done. Nobody had done a damn thing in that week. So I’m getting hot under the collar drive back to campus.
00:13:38:19 – 00:14:10:01
Dave Dubeau
Next week. I go down and it’s whittled down to whatever. There’s like six people left. I made the whole trip down there. Still, nobody had done a damn thing except for one lady she had. This is back in the day when the newspapers are still going. We had two big newspapers in the province. We had the Vancouver province and the Vancouver Sun, and they went to the entire province and this dimwit had take it had spent over 1500 or $2,000 to take out a classified ad in both newspapers.
00:14:10:01 – 00:14:29:23
Dave Dubeau
It said, I buy houses, any condition, any price anywhere. And she put that in and she got overwhelmed with calls from the entire province. But she hadn’t cracked the book on what to do with any of these leads or any of this kind of stuff. Oh, yeah. You just got to have what do I do? That’s when I blew my stack and I basically said, You are all idiots.
00:14:30:00 – 00:14:48:11
Dave Dubeau
I am never coming back here again. Take a hike. The whole thing just fizzled out right there. But it was a good learning experience. It’s amazing. You can all so many people going to have the exact same information and education, but it’s all about how motivated are you to take action on it?
00:14:48:13 – 00:15:09:19
Kyle Pearce
Oh, my gosh, absolutely. And I’m sure that you probably look back to that experience and think to yourself, that was early in your journey as well, right? So you are well ahead of where the rest of this group was, but you were probably not anywhere near where you are now, where actually a lot of the work you do is actually mentoring investors in raising capital.
00:15:09:19 – 00:15:30:08
Kyle Pearce
Right. And looking back, I’m going to guess that you look at that group and go, Holy smokes, I could probably do a whole lot with that group nowadays, knowing how to actually guide them and how to sort of nudge them along this journey. But ultimately, at the end of the day, as you said, it really does come down to are you clear on what it is you want?
00:15:30:12 – 00:15:42:03
Kyle Pearce
And then are you able to then back map all the way to the beginning and go, okay, what’s the very next action I need to take? And am I committed to putting the time and the effort into actually doing it.
00:15:42:05 – 00:16:12:04
Dave Dubeau
Actually to account? You are a much warmer, kinder, gentler human being than I am. I am not at all interested in doing that. I’ve tried the coaching and the mentoring a little bit. I don’t have the patience for it. I was a shitty teacher back when I was teaching English. I mean, I don’t have the disposition. That’s why these days, rather than doing coaching and mentoring, we do done for you services, we basically just build everything for our clients, get it up and running for them, run it for them.
00:16:12:06 – 00:16:14:20
Dave Dubeau
That way we know it gets done and gets done right?
00:16:14:22 – 00:16:33:06
Kyle Pearce
Right. Hey, and kudos to you because at the end of the day, I think there are some people that that’s and now I’m just making this connection in the moment here. A little epiphany as we’re chatting that that makes a ton of sense based on your experience in that particular scenario and what it is that you now do for people, right.
00:16:33:06 – 00:16:56:01
Kyle Pearce
And investors in that you’re going, listen, I know that there’s a segment, a large segment of the population that aren’t going to follow through. They’re not going to follow through with the actions that they need to take. And you’re kind of saying, listen, here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to make sure that all these pieces get put into place so that you can do what it is that you need to do.
00:16:56:01 – 00:17:17:18
Kyle Pearce
And there’s no more getting stuck in the mud. So tell us a little bit more about what it is that you are offering. So you have sort of done for you services. And a lot of it is really focused around raising capital. Can you kind of elaborate on that a little bit? Who is that ideal client that you look to serve that could really benefit?
00:17:17:18 – 00:17:21:16
Kyle Pearce
I’m guessing that some of these people that were in that group from way back when.
00:17:21:19 – 00:17:25:12
Dave Dubeau
Nope, none of those people would be my ideal ideal applied.
00:17:25:14 – 00:17:29:02
Kyle Pearce
They’re just they’re just so far from the goal that they’re not ready to do it.
00:17:29:04 – 00:17:52:02
Dave Dubeau
Now we kind of got the Goldilocks scenario. So who we serve the best, Kyle, are everyday people investing in real estate actively so what we call the mom and pop real estate investor who’ve done two or three or five or ten deals and they’ve kind of hit that wall. They’ve run out of cash, they’ve run out of credit to keep growing their portfolios.
00:17:52:02 – 00:18:15:08
Dave Dubeau
So those are the folks that we work with the best. And what we do is we help them to really leverage their sphere of influence, their connections to raise somewhere between 500,000 all the way up to perhaps around $2 million in private capital with joint venture partners. So that’s our sweet spot. We don’t work with the absolute newbies or people that just got one deal under their belt.
00:18:15:08 – 00:18:35:21
Dave Dubeau
We got to have at least two deals done. And we also don’t work with the rock stars. The people that are already syndicating, they’ve already got everything dialed in their professional money lenders. They’re full time, done a gazillion deals type people and have everything all dotted. We’re kind of in the middle there. Goldilocks, not too cold, not too hot, just right.
00:18:35:23 – 00:19:01:22
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. So it sounds like you’re kind of taking people that have already taken it’s almost like they’ve proven by doing a couple deals or more that, hey, I am serious, I’m invested in this. I’m going to do the necessary work to get me started. And then now what you’re able to do is almost help to create a clear path for them towards that higher end rock star as you sort of elaborated or described them as.
00:19:02:01 – 00:19:22:00
Dave Dubeau
Because most of us get into real estate investing not to have one or two properties in our portfolio. Most people get into real estate investing to create significant passive income. A lot of people would just love to quit the job and focus on real estate full time. Well, to do that, you have to build up your portfolio, You have to have more doors, you have to have more units.
00:19:22:02 – 00:19:41:13
Dave Dubeau
And the way you do that is you raise capital. You have to bring on joint venture partners, raise private capital, whatever that looks like. Most mom and pop real estate investors are not at the stage where they’re going to start syndicating deals and they’re going to start their own fund right away. They’re going to bring on joint venture partners and grow it that way.
00:19:41:13 – 00:19:59:13
Dave Dubeau
So that’s what we help people do. And then most folks are really busy, right? I mean, a lot of the people that were working with are like you were a few years ago, kind of like they’re still working out their job full time. They’re self-managing their portfolio. They got families and kids, they got trying to have a little bit of a life outside of all of this.
00:19:59:13 – 00:20:18:07
Dave Dubeau
So the last thing they really want is another job, which is figuring out how to set up a capital marketing machine, right? So that’s where we kind of come in and we set that all up for them. We plan it out, we build it, we get it up and running, we keep managing it for them. Those are the services that we read.
00:20:18:09 – 00:20:37:10
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. And so if anyone’s interested in exploring this, let’s start dropping some of we’ve already mentioned the Property Prophets podcast. Those who are listening to this podcast, Hey, how convenient is that? Pull out your phone, have a peek. Definitely worth a listen. I love the target audience.
00:20:37:10 – 00:20:39:04
Dave Dubeau
So House Call, that was a really good one.
00:20:39:06 – 00:20:42:03
Kyle Pearce
Yeah. You know what? Probably the best one I’ve ever.
00:20:42:05 – 00:20:44:11
Dave Dubeau
Heard the other guest feelings. But you nailed it.
00:20:44:13 – 00:21:04:02
Kyle Pearce
Yeah, that’s awesome. I, I so appreciated the time. And for those who are looking now to really what I really like about it is really you’re highlighting a lot of the ideal client, those mom and pop sort of investors as you had mentioned. So you have a lot of people who are coming in and they have done a lot of great things.
00:21:04:02 – 00:21:25:14
Kyle Pearce
So it’s very inspirational to those who maybe are just getting started. It’s also motivational to those who have a couple under their belt and they are looking to scale. And these people are they’re movers and shakers. They’re starting to get things rolling. Sometimes they’re a part of your programs, which is fantastic. And of course, there’s always something to learn through other people’s stories, right?
00:21:25:14 – 00:21:44:03
Kyle Pearce
When you see yourself in others, it can be helpful for you to kind of maybe overcome a challenge or just to motivate you to try to do what they’re doing because you’re going, Hey, if they can do it, I must be able to do it too, right? So I got to get myself started. So, Dave, tell me a little bit more just to give people a sneak peek.
00:21:44:05 – 00:22:04:24
Kyle Pearce
You have your three part money partner formula in a nutshell. What’s that all about? You’ve talked about at a very high level in terms of who you look to serve and who you’re trying to help to raise that capital. What does that look like and sound like for somebody who is maybe going, Hey, that sounds an awful lot like me and I want to learn more about this?
00:22:05:01 – 00:22:28:14
Dave Dubeau
Yeah, well, I mean, the money partner formula. Jesus, I’ve got books about that and full on trainings all about that. But at a high level, it’s basically three parts. The first part is what we call the foundation, just like a good building, a good piece of real estate. And that foundation has three steps in. The first step is creating what we call your ideal investor Black book.
00:22:28:14 – 00:22:55:20
Dave Dubeau
Who are your ideal investor prospects? Where are they going and getting them and putting them all in one place so we can communicate with them. Second, part of the foundation is creating what I call your investor focused website, so a way that you can communicate with people, you can attract people to you instead of chasing after them. And third part of the foundation is really important, and that is what we call your big check pitch deck, right?
00:22:55:20 – 00:23:14:15
Dave Dubeau
Because when you get people interested and they want to see what you’re up to, what you’re doing is real estate investing. You want to be able to show them something that gets them enrolled, gets them interested without having to be salesy or high pressure or manipulative. So those are the three parts of the foundation. Once we got that in place, then we’re ready to launch, we’re ready to press go.
00:23:14:17 – 00:23:37:16
Dave Dubeau
And that also has three steps. The first step there is to do what we call a connection resurrection, where we reconnect with those ideal investor prospects before we start pitching deals. Because a really big mistake I made back in the day was I listened to some damn guru who said, Hey, just find the deal and the money will find you.
00:23:37:18 – 00:24:01:12
Dave Dubeau
So that’s what I did. The money did not magically find me. So I started spamming everybody in cold, calling everybody I knew desperately trying to raise capital and I didn’t raise it. Lost the deal and turned off a lot of really good prospective investors. So we help our clients to avoid that dumb, dumb mistake that Dave made by reconnecting with people and setting the stage for the marketing communications.
00:24:01:12 – 00:24:36:10
Dave Dubeau
So once we got that in place, that whole connection resurrection, then it’s a matter of getting a whole bunch of practice runs under your belt with actual prospective investors. We call that our ninja strategy because it’s kind of a stealthy way to get going and quite often raise your first six figures in a couple of weeks. And at the same time we get things rolling with your money magnet marketing and that is what I call constant, consistent edu taining communication where you’re drip, drip, dripping on people, getting them to put up their hand, getting them curious and booking appointments on your calendar.
00:24:36:12 – 00:24:54:21
Dave Dubeau
So they’re coming to you pre educated, pre motivated, predisposed to best you don’t have to chase after them. So that is the launch phase. And then the third phase, the last phase is the leverage phase. So once you got everything up and running, chugging along nicely, now it’s time to leverage things. And the first step in that is to do a webinar.
00:24:54:21 – 00:25:17:23
Dave Dubeau
So one too many presentations. That is just a one on one presentations. Leverage your time, do a chat with ten or 15 people all at the same time. Get people enrolled kind of en masse that way. And then we have the capital continuity. So really dialing things in with your marketing, staying top of mind with that, educating communication, getting those meetings booked on your calendar.
00:25:18:00 – 00:25:41:06
Dave Dubeau
And then the last part is amplifying your authority, being seen as an actual real estate expert. Right? Because as you know, Carl, I know you’re bringing on investor partners and joint ventures and whatnot. In order for people to invest with you, they need to know you. They need to like you and they need to trust you. So this authority amplifier, because it kind of does all three of those lots of different ways to do that.
00:25:41:08 – 00:25:54:08
Dave Dubeau
But flapping your lips on a podcast is a very good way. That’s one quick shortcut there for doing that. So that’s in a very, very high level. What this old money partner formula looks like. Foundation launch and leverage.
00:25:54:14 – 00:26:16:16
Kyle Pearce
I love it. I love it. And when you map it out that way, I’m sure there’s many people who are listening and going, Oh, that makes a ton of sense. And again, I’m a firm believer that people we are humans, humans are smart. And if you are dedicated, if you’re committed to something, you can make it happen. But what I’m hearing in how you’ve mapped this journey out, we talk about this quite a bit.
00:26:16:16 – 00:26:36:11
Kyle Pearce
You have sort of two options. You can do things on your own and self teach yourself, but that might take you a really long time to do it. Some people might be a little shorter, right? If you’re dedicated and committed. And what’s the only thing you do? Eat, sleep and drink. All of this learning fantastic. It’s still going to take you quite a while.
00:26:36:13 – 00:27:02:11
Kyle Pearce
So having a nice blueprint laid out for you, a nice foundation, so to speak, to build off of and to grow from there. Just to cut down that time and allow you to have a little bit of that guidance along the way is such a massive, massive help. So I want to on behalf of the investor community, thank you for what you offer to our network of listeners and those who are looking to grow.
00:27:02:13 – 00:27:22:06
Kyle Pearce
Dave, before we ask you to share where people can find out more about you aside from your podcasts, if they’re looking to reach out from you, I would love to know if people walk away from this podcast today and they can only take away one big message, one big takeaway. What are you hoping that they’ll take away when they think of?
00:27:22:08 – 00:27:34:02
Kyle Pearce
Dave Dubbo was on the Canadian Wealth Secrets podcast and I learned blank What are you hoping that they’ll walk away remembering that they learned from this conversation here today?
00:27:34:04 – 00:27:42:00
Dave Dubeau
Hopefully that massive, imperfect action will be perfect procrastination any day of the week.
00:27:42:02 – 00:28:17:12
Kyle Pearce
Well, that is beautiful. I love that line. Massive, imperfect action will beat Massive. Perfect. You said procrastination. I was going to say inaction, but procrastination any day of the week and a 100% my friend, that is such a key line. So friends, get out there, do something, get started on your journey, whether it’s getting some help from someone like Dave, from the Canadian Wealth Secrets team or any of the other tools that are out there that might be just the next step for you in that journey.
00:28:17:17 – 00:28:28:24
Kyle Pearce
Make sure you get started. Dave, thanks again for joining us here. Where can people find you? Aside from the Property Prophets podcast, where are they going to find you on the web.
00:28:29:01 – 00:28:43:00
Dave Dubeau
Money partner Formula dot com Money Partner formula Dotcom. We got some free stuff there. You can book a call. There’s tons of content that’s the best place money partner formula dot com Awesome.
00:28:43:00 – 00:28:50:04
Kyle Pearce
Thanks again there Dave and hey looking forward to continuing our great conversations that we’ve been having here over the past couple of months.
00:28:50:09 – 00:28:51:18
Dave Dubeau
Thank you, my friend. Take care.
00:28:51:18 – 00:29:16:24
Kyle Pearce
Go while my friends. Awesome, awesome conversation here with Dave. I hope that you found some value in that conversation and hopefully you’ve gone over and seek out his podcast because guess what? You’re listening to this one, whether you’re on YouTube watching us, or whether you’re listening on Apple or Spotify or whatever it is that you’re doing, go over, give him a follow.
00:29:17:00 – 00:29:40:20
Kyle Pearce
But hey, let’s pause for a second. Make sure that you give our podcast to follow if you haven’t yet. Remember leaving a five star rating in review. Okay, okay. Let’s be honest. If you don’t think it’s five star, be honest about your rating. But the review and the rating that you do leave is really helpful for the algorithm to understand who they should be sharing these episodes with.
00:29:41:01 – 00:30:12:08
Kyle Pearce
So do us that favor. It means the world to us. Hey, go find us on Linked In. That’s where a lot of you invested students hang out, so find us on LinkedIn. We’ve got a company page as well. You can follow each of the Canadian Wealth Secretss on LinkedIn. I’m Kyle Pierce. You’ve got Matt Bigley and you’ve got John or I know that they ditched you for this episode, but go give them a follow and connect with them on LinkedIn so we can keep this conversation going.
00:30:12:10 – 00:30:33:01
Kyle Pearce
Of course, if you are curious, you’re trying to get those wheels moving and you’re not sure where to start. Book a discovery call with us the Canadian Wealth Secretss over at Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash discovery. I’m going to tell you we can help you with a number of things, most of which are things that we can’t actually be compensated for.
00:30:33:01 – 00:30:54:22
Kyle Pearce
So we love having the conversations. We love guiding people in the network to do the best that they can do. And we know that the value we provide to the world is going to pay us dividends in the long run. So that’s what we’re all about. We’re all about helping because guess what? When there is something that we can help your network with, we know you’re going to point them towards us.
00:30:54:24 – 00:31:18:04
Kyle Pearce
So we are there for you to help you take the next step in your journey, whether it’s something that we can directly assist you with in actually execute eating or whether we will push you off to someone that we know is going to be the right person to handle your situation. The end of 2023 is near. As you’re listening to this episode, you’ve got just over a month left.
00:31:18:04 – 00:31:38:07
Kyle Pearce
And guess what? Something that I’ve been helping a lot of high income and high net worth individuals with is making sure that you save on your taxes. So, hey, if you’re worried about taxes or you’re thinking about holy smokes, I pay a lot of them. Definitely book a call. We’ve got compliance strategies that are unique. They are not typical.
00:31:38:07 – 00:31:57:12
Kyle Pearce
So if you have a CPA, we’re not going to tell you to get rid of your CPA. We’re going to help to teach your CPA so that you can maximize the income that you’re bringing in, be it passive through a corporation, be it active through your corporation, or, hey, maybe it’s just income that you’re earning from a T for a job with the golden handcuffs.
00:31:57:12 – 00:32:21:17
Kyle Pearce
Regardless, get over to Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash discovery because guess what something I know for certain is that hey, if you can save up to half of the money that you are earning, that usually goes to taxes. If you can save that 50%, that’s a lot easier than trying to double say, your investments so that you can make up for the 50% that you’re giving away.
00:32:21:17 – 00:33:08:17
Kyle Pearce
So take the easy, safe route, which is paying less in taxes in compliant ways. Book a call Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash discovery and I can’t wait to hang out with you soon. Remember shownotes links to resources and all of the other goodies are over on the website. Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash episode 50. That’s right it is Canadian Wealth Secrets dot com forward slash Episode five zero for this episode and hey students it’s that time class dismissed.
00:33:08:19 – 00:33:32:01
Kyle Pearce
Just a reminder the content is for informational purposes only that we share on these episodes. So do not construe any such information or other material as legal tax, investment, financial or other advice. Each of you are unique individuals and you should seek out help from professionals. If you’re looking for some tax and investment advice, you can definitely reach out to us.
00:33:32:06 – 00:34:09:06
Kyle Pearce
But do not take anything from this show directly and try to apply it without first speaking to a professional. As a reminder, Matt Bigley is a licensed realtor in the province of Ontario with Deer Brook Realty. John or is a mortgage agent with Brix Mortgage. His license number is m23006803 and myself, Kyle Pierce. I am a licensed life and accident and sickness insurance agent with corporate advisors Pan Financial and the merger of those two companies called Pan Corp. And we are located in Ontario.
00:34:09:12 – 00:34:10:08
Kyle Pearce
We’ll see you next time.
"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
—Malcolm X

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